Sunday, November 30, 2014

Bears are back in the Chernobyl after centuries of absence – Business Course

The scientists showed the first photographic evidence of that in the Chernobyl exclusion zone returned brown bears .

The images were obtained using camera traps installed in order to help understand how radiation exposure affects the lives of animals now near the nuclear power plant.

Brown Bears have not seen in this area for over a century, although from time to time there are signs of their possible presence.

The exclusion zone – the territory which has undergone intensive contaminated as a result of the Chernobyl accident.

“Our Ukrainian counterpart Sergei Gashchak established several camera traps to see what happens to the wildlife in the exclusion zone,” – says the project manager of Mike Wood Salford University.

It is in images taken with one of these cameras in October, can see the brown bear.

“Until this has been suggested that brown bears live in the area, however, To our knowledge, no one had not been able to obtain evidence of their presence, “- says Dr. Wood.

Animals in the exclusion zone
According to the theory researchers, animals were responding evacuation of people from Chernobyl, and hence the risks associated with them.

In addition, according to scientists, could change the habits of animals and because of the pollution.

The researchers come from the that the animals react to the environment in various ways. Different types of their preferences: many tend to be closer to the river, while others live in the woods.

Scientists are trying to figure out how to change the preferences of contamination in food and animal habitat.
Subsequently, several animals of the same species will establish collars with a GPS-signal

After the explosion in April 1986, which is considered the world’s largest nuclear power plant accident, more than 110,000 people were displaced from their homes beyond the 30-kilometer zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant .

In the following years this place has become the most important source of information for research on the effects of radioactive contamination.

The team Dr. Wood is studying how to “reduce uncertainty in risk assessment for human and animal related to radiation exposure, and remove unnecessary conservatism in the calculation of risk “.

photo-traps and collars with GPS
To get an idea of ​​animals found in the exclusion zone, the team divided the investigated zone on three areas: high, medium and low pollution.
Before the accident in the current exclusion zone lived about 120 thousand people

In these areas have been established 84 cameras. Of them – 14 cameras constantly working in each area.

“Many areas in the exclusion zone is quite overgrown. If you do not remove the grass, for example, you will never see how past run rabbits or foxes” – says Dr. Wood.

Dr. Wood and a team of researchers will continue to work with photo-traps before the end of 2015.

“After we finished exploring what animals and how many are found in the exclusion zone, we will be able to choose one particular type of observation and proceed to the capture of animals. We will set collars with a GPS-signal on these animals, as well as measuring equipment so that we can track their movements on the exclusion zone during the year and also to measure the level of radiation “, – says the scientist.

Scientists hope that in this way will be able to check on the performance of its terrain models showing the effect of a given level of radiation contamination on living organisms.

Mark Kinver


Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thin, light and robust armor future of graphene – Softcraze

graphene According to the information published in the journal Science, US researchers want to make the armor of a new generation of material graphene. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts believe that the material is unique because of its properties. It is ideal for creating a protective snaryazheniya- has reliability, ease and flexibility at the same time.

Graphene dimensional allotropic modification of carbon, which consists of atomic layer thickness of 10 mm., Connected σ- and π bonds.

Scientists have conducted tests of the test material by shooting bullets in a small silicon wafer graphene. It was found that the material thickness of one atom absorbs high energy shock much better than steel. Graphene dissipates this energy taking the form of a cone, in which cracks are formed in different directions from the site of impact. The material is able to withstand 8-10 times more momentum than steel. The disadvantages of a material is the fact that after being hit by a bullet in the plate holes appear. However, scientists believe that the lack of identified during testing can be eliminated by attaching additional material to graphene.

Graphene – a thin, high-strength and heat-resistant material which has unusual properties of thermal conductivity. It managed to synthesize in 2004
Konstantin Novoselov and Andre Geim of Manchester University won the Nobel Prize for studying the properties of graphene in 2010.

Tags: armor, graphite, easy, reliable, scientific development, durable, steel

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American scientists have promised to make ultra-thin armor of graphene – Interfax



Moscow. November 30th. INTERFAX.RU – American scientists from the University of Massachusetts said that the two-dimensional graphene crystals that make up a thickness of only one atom may be useful for creating armor. Relevant research published in the journal Science Magazine .

According to them, graphene can withstand stronger shocks than steel. To find out, it was necessary to conduct an experiment in which graphene sheets fired balls of silicon. It was found that graphene dissipates impact energy in a cone shape. If the force of the impact is too great, the substance “breaks” in all directions from the point of application of force.

Studies have shown that graphene is superior in strength steel 8-10 times.

A potential drawback of the substance may be the fact that “shells” leave wider apertures input than steel. Scientists hope to combine graphene with other materials, to solve this problem.

Graphene is a carbon crystals one atom thick. In 2004, he became the first two-dimensional crystal, obtained by man. In 2010, researchers from the University of Manchester Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov received the Nobel Prize for graphene research.


Friday, November 28, 2014

US scientists create armor of graphene – Club Industry Journalism

The unique material graphene will be used to make bullet-proof protective equipment, say scientists.

Such a conclusion was made by experts from the United States after the implementation of a number of studies. For example, they tested the strength of a sheet of graphene, shooting him several times with special bullets made of glass. It was found that a layer of material capable of absorbing high energy shock became much more efficient. The results of their experiments, the researchers published in the scientific journal Science.

After a ballistic test, it became known that graphene, due to their properties (strength, elasticity, a huge force) is able to absorb the momentum is 10 times stronger than steel or iron.

The new “miracle material” has only one drawback. As a result of falling shells in it formed small holes. But scientists claim that soon will be able to connect with other components of graphene that will get rid of the problem.

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Thursday, November 27, 2014

UV is covered by the sanctions? – Novostinauki


 It seems that the rumors are confirmed that went before – E2V priostnoavlivaet electronics supply to the receivers of international ultraviolet observatory “Spektr-UF” = World Space Observatory – Ultraviole
Commercials before 2020 will not fly: (

From the site ITAR TASS:

МОСКВА, November 27th. / TASS /. The US State Department hinders the realization of an international project to build an orbiting observatory “Spektr -UV. “It is reported by the newspaper” Izvestia “referring to the director of the Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences Boris Shustov.
scientist explained that the US Department of State imposed a ban on exports to Russia radiation-resistant components used in devices for the detection of radiation. Prohibition affected the contract for the production of radiation detectors, which the Russian side has signed with the British firm E2V.

“The English do radiation detector itself, but the electronic” tying “of radiation-resistant components created using American parts – Shustov said “Izvestia”. – Permission to export these items in Russia they could not get. “” The British we are assured that the necessary details can make yourself, but asked for permission to extend the contract for a year and a half, “- said the director of the Institute of Astronomy.


Life on Mars was destroyed by aliens – Express-News

Post Image

27.11 | 20:17

An interesting hypothesis made by American physicist John Brandenburg. He believes that the cause of death of life on Mars has become a nuclear explosion committed by some aliens. Professor of physics of plasma particles sure that a similar fate may befall our Earth.
 In one of his books specialist in propulsion technology states that in the immediate vicinity of our planet located unfriendly force or being aggressive-minded towards young civilizations like ours. This was the cause of a nuclear attack on Mars, said John Brandenburg.
 The doctor is convinced that the color of the planet indicates that the celestial body was exposed to attack. The first explosion wiped Mars Cydonia and the second Utopia.


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Vaccine against Ebola virus has successfully passed clinical trials – to Pravda.Ru

According to Tass, it was tested on 20 volunteers, as a result, scientists have positive results: the immune system of each of the patients develop antibodies to the beginning Ebola virus. In this case, no side effects, except for short-term rise in temperature in the two volunteers were found.

It is planned that on December 2, Barack Obama will visit the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which is developing a vaccine to personally thank the scientists fighting with life-threatening illness. In 2015, Obama plans to urge Congress to provide additional budgetary resources to combat fever.

Let us recall the victims of the virus, according to the latest WHO data, become 5.7 thousand people. Most of the dead – in the states of West Africa: Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea. Another 16,000 people are infected. In the United States, four cases of Ebola, including one fatal, in Spain – one case of the disease.

“The mortality rate is 37.4%. The cases are registered among medical staff – 549 medical workers affected by Ebola 311 of them – with fatal consequences. According to WHO experts, the increase in cases in Guinea has stabilized in Liberia observed decline in activity of the epidemic process, while in Sierra Leone the situation continues to deteriorate, “- said in Rospotrebnadzor.

See also:

Viruses in an ambush. Ebola resting

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation will soon begin testing the drug against Ebola virus

Ebola in the world infected more than five thousand people

Read the latest news on today

Ebola brings death to the planet


US put a stick in the “cosmic wheel” of Russia by blocking the supply of equipment for the space observatory – Moskovsky Komsomolets

Roscosmos happened precedent has already been called – is still the prohibition applies only to dual-use devices

Today, at 03:53, Views: 945

The US authorities continue to “sting” Russia, coming up with all sorts of new sanctions, prohibitions and restrictions. And here’s another “pearl” of the State Department – Office imposed a ban on exports to Russia radiation-resistant components used in devices for detection of radiation. And in order to disrupt the construction of Russian international orbiting observatory “Spektr-UV”.

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Photo: Mikhail Kovalev

In other words, the US is trying to block the implementation of large-scale international project to create an orbiting observatory” Spektr-UV “, ceasing to supply Russia with the aforementioned devices for the detection of radiation which use American components that are resistant to radiation. This is the director of the Institute of Astronomy of RAS Boris Shustov.

“In our country, we can not make ourselves high radiation detectors, including in the ultraviolet range. Therefore, we were forced to permit Roscosmos contract with British firm E2V, make a prepayment. But this year, the United States introduced additional restrictions on the supply of high-tech products in Russia, and it affected our contract. The British do radiation detector itself, but the electronic “tying” of radiation-resistant components created using American parts. Permission to export these items in Russia they could not get “- quoted a scientist” Izvestia “.

According to the head of the Institute of Astronomy in E2V nevertheless do not want to interrupt the contract to avoid paying a penalty.

“The English do radiation detector itself, but the electronic” tying “of radiation-resistant components created using American parts – said Shustov” Izvestia “. – Permission to export these items in Russia they could not get. “” The British we are assured that the necessary details can make yourself, but asked for permission to extend the contract for 1.5 years “- quoted the director of the Institute of Astronomy TASS.

E2V – developer and manufacturer of electronic equipment used in scientific, medical and military purposes. Before the company was called English Electric Valve Company. It produces radar systems, x-ray machines, laser equipment. The company’s clients – Airbus, Boeing, Raytheon , Siemens and others.

According to a source of “Izvestia” Roskosmos, the case with the device “Spectrum-UV” can be considered as a precedent, since before that the Americans do not block the supply of components for scientific apparatus. In this case, suppliers spacecraft broadcast was possible to obtain an export permit in Russia until recently.

“Politics is interfering in everything and everywhere, it is naive to believe that science exists in some separate pure world,” – said Shustov.

Note that US exports (including part of US – for example, authenticated or adjustment in the US) details of which can be used in systems for military and dual-use is governed by ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations) – a set of rules established by the US government for export of goods and services of a defensive nature. In accordance with the rules ITAR export of electronic-component base (ECB) categories of military (for use in military systems) and space (radiation hardened components) in the Russian Federation is possible with the permission of the US State Department – that this “loophole” took advantage of the Office to once again “punish” Russia for the intractability.

According to the source in the Russian Space Agency, until the summer of last year, the Americans looked at the ECB for Russian deliveries of dual-use through your fingers, if only it was not about the components used in the systems of offensive weapons . In the early summer of 2013, when the question arose with Snowden and Syria, the Americans have made it clear that the mode of supply may change: then they banned the supply of components for the spacecraft, “Geo-IK-2″, calling it a war (appointment system – geodetic measurements high precision, its owner – the Defense Ministry). Later it was reported to ban the supply of components for GLONASS, but official confirmation has not been made.

“The Americans are trying to cut us from the products of new technologies. In contrast to the political and financial interventions technological sanctions resemble an iceberg – most of them part is not visible. That is, some measures are announced, and some of you will know at the last moment, when half of the satellite is built. Exactly what happened with E2V. But in such a situation is not one Russian. Those who threaten such measures , should unite and develop critical technologies together. The only way to avoid the consequences of technological colonialism “- said a member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics Tsiolkovsky Andrew, son of John.

Astrophysical Observatory” Spectrum-UV “is intended for observation of the reach of for ground-based telescopes ultraviolet portion of the spectrum. The main tool of the device – a space telescope with a primary mirror diameter of 1.7 meters – will be equipped with a spectrograph of high and low resolution cameras and to obtain high-resolution spectra and construction of high-quality images in the ultraviolet range. “Spectrum-UV” in its capabilities close to the American space telescope “Hubble”.

In the Russian-led project also involved foreign countries, including Spain and Germany – is the scientific part of the Russian Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences. Also in project involved Complutense University of Madrid and the German Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the University of Tübingen.

According to the portal “St. Petersburg Diary” launch “Spectrum-UV” previously planned for 2016, but in light of recent events, this date postponed indefinitely. According Shustova launch will take place no earlier than 2020.


NASA called terrestrial shrimp key to finding alien life – BFM.Ru

may study the inhabitants of the Caribbean closer to unraveling the scientists

Experts from NASA claim that the shrimp from the Caribbean may open the way for researchers to study life on other planets. Details leads CNN. See also: In NASA promised to get in touch with aliens after 20 years

We are talking about a shrimp Rimicaris hybisae. They live in hydrothermal vents at a depth of 7,500 feet, where the water meets the hot magma. According to scientists, it is – the key to the study of life forms characteristic of extreme habitats.

The water in these places is cool enough to live shrimp in it. They feed on bacteria in the vents, inside which the temperature, on the contrary, very high, and these hot streams are pulled out. Once these microorganisms can survive in such difficult conditions on the ground, it may make sense to draw an analogy with other planets. As an example, NASA leads Jupiter with its icy satellites – Europe, where, presumably, may be the ocean.

Scientists have wondered if the shrimp feed on bacteria, what you need by bacteria? According to scientists, they get their energy from the chemical reaction. “An animal that could survive in Europe, largely depends on the actual amount of energy emitted by hydrothermal vents,” – says Emma Verstizh, an employee of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

In the summer it was reported that NASA allocates 25 million dollars to study in Europe. Scientists believe that the ocean can be located under the icy surface of the satellite, and its waters may hide myself in extraterrestrial life.


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

In Siberia, a prototype fusion reactor – Russian newspaper

Novosibirsk scientists plan to create a working prototype fusion reactor for the next five years.

According to “Interfax”, referring to the Deputy Director for Research of the Novosibirsk Institute of Nuclear Physics of Alexander Ivanov, the work produced by the reactor will be based on the principle of gas-dynamic trap.

See also

– We need to actually build a prototype fusion plant here in Akademgorodok, we have accumulated a large database of individuals and a lot of technology, – said Alexander Ivanov.

Over the years, the Novosibirsk nuclear physicists are constantly engaged in practices and research in this area, and it is currently fully prepared to work on construction reactor.

The construction will be spent part of the grant of the Russian Science Foundation, won this year’s Institute, and the Ministry of Education to grant 160 million rubles and means of contract execution. The total cost of the project is 500 million rubles.

According to the scientist, the premise for the future prototype fusion reactor has a strong radiation protection, but as a fuel for the prototype will be used by the hydrogen isotope deuterium, tritium rather than leading to greater emission of neutrons.

According to the scientist prototype can be used as a fusion reactor, and as a neutron source for conventional nuclear fission reactor, in particular – for the processing of radioactive waste. Unlike classical nuclear reactor prototype will not be used to generate electricity.


BlackBerry offers to exchange the iPhone Passport – Ferra

The company has organized BlackBerry trade-in program for its latest smartphone BlackBerry Passport. It involves the exchange of the iPhone and BlackBerry Passport aims to stimulate iPhone owners to switch to a new smartphone BlackBerry. As part of the iPhone owners can receive up to $ 400 for your device (it is about the iPhone 6, older models are cheaper), as well as $ 150 extra on BlackBerry. By the way, the smartphone BlackBerry Passport fell to US $ 599 to $ 499. In order to participate in this program, of course, need to purchase BlackBerry Passport to the manufacturer’s website or on Amazon. This trade-in program will be held from 1 December 2014 to 13 February 2015 in the United States and Canada.

Recall smartphone BlackBerry Passport notable for its unusual square shape and the presence of QWERTY-keyboard. The device is equipped with a 4.5-inch touchscreen display with a resolution of 1440 x 1440 pixels, built on a quad-core 2.2 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 800 is equipped with 3 GB of RAM and 32 GB of internal memory, as well as 13-megapixel main and a 2-megapixel The front facing camera. The smartphone is running BlackBerry 10.3 and first received an application BlackBerry Blend, which allows you to transfer information to other smartphones and tablets, and desktop computers based on the operating system Windows, iOS, Mac and Android.


Monday, November 24, 2014

Union “docked with the International Space Station and delivered to the station a new expedition – BFM.Ru

The crew grew up to 6 people

The Russian manned spacecraft “Soyuz TMA-15M” docked with the ISS. He delivered to the station international crew, the press service of the Russian Space Agency. See also: Approved by the crew of a new expedition to the ISS

«Soyuz TMA-15M”, “docked” to a small research module “Rassvet” of the Russian segment of the ISS at 05:48 MSK. Convergence process was carried out in an automatic mode. After that, the crew of the “Union” opened hatches and moved to the ISS.

The current ISS crew has increased to six. By Roscosmos cosmonauts Alexander Samokutyaevu and Elena Serova, and NASA astronaut Barry Wilmore joined Commander Anton Shkaplerov flight engineer Samantha Kristoferetti (European Space Agency) and Terry Vertsom Administration (NASA).

The updated crew will work with the cargo vehicle “Progress M-25M”, “Progress M-26M”, “Progress M-27M” European cargo spacecraft ATV-5 «Georges Lemaitre» truck and Japanese HTV-5 «Kounotori»; prepare for the return to Earth of three crew members on the “Soyuz TMA-14M”; will take part in operations management docking “Soyuz TMA-16M” with the ISS to a small research module «Search».

In addition, the work plan includes an extensive program of scientific and applied research and experiments in various fields: space biotechnology , biomedical research, remote sensing, etc. In total, during the expedition astronauts will conduct 59 experiments Roscosmos. Cosmonauts and astronauts also will support the operation of the ISS station and retrofit equipment delivered by cargo ships.

The planned duration of the crew on board the ISS is 169 days, noted in Roskosmos.


Sunday, November 23, 2014

Artificial intelligence test will be held «Lovalace 2.0», defines creativity – Neelov

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American programmer Mark Turing developed a new version of the “Turing Test”, created in the 1950s by the legendary scientist Alan Turing for the evaluation of artificial intelligence for the presence of creative talents.

The new test, called not only evaluates the capabilities of your computer in computer operations and mathematical calculations, and determines whether the machine to create, something new, to embody his own idea.

An early version of the test supposed conversation between man and machine, in which the computer was needed to convince the recipient that he deals with a real person. Riedl decided to go a little bit on the other side to this analysis and laid in the task of its new product creative component.

Now the machine to successfully overcome the test must manifest itself in several forms of art – to draw a picture, write a poem and make a literary work on one of the suggested topics.

It is believed that the presence of creativity, is the main difference between this individual intelligence of the written program. Now, if any, or the computer will be able to pass the “Lovalace 2.0.”, It proves the ability of artificial intelligence have its own mind and personality.

We can only hope that the wait for the first robot able to “dream” and “dream” remains very long.

See also:


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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Artificial intelligence will take the test to check the creative abilities – Neelov

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A team of researchers from the United States has developed a unique test with which becomes possible to estimate the level of artificial creativity intelligence. Led a group of scientists who have created “Lovelace 2.0″, the famous American expert in information technology Marc Riedl.

The test is to provide the ability to check your computer to demonstrate their creative abilities. To do this, the program must demonstrate their creativity in several art forms: poetry (write a poem), painting (draw a picture) or make artwork on one of those.

Scientists are confident creativity, is precisely the criterion that determines the presence of independent intelligence. For this test, a new job is not provided by the decision of puzzles and perform complex calculations, and the ability to create and create something completely new, something that can not be programmed in the design.

For the first time such a test was set up in 1950 . He was named the Turing Test, in honor of the author’s ideas. In this version of the test to assess the AI ​​task was to convince the computer to the other party that the conversation with him is a living person, not a machine.

See also:




Krikalev: Russia is not exactly build a new spacecraft by 2018 – Neelov

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Sergei Krikalev, well-known former test pilot and hero of the Soviet Union, made a criticism of all employees of national astronautics. The deputy head of TsNIIMASH for orbital flights on manned spacecraft confidently stated that the current development situation in the country’s space industry on any new ship Russia should not count.

Krikalev led just two examples of fully characterizing the situation as a whole.

The first concerns the construction announced in 2005 the ship “Clipper”. Its first test flight was scheduled for 2014. Work on the project several once interrupted, the start date is constantly postponed, and finally came in 2014 – the ship “is not in sight.” Now sounds uncertain date – 2024.

The second is related to the proposal of the President of the country in 2011, the layout of the ship “Energy”. The developers claim that in 2018 will take place on a test flight of the ship with the crew on board. Today this speech is not conducted. In 2018 just fly “the pride of Russia» «Union».

What are gone 10 years and during that invested all funding for all remains a mystery. Therefore calls for urgent reform Krikalev industry that would cease to waste money and continue race with competitors, and to them now joined India (earlier it was China, the US and the EU), for the exploration of the Moon and other deep space missions.

But now we, hoping that our “pet” and a real hero, “Soyuz “cope with the task of flight to orbit the moon. Given his age and older specifications – the task will not be easy.

See also:

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Friday, November 21, 2014

Union eternal crisis space industry – Softcraze

Union Test Pilot and Hero of the USSR Sergei Krikalev criticized the situation in the Russian space industry. Deputy Director TsNIIMASH on space flights on manned spacecraft, said that unless there is a change in the industry in the coming years, new kosicheskogo ship is not worth waiting for.

For 10 years, engaged in the development of a new spacecraft pilotirumogo “Energy”. In 2011, even made a poppy future spacecraft and showed it to Vladimir Putin appointed and even the date of his first flight with astronauts on board for 2018.

However, this is all that remained plans, though in the opinion of the next Krikalev years unenforceable. It calls to change the situation and to take drastic measures to save the industry.

In the meantime, we have hopelessly outdated “Union” which have not meet modern demands neither technical, nor on freight characteristics. And apparently, the planned moon mission will be carried out with the participation of the “Union” because of lack of alternatives.

Keywords: spaceship Krikalev, Union Energy

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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Russian businessman plans to enrich themselves at the start of small satellites from the ISS – The Jewish Times

The head of the company “Dauriya Space” Michael Kokorich proposed master commercial launches of small satellites CubeSat with ISS. According businessman launch miniature satellites in modern conditions is very relevant and may become extremely commercial benefits in this regard, on the basis of the International Space Station can be equipped with a kind of spaceport from which astronauts will carry out these starts.

Kokorich asserts that his idea would be to have an extraordinary effect of the business, as satellites can be delivered in bulk to orbit rocket, and then gradually bring them to the desired orbit. For these purposes, he even proposes to use the new standard satellites – CubeSat (size 10 by 10 inches).

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Start “Energy” is postponed again flies “Union” – Club Industry Journalism

It seems that there is a crisis in the Russian space industry. Such thoughts begin to visit after the statement made by Sergei Krikalev, that in the near future the Russian Federation does not have the opportunity to begin developing a new manned spacecraft.

The Director TsNIIMASH on flights into space with manned spacecraft, at a recent meeting Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation said that if not urgently be adopted stringent measures, then a new ship for Russia can successfully forget.

The urgent need for the development of manned spacecraft to replace the “oldies”, “Union” has arisen in our country 10 years ago. Were conducted attempts to create such projects. By 2011, the pilot managed to construct the layout of the ship “Energy”, which showed President Vladimir Putin. The creators claimed that already in 2018 provided the first ready-to-manned flight option. At the same year and was appointed its first flight with a crew on board.

But today we have not comforting situation. No talk about the launch of “Energy” in 2018 is no longer maintained. To accomplish this mission again use become “indispensable” for the old Russian “Soyuz”. Start will be held from the Baikonur “Oriental».

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Fragments of the space truck “Progress M-24M” flooded in the Pacific – Kommersant

 - & Gt;

Fragments cargo spacecraft “Progress M-24M”, undocked from the International Space Station on 27 October and sent to a controlled flight with to conduct a scientific experiment “Reflection”, drive in the Pacific, said the November 20 “RIA Novosti” representative of the Russian Space Agency. According to the source, at 02:46 Moscow time the unburned fragments fell into the ship unnavigable Pacific, also known as the “graveyard of spaceships.” It is about three thousand kilometers east of the capital of New Zealand in Wellington.



Son Oleg Dobrodeeva joined the leadership of Mail.Ru Group – Fontanka

  The son of the head of RTR Oleg Dobrodeeva Boris joined the leadership of Mail.Ru Group. According to the press service of the company, he was appointed Director of Strategy and Development Mail.Ru.

 As described in the Company, in connection with the completion of the consolidation of Mail.Ru Group shares “VKontakte” made some personnel changes. Dmitry Sergeev, former executive director of “VKontakte”, will be the first deputy general director of Mail.Ru Group.

 “Boris Dobrodeev retain the post of Director General of” VKontakte “and take a position parallel to the Director of Strategy and Development Mail.Ru Group», – noted in Mail.Ru Group.

 Recall Dobrodeev was appointed general director of “VKontakte” in September.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

ISS will be profitable – Softcraze

ms Michael Kokorich, director of “Dauriya Aerospace” said that for the ISS must create a commercial operator. This solution will enable the Russian segment of the station to make a profit, at the expense of launching satellites midget. Kokorich offers to provide services such as satellite launch CubeSat, whose dimensions are equal to the cube of 10 by 10 cm. The world is now a great demand for such a service. Only NASA astronauts launch midget sputniki.Danny business will be very beneficial and bring Roskomosu significant income.

Keywords: Dauriya Aerospace, ISS, midget moons

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