Friday, October 21, 2016

A failed mission to Mars in 1990. Dossier – TASS

TASS-DOSSIER /Inna Klimacheva/. 21 Oct 2016 experts of the European space Agency (ESA) confirmed the loss of the demonstration of the descent module Schiaparelli, who was to make a soft landing on the surface of Mars on October 19.

While the orbital module TGO, launched together with Schiaparelli in the framework of Russian-European mission “ExoMars-2016″, successfully entered the orbit of the planet.

the Editors of TASS, the DOSSIER has prepared a statement of wholly or partially unsuccessful missions to Mars in the period from 1990 to 2016.

Statistics missions to Mars

the entire history of space exploration from Earth to Mars sent 44 missions of unmanned spacecraft for various countries – Soviet Union/Russia, USA, Japan, China, India and the European space Agency.

Of those 16 missions – successful, seven partially successful (including ExoMars-2016) and 21 unsuccessful.

the First attempt to send to Mars, the spacecraft launched in 1960, the Soviet Union. However, the launch of the “Mars 1969А” on October 10 from Baikonur failed due to power engines of the third stage of the carrier rocket “Molniya” (on the 300th sec. flight denied control system).

In 1990-2016., not counting the incident with Schiaparelli, has not reached its task eight Mars missions. Three of them were running the USA, two Russia, one from Japan, China and ESA.

Mars Observer (USA)

21 Aug 1993, a few days before the scheduled release on the Martian orbit, communication was lost with the American interplanetary station Mars Observer.

Automatic station was launched September 25, 1992 from the cosmodrome on Cape Canaveral launch vehicle Titan III. Mars Observer was supposed to become an artificial satellite of Mars and to conduct research from orbit of the planet.

According to the January 1994 report of the National office for Aeronautics and space USA (NASA), the most likely cause of the incident was the failure of the propulsion system of the spacecraft.

“Mars-96″ (Russia)

November 16, 1996, ended in failure launch of the Russian automatic interplanetary station “Mars-96″ (another name – “Mars-8″) from the Baikonur cosmodrome carrier rocket “proton-K” with upper stage block DM-2. “Mars-96″ intended for research of the planet from orbit and using the four small landing modules.

Automatic station was unable to leave earth orbit and reach the trajectory flight to Mars due to an abnormal operation of the booster unit (manufacturer – RSC “Energia” named after S. P. Korolev). The spacecraft, having made three orbits around the Earth, entered the atmosphere, where it is partially collapsed, and fell on November 17 at the waters of the Pacific. The causes of the failed launch was not called.

Mars Climate Orbiter and Mars Polar Lander (USA)

September 23, 1999, when entering the orbit of Mars before planned starting the engines for braking is disconnected from the American automatic station Mars Climate Orbiter (MCO). The launch of the MCO was held on 11 December 1998 from the cosmodrome at Cape Canaveral, carrier rocket Delta II. Automatic station was the first mission of the program Mars Surveyor-98; intended for research with the planet’s orbit and relay data received from the Deep Space 2 probes are the second mission of this program is the Mars Polar Lander (launched on 3rd December 1999).

NASA Experts have concluded that because of incorrectly calculated the trajectory of MCO was too close to the surface of the planet (at an altitude of 57 km is 226 km) and destroyed in the Martian atmosphere. The result failed to receive data successfully delivered to the Mars probes Mars Polar Lander. The reason for the failure of the Mars Surveyor-98 was the use of specialists in different systems of measurement: for example, the company Lockheed Martin in the manufacture of the control unit of the spacecraft used the English system, and NASA has calculated metric. The practice of applying simultaneously different systems of measures has been used by NASA since 1990

In 2007, the American space Agency announced full transition to the metric system.

Nozomi (Japan)

14 Dec 2003 failed to gain a foothold on the Martian orbit, the Japanese interplanetary spacecraft Nozomi (jap. – “Hope”) – it flew past the planet at a distance of 1 thousand km the Space probe was launched July 4, 1998 from Kagoshima spaceport launch vehicle M-V-3 and was supposed to be an artificial satellite of Mars.

Initially, the arrival of Nozomi planet was planned for October 1999, But during the flight when you perform a maneuver required to enter a trajectory of convergence with Mars, worked non-standard motors of the apparatus. When the probe has arrived to the planet in 2003, engines not included stop for lack of fuel.

Beagle 2 (ESA)

on 25 December 2003, has not out carried out the landing on Mars European unit Beagle 2, which was delivered to the planet European automatic station Mars Express. Station, consisting of orbital and landing modules were launched on 2 June 2003 from Baikonur the Russian carrier rocket “Soyuz-FG”.

six days before closest approach to Mars on 19 December 2003, the division of vehicles. Orbital Mars Express, which was supposed to relay to Earth the data transmission from the Beagle 2, successfully entered orbit on 25 December and is still working. As it turned out later, Beagle 2 (was intended to search for traces of life on Mars) is not dilated enough solar panels that shielded the transmitter antenna.

“Phobos-Grunt” (Russia) and Yinghuo-1 (China)

November 9, 2011 ended in failure the attempt of Russia to launch from Baikonur, the automatic interplanetary station “Phobos-Grunt”, on Board of which was also the Chinese probe Yinghuo-1 (China. – “Firefly-1″). “Phobos-Grunt” is intended for collection and delivery to Earth of soil from the Martian satellite Phobos, Yinghuo-1 was supposed to enter orbit of the planet.

Used to run Russian-Ukrainian carrier rocket “Zenit-2ЅБ” carried out the task – brought the station on the reference orbit. However, the “Phobos-Grunt” failed to reach the trajectory flight to Mars: due to a failure of automation in the estimated time did not include the propulsion system of the apparatus. In January 2012, not burnt in the dense layers of the atmosphere fragments of “Phobos-Grunt” and Yinghuo-1 fell into the Pacific ocean.

on 31 January 2012 the head of the Federal space Agency Vladimir Popovkin said that the control system of the interplanetary station was out of order under the influence of cosmic radiation. This factor, according to him, were not taken into account by developers. Responsible employees NPO. Lavochkina (the developer and manufacturer of “Phobos-Soil”) were brought to administrative responsibility.


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