Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Science: Scientists: newborn children can see their parents at a distance of 30 cm – CPV.ru


Kids, say scientists from Sweden and Norway, may see their parents in 2-3 days after birth, but see the face Mom and Dad in detail newborns can only at a distance of 30 centimeters.

Currently, it is believed that newborns have their view of the world, which in their eyes could be reversed, or black and white. But all this theory and only Scandinavian researchers were able to show that newborn babies are able to distinguish the faces of his parents in 2-3 days after birth.

The Swedish and Norwegian scientists have found that the structure of the eyes of a newborn baby is practically no different from the structure of the eyes of an adult, but the visual acuity of a newly born children is substantially reduced. If a distance of 30 centimeters a newborn baby can clearly see the faces of his parents, at a distance of 60 cm image of moms and dads for child “blurred”, so it can not visually recognize faces and emotions.

The Scandinavian researchers, according to one of the study’s authors – Professor Sven Magnussen made a video of male and female faces, which gradually changed its expression. The researchers then excluded from the reach of children videos emotions, leaving apathy, happiness, anger and wonder, and specifically to “dilute” the video, its as close as possible to what they see children.

This was done as follows. The scientists first got gray image that a newborn child is not paying attention. Then, by adjusting the width and frequency of the black and white stripes pattern changed as long as the kid did not fix his gaze on the image.

Then, the video was shown 9 men and 33 women aged from 20 to 43 years different distances. Adults study participants had to name the emotion that one experiences in the image. The results showed that a distance of 30 centimeters, men and women correctly named three of the four emotions presented (the worst situation was with indifference). However, should push the image up to 120 centimeters, the study participants stopped to distinguish between emotions and proceed to the guessing – the best situation was in anger, and worst of all – indifference.

These findings allowed the Scandinavian scientists have concluded that newborns children clearly see the face and can recognize emotion from a distance of only 30 centimeters. The results of this study, according to its authors, explain why babies in the first days of his life may depict facial expressions of adults, although their vision is still underdeveloped.

«It is important to remember that we examined just how far a child can see anything and do not understand it,” – commented on the results of the study Sven Magnussen.


“The Kiss” Venus and Jupiter will not take place online – TVNZ

Tonight Kazan good half of our country will be able to see the merger of the two planets. Venus and Jupiter have to approach each other so closely that witnesses phenomenon dreamed of a kiss. Visually, the world can be taken as a double star! Only here would Tatarstan out of work – for us rush “kiss” will happen in the daytime.

– Indeed, there is a chance to see the so-called “kiss” of Venus and Jupiter have this night – told ” KP “amateur astronomer Marc Gilmanov. – But not in our band. The fact that the merger of the planets occur at 17:00 on July 1, but this time it is too light. On the other hand, “embracing” the stars stand for more than one hour, which means that the most stubborn amateur astronomers have a chance to grab a late night show. The main thing that the weather did not let us down – we are now in the area storm front.

If it is clear, we advise readers “KP” to come back to our Kazan planetarium, which must go through the observation of the night sky. However, information on the conduct of the event is to specify in advance – the format will depend on the weather conditions.


Northern Lights in Kazan: photos, quotes and impressions

June 22 Tatarstan capital frozen in anticipation of an amazing spectacle. Northern Lights Kazan see in 2015 is not the first time. Just a couple of months ago ago, we have already seen a great miracle. Photos were quite a few. As well as impressions (details)


Lipchane be able to see the merger of the planets – Gorod48

June 30, 2015, 20:35


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unusual phenomenon can be seen day and night.

The night sky at the end of June will bring fans to watch the stars an unusual sight: Venus and Jupiter will be brought together so that they will look like a brilliant double star.

Browse Venus and Jupiter even without a telescope can be in the western part of the night sky. From June 30 until July 2 the world will look like a big star. The next time such an event happens only in August 2016, according to NASA.

The unusual astronomical phenomenon can be observed in the afternoon. Venus – the third brightest object in the sky after the Sun and the Earth’s moon, and it is often seen in the daytime. In conjunction with Jupiter “day” Venus is much brighter than usual.


Muscovites will see the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter – Dni.Ru

Earlier this week, Venus and Jupiter will connect to a double star. Muscovites will be able to observe in the sky is a unique phenomenon starting from Tuesday, June 30, within a few days.
Photo: GLOBAL LOOK press / Xu Suhui

According to the press service of the Moscow planetarium, two planets – hot Venus and the distant gas giant Jupiter – will be clearly visible without a telescope in the western part of the night sky. From June 30 to July 2, the two celestial bodies close together so closely that they would like a double star.

According to scientists, the planet will be clearly visible to the naked eye in the case of clear weather even in the daytime. The fact that Venus is often seen in the daytime, as is the third brightest object in the sky after the Sun and the Moon. In conjunction with Jupiter, Venus will be seen better than usual in the afternoon on June 30 .

“At first glance, does not look very special event: visually it seems that all celestial bodies are close. But in business space distance between the two planets is about 600 million kilometers! The next time such an event will take place in August next year “, – the press service of the Moscow planetarium.

Recall 27 June to 2 July Muscovites have the opportunity to observe other interesting astronomical event – a vast meteor shower. June Bootids meteor shower was most intense on June 27 but still bright enough. In addition, in late summer in the metropolitan area you can see the main meteor shower of the year – the Perseids of August. The intensity of the meteor shower reaches 200 meteors per hour.

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Soviet chip struck the Americans – BBC

The night sky over the southeastern United States lit up an unusual object with a tail. Scientists believe that the so-burned piece of Soviet missiles, launched in 1973 with the intelligence objectives.

Residents of several south-eastern United States on Monday night watched the sky fall glowing object that I started falling apart.

View on the observation of the object passed the people of Florida, Georgia, Alabama, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and Louisiana.

Object I am flying in the sky for about a minute, gradually falling apart into pieces. Some observers heard sonic booms. Many have taken this phenomenon for the fall of the meteorite, someone who is having fun on a night party, called the burning plane.

However, according to the low-speed entry into the atmosphere, experts Space Center, Marshall found that it was not a meteor, and the object of artificial origin, descended from orbit.

Later, it became clear that the direction of the intended flight path coincided fall of the Soviet booster rocket. November 2, 1973 from Plesetsk rocket “Molnia-M” into orbit intelligence apparatus “Cosmos-606″. This unit of the “Eye” is a grouping of the missile attack warning. The satellite was launched into orbit with an inclination vysokoelliptichnuyu 62.8 degrees, a perigee and apogee 626 39 360 km. He became the second spacecraft launched under this program, and has worked in orbit for eight months, after which he was put into a higher orbit.

However, the upper stage – “Block L” – the machine weight 1160 kg three decades continued to fly on an elongated orbit.

At the moment of perigee passage he gradually braked on the upper layers of the atmosphere until the fourth stage of the rocket did not become final approach to Earth. According to the US Strategic Command, the lead surveillance of all major space debris, the Soviet entry into the atmosphere of the upper stage was to take place a little earlier. However, the unit stayed in orbit longer, and entered the dense layers, burning, approximately 1:30 am Eastern Time US.

Usually, satellites and debris enter the atmosphere at an altitude of 100-120 km, high heat friction of air molecules. Destruction overload reaches 20 g, usually occurs at a height of about 80 km, in this case the object is divided into at least four parts.

Only the American Meteor Society received more than 130 reports of sightings of unusual “car”, the majority of people could see an object that is slowly falling apart, forming a bright tail, up to one minute. A resident of the town of Mountain Home Fish Caleb went for lunch and saw an unusual trace in the sky. “At first I thought it was a plane because the airport nearby Mountain Home. But it was faster and shine brighter than a plane, and I thought it was a meteor, “- said Fish the local TV people.

Several people reported hearing a sonic boom with a delay of 30 to 90 seconds. There are reports that two seismic stations in South Carolina recorded a small signal, but its relationship with the fallen object is not yet confirmed.

According to experts, there is a possibility that part of the wreckage of the Soviet stage flew to the ground.

«Given the robust design of the Soviet spacecraft, we can assume that some of the components did not burn in the atmosphere and reach the ground,” – says the site Spaceflight101.

Usually in such cases the ground can reach high-temperature parts of the engine or the fuel tank. The area of ​​the fall can be from 500 to 1200 km, strongly influence the distribution of debris prevailing wind. Provided that block entry into the atmosphere began over Alabama and Georgia, detect debris can expect somewhere between North Carolina and Pennsylvania.


Apple launched the new iPhone – RosRegistr

Experts from the digital giant Apple began work on a new generation of gadgets Series iRhone. Future smartphones will be equipped with technology Force Touch, which allows for the user to set the power to the display. This information is published edition of West Bloomberg.

Among the known characteristics of the new listed iRhone display with a diagonal of 4.7 and 5.5 inches. Design trends will be similar to the current advanced devices “apple” of the company – iRhone 6 Plus. Already a month later serial production of the new generation of smart phones will be engaged in a special unit and scale will increase greatly.

With regard to technology Force Touch, it will add to the device management a whole new set of gestures as applied in the “apple” hours Apple Watch. The technology has proven itself good and MacBook laptops from Apple, where it is implemented using the touchpad. Most Western media describe as a revolutionary technology Force Touch. Its introduction will enable new smart phones from Apple gadgets to compete with the major competitors in the face of the company Samsung.

A detailed announcement of the new iPhone will be held in early autumn. Exact name of the device has not yet been called, but the press is known as a smart phone Iphone 6S.

Let your friends:


Monday, June 29, 2015

Apple Inc. started production of a new family of iPhone with function Force Touch – RYBINSKonLine

Apple has been producing personal and tablet computers, music players, phones and software.

Insiders American Corporation Apple is informed that on the premises of the company started assembling Smartphone iPhone 6S, which are equipped with function Force Touch. Presumably, Apple plans to launch production of new smartphones in the next month. With this function, the screen smart clock can distinguish the sound of a strong and depression, besides a number of other gestures. For information about the sources said among the parts suppliers for the smartphone. The company hopes that it will not have to face serious problems in the process of starting production as iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus will inherit from its predecessors design screen size and other features.

The fact that Apple is committed to settle all their products a new user interface elements, which will debut in one of the devices of its range, has long been a familiar thing. It will be all the same 4.7 – inch and 5.5 devices.

The new model will be virtually the same design as all the usual IPhone 6. In addition, the technology is available to users the latest model MacBook . External differences from the previous model as well, in terms of available data from insiders, will not.


Bloomberg spoke about the hypersensitive display the new iPhone – Lenta.ru

Apple has started production of the first samples of the new iPhone technology to support Force Touch. This was reported by Bloomberg, citing sources familiar with the plans of the company.

The appearance of the next generation iPhone will not be fundamentally different from the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. The smartphone will be available in two sizes: 4.7 and a screen of 5.5 inches. Mass production could begin in July.

Force Touch allows to recognize the strength and duration of pressing on the display. Thus, the display of the new iPhone will be more sensitive and will allow users to interact with a large number of gadget gestures. For example, in the music player, you can press the power will control the speed rewind the track: the more touching, the higher the speed of the rewind and so on. The technology is already integrated into Apple Watch and new models of MacBook. The fact that the Force Touch appears in a new iPhone, the media first heard in April.

June 23 media reports that Apple may abandon the button “Home” on the front of the new iPhone. It will replace the fingerprint reader, and a virtual button is located on the touchscreen, the display size will increase, and its scope will have.

June 20 it became known that Apple engineers have received a patent for a new composite material that will get rid of by violating the integrity of the housing plastic inserts.


McCain: accident Falcon9 should not affect the rejection of the Russian RD-180 – RIA Novosti

US Senator John McCain. 2015

© AP Photo / Andrew Harnik

WASHINGTON, June 29 – RIA Novosti. The accident Falcon9 rocket engines with US must not change the course of the US refusal to use Russian engines RD-180, said Senator John McCain.

The collapse of the American Falcon 9 rocket manufactured by SpaceX happened on Sunday after three minutes after the launch, which led to the loss of the ship Dragon with cargo for the ISS.

“This incident is in no way reduces the need to abandon the Russian rocket engines RD-180 … I believe that the failure could not be able to prevent the future success of SpaceX and its ability to maintain US national security in the field space flight, “- McCain said, quoted by Reuters.

Republican Senator, who heads the Senate Committee on Armed Services, again called on Congress to consider the performance of the US space program without dependence on Russia.

RD-180 used in the first stage of the American rocket Atlas and the US industry is not producing counterparts.

US House of Representatives in December 2014 as an anti-Russian measures to the events in Ukraine, adopted an amendment to McCain, who It provides a complete rejection of US rocket engines RD-180 until 2019. An exception is made for a contract concluded by a consortium of Boeing and Lockheed Martin (ULA) with the Russian NGO “Energomash” until 2019. At the same time it was reported that Congress appropriated $ 220 million for the development of new American engines.

What is the Falcon 9

Falcon 9 (“Falcon 9″) – US disposable rocket family Falcon, developed by a private company SpaceX. It is assumed that the missile can be used for the delivery of space, goods, and people. Under the contract with SpaceX NASA undertook until 2016 to carry out 12 launches to the ISS. In September 2014, along with the Boeing company has won a contract worth about 6.8 billion dollars for the implementation of manned missions to the ISS. Read more in Help RIA Novosti & gt; & gt;

The rocket Falcon 9 can also be used to launch into space of commercial manned spacecraft (PKA) Dragon and its cargo analogue designed to deliver cargo to the ISS. These ships also developed by SpaceX. Read more in Help RIA Novosti & gt; & gt;

What other emergency occurred with the spacecraft in the US

The collapse of the Falcon 9 was the third cosmic catastrophe in the United States in recent years. At the end of October 2014 at the start of exploded rocket Antares, a few days later during a test flight crashed ship suborbital SpaceShipTwo. Read more in Help RIA Novosti & gt; & gt;


Second day save – BBC

July 1 inhabitants of the earth, scientists will add one extra second. Extend one day in the year required deceleration of the Earth caused by the sun and the moon.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015, will be one second longer than normal hours. The decision adopted the International Earth Rotation Service and reference systems (IERS), based in Paris. This day should be lengthened so-called leap seconds (leap seconds) – an amendment designed to synchronize the clock with a world constantly slows down the rotation of the Earth.

«The Earth’s rotation is slowing down a little, so leap seconds are able to take this into account,” – said Daniel McMillan of nasovskogo Center Goddard Space Flight Center.

Every day in the world consist of 86 400 seconds. This second, on which people synchronize watches, counts the so-called universal time tied to the atomic clock. They countdown since 1970 conducted by counting the natural oscillations between two states of the cesium atom.

The time between these fluctuations are so constantly that the stability of the atomic clock is one second in 1.4 million years. However, the average solar day is equal to the period of revolution of the Earth around its axis in the order of 86 400.002 seconds and gradually increase.

This is due to the fact that our planet is constantly experiencing the tidal forces from the Sun and the Moon, which inhibit its rotation around its axis. According to scientists, the mean solar day is approximately 86,400 seconds in 1820.

This is an average lag of the Earth from the atomic standard 2 milliseconds per day is minuscule amount but for the year accumulates quite tangible extra seconds. Although on average the Earth really is inhibited, the duration of the individual solar day can fluctuate in a large, and in the smaller side.

The fact that the rate of rotation of the Earth is influenced by many factors, and the characteristic scale less than a year plays an important role, for example, the behavior of the atmosphere. It is proved that the daily and seasonal weather changes can affect the length of the individual solar day within a few milliseconds. Other factors include the dynamics of rotation of the inner core of the Earth (at longer time scales), changes in ocean currents, the movement of underground waters and glaciers (on the scale of months or decades), as well as ocean and atmospheric currents.

For example, atmospheric phenomena such as El Niño, can temporarily slow the Earth’s rotation by increasing the solar day by 1 millisecond.

Follow the speed of rotation of the Earth with an accuracy to help astronomers. With very long baseline interferometry – a network of radio telescopes, separated by thousands of kilometers away from each other. Watching on a remote quasars billions of light-years, different antennas receive signals from them with a slight delay, depending on where the “saucer”. Analyzing these microscopic delays, scientists can calculate the current speed of rotation of the Earth and its average rate of deceleration. Modern methods of radio interferometry give a 3 microsecond accuracy, NASA developed a new project “Geodesy” using a greater number of diversity antennas, can achieve an accuracy of 0.5 microsecond.

«next-generation system designed to meet the needs of most of the scientific challenges today and in the near future “, – said Stephen Merkovits of Goddard. According to the accepted rules, if necessary, an extra second is added coordination evening of June 30 or December 31 to UTC. Therefore, on July 1 after 02.59: 59 Moscow time will not come 03.00: 00 MSK and 02.59: 60 MSK and then 03.00: 00 MSK.

The introduction of extra seconds may not go unnoticed. Airlines stock exchanges and technology companies are already preparing for possible disruptions. The last time a second coordination was introduced in 2012, were marked by failures in the Mozilla, Reddit, Foursquare, Yelp, LinkedIn and StumbleUpon, a problem arose in the Linux operating system and programs written in Java. And in Australia, I had to put 400 airlines Qantas flights due to a failure in the registration system.

According to experts, the greatest number of failures can occur in Asia, where the transfer clock will be in the midst of the day.

Since 1972 , when it was first introduced a second coordination until 1999. These amendments were introduced about a year. However, later the Earth “pulled up” its braking and began to add a second less. Scientists do not know what it is connected, one of the reasons may serve as a major earthquake or volcanic eruptions, which can affect the rotation of the Earth in the short term.


Partners Apple has started production of the new smartphone iPhone, equipped with screens with technology Force Touch – iXBT.com

Source Bloomberg confirms the recent rumors that the new smartphone Apple iPhone will be equipped with a display with support for Force Touch, which is already present in hours Watch and laptops MacBook Pro and MacBook .


According to the source, Apple partners have already started the production of new vehicles, but mass production will begin in July. Recall technology Force Touch screen not only provides the touch response, and feedback in the form of vibration.


Given the fact that this is the second hearing regarding the availability of new iPhone smartphone technology Force Touch, it can be assumed that future updates do bring slightly more innovations than usual during the transition to the “generation s».


Source: Bloomberg


Roskosmos, NASA offered to help with the delivery of cargo to the ISS – TVNZ

Operates with financial support from the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications

Today June 29


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Because of the accident Falcon spacewalk by US program may transfer – Kommersant

 - & Gt;

scheduled for August spacewalk from the ISS on the American program may suffer because of the accident launch vehicle Falcon 9 He told Tass source in the space industry. “Access to space for the US program was planned for August 17. However, because of the accident of his Falcon may suffer as a cargo ship Dragon was supposed to deliver to the ISS necessary for this spacewalk equipment, “- said the agency.

Roscosmos after crash NASA proposed to send part of the US cargo to the ISS on the Russian “Progress” on July 3. “If the Americans will have something to deliver, we will certainly help,” – said the representative of the Russian Space Agency.

American rocket Falcon 9 with a cargo ship company Space X Dragon suffered Yesterday an accident at the start. The launch vehicle was successfully launched from the spaceport at Cape Canaveral (Florida, USA) at 10:21 Eastern Standard Time (17:21 Moscow time). At 139 seconds of rocket collided with a certain anomaly, and then it exploded in the air, said at a press conference the president of the company Space X Gwenn Shotwell, stressing that the problem was not in the first stage of the rocket. According to her, now there is the analysis of the telemetry coming from the truck, and other data.

For more information on the incident, see the article “Kommersant» «Falcon” faced with an anomaly “” .



Sunday, June 28, 2015

“Progress” un-American – Lenta.ru

Booster company Falcon 9 SpaceX, launched June 28, 2015 at 10:21 Eastern Standard Time (17:21 Moscow time) from the launch site at Cape Canaveral, exploded in the third minute after the start . This is the first major failure of private American company headed by Elon Musk.

Falcon 9 rocket explosion occurred after 2 minutes 19 seconds after launch, when the carrier moved to the hypersonic motion. Even after 8 seconds the missile fell apart. Musk as a version of the causes of the incident described the occurrence of excessive pressure in the tank with an oxidizing agent in the second stage of the rocket (its upper stage). The first stage has not yet been separated. The company SpaceX, together with NASA launched an investigation. By the proposed area falling debris was immediately sent to the carrier aircraft, and the discovery of fragments of the rocket NASA offers reporting hotline.


01:23 May 20, 2015


Falcon 9 rocket was supposed to bring to the International Space Station (ISS) ship Dragon, also created by SpaceX, with more than 1 8 tons of cargo. Besides food, Dragon carried on board the docking station International Docking Adaptor (IDA), and the suit for spacewalk. IDA weighing 526 kilos manufactured by Boeing and was intended to be installed on the ISS for future connections to the manned version of the ship Dragon (Dragon 2 modifications).

The loss of these components can not affect the implementation of the scientific program of the ISS. Also, as an additional load Falcon 9 carrying commissioned by Planet Labs eight satellites Flock 1f (each consisting of three vehicles CubeSat), designed for Earth observation in the optical range.

In a two-stage rocket Falcon two versions – 9 9 v1.0 and v1.1. The second differs from the first advanced design of engines and their location on the lower level. The fuel is kerosene oxidizer – liquid oxygen. Falcon 9 v1.1 is able to bring to geosynchronous transfer orbit 3.4 tons are not as version 1.0, and 4.85 tons of payload.

Version 1.0 is currently not being used. The length of the Falcon 9 v1.1 – 68,4 meters, maximum launch weight – 506 tons. For comparison: the length of the Russian rocket “Proton-M” – 58.2 meters, the starting weight – 705 tons, and it displays the geosynchronous transfer orbit (from the Baikonur Cosmodrome) 6.74 tons. The cost of the Falcon 9 launch is estimated at $ 60 million, “Proton-M” – 30 million more.

Falcon 9 rocket launched from pads at Cape Canaveral in Florida and Vandenberg base in California. SpaceX currently deploys two more pads. Since the first launch of the Falcon 9 v1.1, held on 29 September 2013, the company is testing technology reusable component of the missile. None of the launches are still not allowed to keep the first step.

In the period from June 4, 2010 to March 1, 2013 a rocket Falcon 9 v1.0 started five times, four times – in a completely normal mode. Start October 8, 2012, when the Falcon 9 first sent a truck to the ISS Dragon, found partially successful due to the withdrawal of additional payload – the satellite Orbcomm-G2 – a lower than originally planned, into orbit.

The launch of the Falcon 9

This led to that Orbcomm-G2 descended from orbit and October 12, 2012 burned in the atmosphere. The reason for the failure to SpaceX was named in the 79th second conical fairing in the first stage of the rocket engine. This increased load on the remaining eight stage rocket engine. As noted in SpaceX, Falcon 9 first stage of the launcher is able to perform the task, even with two stops the engine provided increased load on the remaining seven.

The rocket Falcon 9 v1.1 was launched for the first time September 29, 2013. All 10 previous launches have been successful. For comparison: April 7, 2001 to May 16, 2015, “Proton-M” has made 90 starts, 10 of which are non-standard. Statistics Falcon 9, despite the small number of starts, looks better than the “Proton-M”. However, when compared to other media (eg, the European heavy Ariane 5 and medium-sized Russian “Soyuz”), the private US rocket will be the loser.

At present, the ISS is a crew of the 44th expedition to the part of the commander Gennady Padalka and flight engineers Mikhail Kornienko and Scott Kelly. Docking with Dragon they expected June 30, and sending it to Earth with 600 kilograms of cargo – 5th August. Earlier, before the ISS has not reached another truck – Russian “Progress M-27M”, which was launched on April 28, 2015.


16:45 April 28, 2015

The food and essential components for life support should last until October 2015. After the Dragon to the ISS is expected to leave the transport ship “Progress M-28M”. Its launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on a rocket “Soyuz-U” is scheduled for July 3, 2015 at 7:55:50 Moscow time. This will be the first launch of the Russian truck after the emergency situation that occurred on April 28, 2015.

Also, August 16, 2015 to the ISS for the fifth time in its history due to fly the Japanese truck H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV). Roscosmos proposed NASA retrofit the ship “Progress M-28M”, despite the fact that he has already downloaded and installed on a nosecone. US offers from Russia declined, saying about the astronauts all the necessary security.

So far, delivery of cargo to the ISS are only four types of vehicles: the Russian “Progress”, the Japanese HTV, as well as private American Dragon and Cygnus (the company Orbital Sciences). While Dragon is the only space cargo vehicle today that is able to return cargo to Earth orbit. The contract with SpaceX NASA provides 12 flights to the ISS Dragon (15 – taking into account the extension of the contract until 2017, held in March 2015). This flight to the ISS as part of a commercial program was seventh (eighth – with the test flight to the ISS, the ninth – with the first orbital flight), and last time Falcon 9 Dragon space truck launched April 14, 2015.

The wreckage of the Falcon 9 rocket after an explosion June 28, 2015

The accident in the space industry in recent years have ceased to be a rarity. In the US alone in the last year there were three incidents (including the latter). All – with private rockets and vehicles. So, October 28, 2014 (Moscow time has arrived October 29) at the Baikonur Wallops Island in Virginia after the start was detonated private rocket Antares. She had to send a truck to the ISS Cygnus, which, like a rocket, manufactured by Orbital Sciences.


13:56 October 30, 2014

carrier rocket on the pad Antares

After that, 31 October 2015, in the United States in the area of ​​the Mojave Desert during a test flight crashed ship SpaceShipTwo, intended for suborbital tourist flights. The accident resulted in the death of one of the two pilots and the company-developer of Virgin Galactic, owned by Richard Branson, is still trying to eliminate the causes that led to the crash.

Failed rocket launch Antares has led to the launch of the fourth ship Cygnus to the ISS, scheduled for December 2015, will produce a rocket Atlas V (401), rather than Antares. As the head of NASA, Charles Bolden, if SpaceX quickly find and correct the causes of the collapse of the Falcon 9, the credibility of the US space agency to a private company will be maintained. No other choice remains: to rely on the Russian “Progress” and Cygnus and Japanese HTV, the US can not afford.

The fact that the time and agenda for future cargo and manned missions to the ISS will change, confirmed in an interview with TASS First Deputy Director of the Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering, cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev. “Unfortunately, the system is constructed in such a way that failure is estimated contingency situation. Only taking into account the fact that this is the second cargo ship, no spacecraft ever to visit the ISS, following cargo ships will be re-established “, – he said.

As noted by NASA, the accident will not affect the agency’s plans to establish a US manned space ships. In particular, Boeing, and SpaceX, developing planes for flights to the ISS. In addition, Elon Musk planned to spend in 2015, the first launch of heavy rocket Falcon Heavy and thus potentially compete with Russian “Proton” and the European Ariane 5. accident occurred, however, it has once again demonstrated that space exploration no one is safe against unforeseen disasters.
