Wednesday, October 26, 2016

“Test swallow”: the experts commented on the blocking of the social network LinkedIn Moskovsky Komsomolets

Earlier it emerged that the court issued the corresponding resolution in August because of the law on personal data

Today at 09:30, views: 2708

the Message on the intention of Roskomnadzor to block LinkedIn social essence was the beginning of refusal of Russia from foreign social networks in favor of domestic services: such is the conclusion of most experts and commentators on the Internet.

Recall that, according to the press-Secretary of Roscomnadzor Vadim Ampelonskiy, the block reason should be the fact that the social network not moved the servers to Russia, and in addition, transmits the personal data of citizens who are not network users, without their consent.

Roskomnadzor twice could not get a response from the social network, in the end, the court issued a decision to block in August, it became known about it only now, however, because it has not yet entered.

Lawyer Pavel Chikov, commenting on the situation in Facebook, expressed confidence that the social network “of course, tablecat”. After it will send a warning to Twitter and Facebook, and those will have to cooperate with the Russian authorities, either also be the lock.

Chikov reminded that, unlike the Russian “Vkontakte”, whose administration actively cooperates with law enforcement agencies, resulting in hundreds of criminal cases for the posts, reposts and likes from foreign social network from such a dialogue refuse.

After social media, thought the lawyer, the state will finally implement other Russian services, which will try to replace foreign: from messengers to the actual local of the Internet, made familiar for today Network analogue of the DarkNet, available now through the Tor browser. At the same time as his visit and anonymizers are likely to be criminalized.

With a grim Outlook chikova agreed and the author of the authoritative Telegram-channel Nesigur. He also noted that “Vkontakte” is “transparent” for intelligence, which is, in his opinion, one of the main reasons attempts to block.

“It’s such a stress test — said in the recording channel. Respectively chose and the social network, which sit white-collar workers, can not on any protest (in fact, most of it publicly and approve the closure of the network), and with another — is able to use any anonymizers that he did not create most of the problems to chat there. So this is a test ingestion for society”.

against this background, the optimist made an employee of the Fund of struggle against corruption Leonid Volkov. He recalled that while in the West, particularly in the IT industry of USA, LinkedIn is an “industry standard”, in Russia popularity she never received. However, even such an unpopular service authorities announce in advance a lock, because “fear!”, unlike the already familiar block sites.

While wolves confident that “there is no mandate to ban any there Facebook from RKN as there was no and no. But the significant ban LinkedIn they hope to strengthen its negotiating position before the new round of talks with foreign it companies on the localization of personal data in Russia.”


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