Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Media: Only visitors cafes and restaurants with free Wi-Fi can go to the Internet without a passport – RIA

Public catering, parks, libraries, and allow users to access the Internet for free, can not identify users. However, places that charge for the use of Wi-Fi, are actually service provider, and therefore must be licensed and to identify its visitors.

How to write the “Izvestia”, this summer the two decrees of the Russian government made changes to the “Terms of services of data transmission.” In particular, in the provision of data services the operator must provide user authentication. “Personality of the user is set with the document, or the number of mobile communication (in Russian mobile operator contract is concluded with the presentation of the document), or through a login on the portal of public services” – the newspaper said. By law, the provision of telecommunications services must be licensed.

However, the head of the legal department of the Coordination Center for TLD Sergey Kopylov told the newspaper that the license should be given only to those who distributes the Internet via Wi-Fi for the money that is actually becoming a telecom operator. And the provision of free access to the network, according to Kopylov, get a license is not necessary. In the Ministry of Communications newspaper confirmed the legality of such an interpretation of the law.

«This means that administrations cafes, libraries, schools, parks and other public places with free Wi-Fi is not necessary to identify the users. Unless, of course, the organization concerned is not acquired, for some reason, the operator license “- the newspaper said.

In this case, the publication noted that if the cafe has concluded an agreement on the designation of communication services with the operator, even if the free access the operator must perform user authentication. But the president of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers of Russia Igor Bukharov told the newspaper that most restaurateurs create a wireless Internet access in the home.

Source: russian.rt.com


Roscomnadzor not intend to block Google, Facebook and Twitter – Investkafe

Roscomnadzor not going to block Google, Facebook and Twitter.

This Russian newspaper said Press Secretary Office Vadim Ampelonsky. According to him, the current service has been working with these companies for their registration in the registry under the implementation of the so-called law of bloggers.

«Roscomnadzor sends them notice of the need for registration in the Russian Federation as the organizers of the dissemination of information. They sent these messages to legal examination. And they took a break to study. We do not hurry. See interest to fulfill the Russian legislation, “- said the source publication, noting that talk of sanctions in relation to these sites does not go.

In case of failure to implement the law, they are the most likely penalty 500 thousand. rubles. Access Lock is considered only as a last resort, said Ampelonsky.

It should be noted that along with the requirement of the State Duma Roskomnadzora requires foreign companies, such as Twitter and Facebook, to store data about the actions of Russian subscribers exclusively in Russia. September 24 MPs adopted in the second reading of a bill requiring foreign companies to do so from 1 January 2015. Previously it was assumed that the rule will take effect from September 2016.

«Facebook and Twitter in recent years have increasingly adverse impact on the business of search companies. The idea was that by typed a huge audience – 1.3 billion monthly users and 0.3 billion Facebook Twitter – these social networks is continuously generate huge amounts of free quality content, ready-to-eat and attracting users. Accordingly, leafing through a tape of their social networks, online users are less likely to use the Internet search, which means that internet search engines are losing potential revenue and share of the online advertising market, since they are directly dependent on the number of search queries “- said Timur Nigmatullin analyst Investkafe.


For discussion: “Blokov.net” – Economic Information Agency

Roscomnadzor not going to block Google.com, Facebook and Twitter, and now maintains a record of internet sites mainly at the request of law enforcement officials, according to « Rossiyskaya Gazeta ».


Photo RG

And the questions on the roster are made not necessarily because resources have violated the letter of the law, stressed in an interview with” RG “Press Secretary Office Vadim Ampelonsky. Russian site “Yandex”, “VKontakte», Mail.Ru and “Rambler” is already included in the register.

Nearly two months of the amendments to the laws “On Information, Information Technologies and Protection of Information”, “On communication “and the Code of Administrative Offences (CAO). One of the innovations just refers to sites and systems to ensure the reception, transmission, processing and delivery of electronic communications network users. Such resources must register as an organizer Roskomnadzor dissemination of information and for the six months to keep “on the territory of Russia with information about all the content that passes through their sites.

Roscomnadzor may on its own initiative to ask them to register. Now office is working with Google.com, Facebook and Twitter on their registration in the registry under the implementation of the so-called law of bloggers.

Roscomnadzor banished these companies notification of the need to register in the registry. They sent these messages to legal examination. And they took a break to study.

«We do not hurry. See interest to fulfill the Russian legislation, “- said Ampelonsky.

Speeches of sanctions in relation to these sites does not go, he said. But if they shy away from enforcing the law, they first face a fine of 500 thousand rubles. Blocking access to such a sloppy site is considered only as a last resort.

«Also, we communicate with them on the implementation of the law on personal data,” – said the source. After all, they have to have servers in Russia.

But in general, as long as companies are cautious. For example, Twitter sees Russia as important enough market that clearly does not want to lose, but so far makes no representations regarding the opening of an office or employment is the official representative. Russian companies include the requirement to provide information about users normally. And before that law enforcement authorities may request information about those who write on their site. But you had to order or request of the court.

With the introduction of the law for web sites to change the status, and equated to telecom operators. And now they have to install additional equipment – a means to provide the functions and search operations. This company is considered unnecessary, the expert said. After all, on the lines of communication operators is already such equipment, and will dub.

As for the areas with the participation of foreign capital, which do business in Russia, they do not refuse dialogue with the authorities. They will even go out there to organize your servers for storing personal data, expert predicts.


Disappear from the planet’s animals – BBC

Over the last 40 years, man has managed to kill more than half of all vertebrates on earth. Frogs, elephants and fish disappear with the expansion of arable land, irrepressible fishing and global warming.

The population of all vertebrate creatures that inhabit the earth, over the past four decades, has fallen by more than half. This statement was made by the World Wildlife Fund, has published a report , which contains the latest data on the Living Planet Index (Living Planet Index –LPI), is calculated by scientists.

Observations of wildlife say,

that the number of mammals, birds, amphibians and fish in the world from 1970 to 2010 decreased by 52%.

The analysis showed that this trend is most pronounced in less developed countries, and is directly linked with the growth of consumption in developed countries. In addition, the report includes several warning signals plight of the planet. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased to a level that the Earth did not know the last millions of years, which has led to climate change and destabilization of ecosystems.

But the increased concentration in the atmosphere of nitrogen causes soil degradation, pollution of rivers and oceans. In addition, the growing impact on water quality, and more than 60% of its natural sources, including the forest and the sea, is reduced.

«We are gradually destroying the ability of our planet to sustain our way of life. However, we already have the knowledge and tools in order to avoid the implementation of the worst forecasts. We all live on the planet are not unlimited and are now beginning to operate within these limits, “- said Carter Roberts, president of WWF.

Report WWF, published once every two years, tracks trends in three areas: the number of animals of ten thousand different species, the human impact on the environment (including food consumption and greenhouse gas emissions), and current levels of biological resources for the production of food, fresh water and carbon dioxide absorption.

The relative reduction in the number of animals was much higher than in previous years. This is due to a new and improved methodology of calculation, results in a more representative assessment of the world’s biodiversity.

«The report huge amount of data, it can seem very complicated. No clear trends are complex:

39% of land, 39% of marine and 76% of freshwater animals have disappeared, and all this for the last 40 years “- said John Hoekstra, a leading expert WWF.

The decline of biodiversity is observed in both temperate and tropical latitudes However in this process the tropics more noticeable. In Latin America, it is the most dramatic population decline: it missed 83% of the animals (not species!). The reason – the narrowing and destruction of habitats, uncontrolled hunting and fishing, and climate change.

A comparison of biological data with economic shown that in high-income countries there is a 10 percent increase in the population, while in poor countries – a sharp drop.

So, in middle-income drop of 18% in poor countries, it reaches 58%.

Particular attention is paid to the environmental impact report on the nature of civilization and of the individual in different countries. “We need 1.5 Earths reducing ability. Shortage occurs due to the fact that we cut down trees faster than they grow, catch more fish than giving the ocean and produce more carbon dioxide than the forest and the ocean can absorb, “- say the report’s authors.

They made a rating of countries with a population of more than a million people, which ranked the average environmental impact per capita. Taken into account such factors as deforestation, grazing area and arable land, the volume of fisheries and carbon dioxide emissions. It was found that the heavier the planet are all residents of Kuwait and Qatar – mainly due to their combustion of hydrocarbons, and the smallest planet bother the average Chinese and Jamaican.

Russia in this the list is in the middle, side by side with Belarus and Spain.

The authors emphasize that further loss of biodiversity is not inevitable. For Sustainable Development WWF recommends rebuilding the economy at a reasonable production of food and energy and reduce environmental impact through responsible consumption on a personal, corporate and national levels.


Rosobrnadzor returned four universities the right to take students – Lenta.ru

Rosobrnadzor reversed its decision to ban the acceptance of applicants in four public universities, according to the website of the department.

Receiving renewed in Ivanovo State University, Moscow State Engineering University (MAMI), Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin), Ural State Pedagogical University.

In the message department noted that the decision to ban admission to universities was canceled “due to the revocation of licenses of the branches in which the identified violations have not been completely eliminated.” Licenses have been revoked from the Ivanovo State University branch in Derbent, branches MAMI in Makhachkala and Dmitrov, branches Sibstrin in the Peace and Lensky, and a branch of the Ural State Pedagogical University in Kamensk-Ural.

At the same time due to non- Office regulations prohibited admission to two universities – the Oriental Institute and Chelyabinsk multidisciplinary institute.

September 22 in connection with the failure prescriptions received as a result of inspections, Rosobrnadzor banned reception in 11 public and private universities. Then it was reported that you want to receive – “measure of preventive nature”, and educational institutions can continue to conduct educational activities.

Earlier the agency has suspended a set of more than two hundred schools because of the low level of educational programs. According to the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Dmitry Livanov, a significant part of the branches, where the set was discontinued, did not meet even the minimum requirements of the standards of higher education.


Monday, September 29, 2014

Russia does not ban Google, Facebook and Twitter – NIA-Baikal

However, they will have to register as an organizer of information. A notification sent three American portals Roscomnadzor.

 According to the deputy head of the supervisory authority Maxim Ksenzova, such a register were already popular social network “VKontakte” and services “Yandex” and Mail.Ru, in the registration process at the moment is “Habrahabr».

 “We all filed notices and somehow make to fulfill the law. They consult with each other, communicate with a California legal services. We are with them also holding consultations and unless specifically hurry, “- he says.

 Note from last month in Russia came into force new rules under which the pages of sites and bloggers with the attendance of more than 3 million users a day should be included in the relevant register Roskomnadzora.

 “If they do not comply with the requirements of Russian legislation, they would face administrative sanctions. These three resources need to decide on the placement of its data centers in Russia and the laws of the bloggers. They are ready and willing to obey the law, “- quoted by” Izvestia “Ksenzova.


Google and Facebook will not ban in Russia – The Asian Reporter

September 30, 2014 05:21

MOSCOW, Sept. 30 / Asian Reporter /. Press secretary Vadim Roskomnadzora Ampelonsky said that such foreign services like Google.com, Facebook and Twitter will not be banned in Russia, but will need to register with the Russian Registry.



According to him, if these companies will shy away from the reception, they will first face a fine of 500 thousand. Rubles. Blocking access to these sites is considered only as a last resort, he added Ampelonsky.


Roscomnadzor these companies would send a notification of the need to create an account in the registry. They sent these messages to legal examination. And they took a break to study.


In addition, Roscomnadzor now in talks with companies about the implementation of the law on personal data, because they have a server in Russian Federation. But in this matter until the site cautious.


The first launch of the new missile “Angara” is scheduled for the New Year – the Russian Newspaper

Work on the preparation of the national version of the heavy launch vehicle “Angara” go as planned. About it, “the Russian newspaper” sources in the space industry.

Recall the first test launch of the missile track “Angara – 1.2PP” was carried out on July 9 this year. He conducted military Plesetsk cosmodrome. Start Troops carried a crew of aerospace defense.

I must say that the birth of a fully Russian carrier rocket went long and not very easy. Decision of the Government on the creation of space rocket complex “Angara” was signed August 26, 1995. At the same time approved the schedule of creating complex and financing of operations. Start of flight testing planned for 2005. However, the first launch took place only in July 2014.

The “Angara” – a rocket four types of light class with capacities from 1.7 to 3.7 tons to heavy loads up to 28.5 tons . Universal rocket module with RD-191 runs on clean fuel – kerosene and liquid oxygen.

“Angara” will be able to bring to the whole spectrum of Earth orbit payloads in the interests of the Russian Defense Ministry and civilian customers. Launches will take place as from Plesetsk and from the East, whose construction is in full swing in the Amur region.

Interesting Facts

Back in July heavy “Angara-A5″ brought to Plesetsk Cosmodrome. To do this, by the way, it took two special railway trains.

Now being tested components of missiles, is preparing for a comprehensive test.

In late August, at the spaceport in the Arkhangelsk region visited the Minister of Defence Sergei Shoigu, who checked including the progress in preparation for the start of a new “Angara”. Was satisfied. However, a special PR around heavy rocket, unlike the light is not observed. This can be explained, perhaps, by the fact that the preparation for the start of “Sheds – 1.2PP” was conducted for the media almost in online mode. And there was a discomfiture.

Widely announced launch, scheduled for June 27 has been canceled in the air. Triggered protective automation, stopped the start.

read as

Nothing terrible has happened. “Angara” – a completely new missile, developed and assembled already in the post in a brand new co-operatives. This product is pure Russian technology. Therefore covers natural. Retry starting July 9 was carried out without the journalists and public videoconferencing. Everything was done in such a way as to be done with the test papers. And it worked out.

That’s why now preparing for the start of “Sheds – A5″ is almost closed. The exact launch date is not called – somewhere in the region of 25 December.

An interesting detail. In contrast to the light “Angara”, which has made the flight on a ballistic trajectory and layout of cargo delivered to the Kamchatka Peninsula, the heavy “Angara” should fly into space with the spacecraft as the payload.

What will it be for the apparatus and what functions it will perform – has not been disclosed.


Scientists have discovered a new planet, consisting almost entirely of water – TVNZ

The sensational discovery made the team of astronomers from the United States, Switzerland and Chile. Scientists have discovered a planet almost entirely composed of water (!)

A celestial body under the number GJ1214b is located more than 124 light years from Earth. It is already known that it is greater than the dimensions of the planet twice. And the weight, on the other hand, seven times less, according to The Chrictian Science.

Now a group of researchers actively engaged in the study of the composition of the cosmic body. They were able to establish that the main component of GJ1214b – water. Such conclusions researchers made after found her a pair of gas.

It is worth noting that scientists have come up with the name of his find. They decided to call the celestial body “Water world».


Scientists have discovered on Mars just two archaeological

In the picture, taken at 735 Martian day, noticeable some disc-shaped item – like a wheel with spokes. And in pictures taken at 753 Martian day, some sculpture is visible (read more).


Specific factor spaceflight killed cosmonauts geckos – All the latest news and events from the world of cars

Unknown cosmic factor killed five experimental geckos cosmonauts on board the Foton-M №4. It is with such an explanation was made by the program manager of the biological part of the project Vladimir Sychev.

considering numerous reasons: weightless, humidity, environment settings, composition of the atmosphere inside the machine, the temperature regime. All of these indicators within the missiles were identical to previously established conditions in ground-based reference laboratory in which geckos successfully passed adaptation.
find out the exact cause can not be due to the failure of the camera.

This is the only technique that fail during flight. In general, the launch is successful, all the experiments conducted and received data.


Heavy “Proton” successfully launched satellite “Ray” into orbit – RBC

The launch vehicle” Proton-M “, the archive


Heavy rocket “Proton-M” upper stage “Breeze-M” successfully launched into the target orbit relay satellite “Ray.” It was the fifth space launch using the “Proton” in 2014 and the first after the accident in May this year.

«at 09:26 MSK spacecraft cleanly separated from the upper stage” Breeze-M “and went on desired orbit, “- said the press service of the Russian Space Agency.

« Proton-M “was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on Sunday, September 28 at 00:23 MSK. Branch orbiter as part of the upper stage “Breeze-M” spacecraft and “Ray” from the third stage of the launch vehicle was in normal mode.

In May 2014 the carrier rocket “Proton-M” was not able to launch the “Express-AM 4P». 540 seconds of flight at a speed of seven kilometers per second there was an extraordinary situation, which was that the device was not able to enter the previously calculated orbit and crashed to the ground.

In June, the head of Roscosmos Oleg Ostapenko said that the cause of the accident, “Proton-M” was the destruction of the bearing in the steering engine turbopump assembly of the third stage of the rocket.

Spacecraft “Ray” is designed and manufactured JSC “Information Satellite Systems” Academician Reshetnev “under the Federal Space Program of Russia for 2006-2015. System Relay “Ray” is designed to provide communication of the Russian segment of the International Space Station, LEO spacecraft, rockets, boosters with ground stations.

Launch vehicle “Proton” and the upper stage “Briz-M” developed and commercially produced FSUE “State Research and Production Space Center Khrunichev.” Upgraded “Proton-M”, equipped with the upper stage “Breeze-M”, is able to deliver to geosynchronous transfer orbit a payload of more than 6 tons.


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Roscomnadzor will not block Google, Facebook and Twitter – Russian Newspaper

Roscomnadzor now maintains a record of internet sites mainly at the request of law enforcement agencies.

And the questions on the roster are made not necessarily because the resources have violated letter of the law, stressed in an interview with “RG” Press Secretary Office Vadim Ampelonsky. Russian site “Yandex”, “VKontakte”, Mail.Ru and “Rambler” is already included in the register.

Nearly two months of the amendments to the laws “On Information, Information Technologies and Protection of Information”, “On communication “and the Code of Administrative Offences (CAO). One of the innovations just refers to sites and systems to ensure the reception, transmission, processing and delivery of electronic communications network users. Such resources must register as an organizer Roskomnadzor dissemination of information and for the six months to keep “on the territory of Russia information on all the content that passes through their sites.

Roscomnadzor may on its own initiative to ask them to register. Now office is working with Google.com, Facebook and Twitter on their registration in the registry under the implementation of the so-called law of bloggers.

Roscomnadzor banished these companies notification of the need to register in the registry. They sent these requests for legal examination. And took a break to study.

“We do not rush them. See interest to fulfill the Russian legislation, “- said Ampelonsky.

Speeches of sanctions in relation to these sites does not go, he said. But if they shy away from enforcing the law, they primarily faces a fine of 500 thousand rubles. Blocking access to such a sloppy site is considered only as a last resort.

“Also, we will deal with them for the implementation of the law on personal data,” – said the source. Indeed, they should have servers on the territory of Russia.

But in general, as long as companies are cautious. example, Twitter sees Russia as an important enough market that clearly does not want to lose, but so far makes no representations regarding the opening of an office or employment is the official representative. Russian companies relate to the requirement to provide information about users normally. And before that law enforcement authorities may request information about those who write on their site. But it was necessary to order or request of the court.

read as

With the introduction of the law for web sites to change the status, and equated to telecom operators. And now they have to install additional equipment – a means to provide the functions and search operations. This company is considered unnecessary, the expert said. After all, on the lines of communication operators is already such equipment, and will dub.

As for the areas with the participation of foreign capital, which do business in Russia, they do not refuse dialogue with the authorities. They will even go out there to organize your servers for storing personal data, expert predicts.

Banks against hackers

Internet swindlers, inventing new methods of electronic robbery, stumbled upon an effective barrier of the Bank of Russia. Central Bank forced banks to tighten control over online payments and ATMs.

The new regulatory requirements set out in the Central Bank of N 3361-U. Trigger the emergence of new obligations for banks has become a dangerous trend of growth of such crimes, which are called phishing (English. Fishing – fishing). They make hackers using the site of the twin-bank. If it is identical to the original, you can get access to your passwords and logins customers and rob them.

Now, lenders should inform clients about the appearance of the web resources and false virus software. And on the front of the ATM must be placed the bank’s name, device identifier, phone number and e-mail addresses to contact the customer with the bank.

Prepared by Yaroslav Nikolaev


Discussions about blocking Google.com, Facebook and Twitter have been rumors – SakhaNews

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XV-th Olympics Yaro” Neftegazstroyprofsoyuz ».
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Ysyakh in St. Petersburg.
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Roscomnadzor not going to block Google.com, Facebook and Twitter – Russian Oil

«Oil of Russia», 28.09.14, Moscow, 23:07 Roscomnadzor now maintains a record of internet sites mainly at the request of law enforcement. Moreover, requests for inclusion in the registry is not necessarily made because resources have violated the letter of the law, stressed in an interview with “RG” Press Secretary Office Vadim Ampelonsky. Russian site “Yandex”, “VKontakte”, Mail.Ru and “Rambler” is already included in the register.

Almost two months of the amendments to the laws “On Information, Information Technologies and Protection of Information”, ” Connection “and the Code of Administrative Offences (CAO). One of the innovations just refers to sites and systems to ensure the reception, transmission, processing and delivery of electronic communications network users. Such resources must register as an organizer Roskomnadzor dissemination of information and for the six months to keep “on the territory of Russia information on all the content that passes through their sites.

Roscomnadzor may on its own initiative to ask them to register . Now Service is working with Google.com, Facebook and Twitter on their registration in the registry under the implementation of the so-called law of bloggers.

Roscomnadzor banished these companies notification of the need to register in the registry. They sent these appeals the legal expertise. And took a break to study.

“We are not pushing them. See interest to fulfill the Russian legislation, “- said Ampelonsky.

Speeches of sanctions in relation to these sites does not go, he stressed. But if they still will shy away from enforcing the law, then they first face a fine of 500 thousand rubles. Blocking access to such a sloppy site is considered only as a last resort. Fully: http://www.rg.ru/2014/09/29/roskomnadzor.html. Read more at http://www.oilru.com/news/428410/


Members of the Russian Federation may be left in 2015 without Google, Facebook, Twitter – all the latest news and events from the world of cars

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The debate about whether to apply penalties against violators of the new regulation Roskomnadzora of media to social networks Google, Facebook and Twitter are based on the continued silence on the part of the owners of these resources.

A few days ago, Facebook, Twitter and Google has received notice from the Russian side, the need to re-register under the new law. Response on the part of the defendants no.
By law bloggers who have attendance of the resource more than 3 million users per day are required to check the registry. Why silent serverskie large network is not known. Can delayed negotiations with lawyers in California can unwillingness to follow the law, can not interest in a multi-million user base.
The penalty for violation of the new regulations for businesses will be 500 thousand rubles, and repeated the warning will cease to function and adding bloggers ” black list ».
Russian Internet activist Anton Spout in his blog announces that from 1 January 2015 In the Russian Federation will be banned foreign servers Facebook, Twitter and Google. According to him Roscomnadzor started preparing documents to block these services.


Russian satellite “Ray” successfully separated from the carrier rocket “Proton-M” and reached the target orbit – Bulletin

The Russian satellite « Ray” successfully separated from the launch vehicle « Proton-M” and reached the target orbit, said the representative of Roscosmos. According to him, the operation took place at the scheduled time and no deviations from the plan.

The accuracy of the Russian navigation system « Glonass “after the introduction of « Ray “in the operation will be less than one hundred centimeters. This means that « Glonass” and the American GPS will be comparable.

« Proton-M “was launched on Sunday night from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

« Ray “?? satellite relay multifunctional space system that is designed to provide communications between the Russian segment of the International Space Station. « Ray” was created within the framework of the Federal Space Program , 2006-2015.

This is the fifth in 2014 with the launch of a rocket « Proton” and the first since the May accident media. Previous start « Proton-M” from Baikonur ended unsuccessfully May 16 launch vehicle with a satellite connection « Express AM4R “on board burned up in the atmosphere.


Hitler and Stalin divided Eastern Europe – BBC

September 28, 1939 the Soviet Union and Germany finally divided their spheres of influence in Eastern Europe. “Times” says the redistribution of boundaries and events accompanied it.

Seventy-five years ago, when Poland was already occupied by Germany and the Soviet Union, the People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov and German foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop signed a new contract, which became a kind of supplement to the judgment at the end of August of the same 1939 pact. Negotiations continued for three days in Moscow and was initiated at the request of the Soviet side. The formal reason for their beginning was the occupation of Poland and its further processing. At the same time, continued the liberation campaign of the Red Army on the Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia.

However, the real reason for conducting new negotiations was the Soviet proposal to refuse any and all claims from Germany to Lithuania. In response, the Soviet Union was ready to abandon Warsaw and Lublin provinces engaged shortly before.

Some states, such as Estonia, have themselves realized the hopelessness of the situation. So, the official Tallinn 28 September 1939 agreed to place in the country of Soviet military bases.

«Poland was a great power. Where is Poland? “- Said Joseph Stalin, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Estonia Karl Selter, the parties have agreed on a mutual assistance pact, which, in addition to the deployment of Soviet military bases, meant providing the Estonian Army” concessional assistance weapons and other military materials ».

September 28 were successfully completed and the Soviet-German negotiations, and in the newspapers published the text of the relevant treaty. Attached is a map for.

However, the parties also entered into a confidence and two secret protocol.

Trust protocol meant that Germany would not interfere with the resettlement of “persons of Ukrainian or Belarusian origin” from the scope of its interests in the Soviet sphere of interest. In turn, the Soviet Union promised not to interfere with the resettlement of “persons of German origin” to move to Germany or to the scope of its interests. By areas of interest of the two countries at the same time understood the border that was outlined on the new map.

The first secret protocol concerning the prohibition on all sorts of agitation controlled by the Soviet Union and Germany in Poland if it is directed against one of the parties to the agreement.

Before leaving Moscow, the German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop did employee TASS following statement: “My stay and Moscow was again short, unfortunately, all too brief. Next time I hope to stay here anymore ».

In the second secret protocol said just about the division of spheres of influence: « As soon as the Government of the USSR to take Lithuanian territory special measures for the protection of their interests, for the purpose of simple and natural boundaries of the present German-Lithuanian border is corrected so that the Lithuanian territory, which lies to the southwest of the line marked on the map, goes to Germany ».

Thus, the section of Eastern Europe was actually completed. Before the Great Patriotic War was little more than two years. And to create the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian SSR, and even less.

But the joint statement of the Soviet and German governments condemned all other countries – the future allies of the USSR in World War II: «Government mutual consent expressed opinion that the elimination of the present war between Germany on the one hand, and Britain and France on the other hand would meet the interests of all peoples. Therefore, both the Government will direct their common efforts, in case of need, in agreement with other friendly powers, as soon as possible to achieve this goal. If, however, these efforts of the two Governments remain fruitless, so it will be set the fact that England and France are responsible for the continuation of the war, and in the case of continuing the war the Government of Germany and the Soviet Union will consult with each other on the necessary measures ».


Russian satellite “Ray” was launched into orbit – BBC Russian

  • September 28, 2014


 & quot; & # x41F; & # x440; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x43D; & # x430; - & # x41C; & quot;
Last start “Proton” in May 2014 ended in failure

Russian relay satellite “Ray”, launched by a rocket “Proton-M”, launched into orbit.

Booster “Proton-M” was launched at 00:23 Moscow time from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

System Relay “Ray” is intended to communicate the Russian segment of the International Space Station and other satellites with ground stations.

At this time, the Russian segment of the ISS may have a direct relationship with the Mission Control Center in the Russian Federation and the United States for 2.5 hours per day. To contact the rest of the Russian American buys services communication system TDRSS.

This is the fifth in 2014 with the launch of the rocket “Proton” and the first since the May accident that media. Launched on May 16 from Baikonur “Proton-M” satellite communication “Express AM4R” on board burned up in the atmosphere.

“Proton-M” – booster heavy class, which since the late 1960s ies regularly serves as a space truck for Soviet and Russian space programs.

History launches “Proton”

“Proton” is used for launching various automatic devices satellites, cargo spacecraft to deliver cargo to the ISS.

At the moment in April 2001 for the launch complex used “Proton-M” carrier rocket with (extra step) “Breeze-M”.

With all the advantages, among them, high load capacity, the rocket has one serious drawback – it uses as a propellant mixture of heptyl (dimethylhydrazine) and oxidant – amyl (dinitrogen tetroxide). Both substances are highly toxic and in case of an accident heavily pollute the soil, requiring the decontamination.

During the operation there were more than 40 rockets failed launches. Most emergency period – the first three years after the creation of the rocket, from 1967 to 1970.

A series of accidents occurred in the last few years.

last start May 16, 2014 also ended in failure. At the stage of the third stage of the launch vehicle is an emergency situation has arisen, and the satellite “Express-AM4R” has not been put into orbit.

In July 2013 immediately after the start exploded “Proton-M” with three GLONASS satellites . Commission investigating the accident, found that it occurred due to improperly installed angular rate sensors.

After the accident, the head of Roscosmos, Vladimir Popovkin was dismissed. It was succeeded by Oleg Ostapenko. However, retired predecessor Popovkin Anatoly Perminov, the experts also interpreted as a consequence of failure of the rocket “Proton-M” with devices GLONASS December 5, 2010.

Total in 2010 there were six accidents launches “Proton-M”. In this case, successful launches were more than 40.


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Rocket “Proton” successfully orbited Russian satellite “Ray”, together with the upper stage “Breeze-M” – radio station Echo of Moscow

08:05 , 28 September 2014

It started last night from Baikonur. Branch of the satellite unit is expected in half an hour. This is the first start of “Proton” after the accident in May this year. And had not all launch vehicles in this class is successful. Proton brought a lot of headache to officials. In May this year the booster fell to 10th minute after take-off from Baikonur. There was an emergency situation in the third stage. Together with the Russian Proton left without the most powerful telecommunications spacecraft. Communication satellite Express, according to several media reports, he cost the Russian budget by almost 5 billion rubles. In July last year, an incident with Proton led to the resignation of the head of Roscosmos, Vladimir Popovkin. The rocket then fell in the first minute, that is, immediately after the launch from Baikonur. She had to bring into space three Glonass navigation satellites. The reason – improper installation angular rate sensors on the rocket. Almost a year before PE in August 2012go launch Proton also ended in failure. The rocket failed to put into orbit a Russian communications satellite Express and Indonesian Telkom-3 satellite. A serious incident occurred in the 2010m. Over the past few years, it is estimated the press, the Russian budget lost on unsuccessful launches a 20-billion rubles.


In the constellation Ophiuchus walking breeze Stars – CarEcology.ru

The astronomers from Chile and the United States opened in the constellation Ophiuchus unique cosmic phenomenon. Thanks to the telescope ALMA observatory they have recorded in the young stellar system stellar wind. Ophiuchus constellation with stars AS 205 and AS 205 S N T Tauri is 407 light years from our solar system.

Recall that it was the stellar wind creates clouds of gas and the planet. With the help of the center of mass is formed in the protoplanetary education. In particular, it is believed that this phenomenon has given rise to Jupiter and Neptune.

In the coming years, scientists continue to study its findings to reject the hypothesis that the effect on the stellar systems tidal interaction.


Roscomnadzor “Requests» Facebook, Gmail and Twitter to register in Russia – “Civitas” – Herald of civil society


Roscomnadzor “Requests» Facebook, Gmail and Twitter to register in Russia

Roscomnadzor sent American internet resources Facebook, Gmail and Twitter notifications requested to register as” communicators “in Russia. On Friday September 26 the newspaper reported, “Izvestia”, the article which also says that if the American companies do not fulfill the requirements of the Russian legislation, they can be applied administrative sanctions.

In this case, the press secretary Vadim Roskomnadzora Ampelonsky said after the publication agency “Interfax” that the Office on these Internet companies “from the Russian law enforcement agencies and no request is received.” As explained Vadim Ampelonsky, it is not a legally valid petition, rather, it is advice.

«Formation of the registry is currently going through, mainly, Russian sites – in fact all the vanguard of the Russian segment of the Internet have registered in our service. With foreign exchange platforms going consultation, but because of the law enforcement agencies have not yet had queries about the registration of these services, then we are not talking about significant legal notifications that trigger compulsory registration “, – he said.

According Ampelonskogo, Facebook, Gmail and Twitter are free to create an “own initiative” without waiting for the requirements of law enforcement officers. “We calmly deal with the” Facebook “,” google “and” Twitter “, do not rush them and we press – we are waiting for them to take appropriate decisions. Question Time “- added official Roskomnadzora.

A spokesman for Roskomnadzora also said that in the registry offices as organizers of information dissemination have already registered Russian social networks and Internet sites, such as “Vkontakte”, Yandex, Mail.ru and Rambler.

At the bottom of the current action supervisor are amendments to the law “On Information”, which came into force on August 1. According to these amendments, the sites that handle correspondence network users must register and keep the correspondence users for six months, otherwise the organization faces a fine of 500 thousand. Rubles ($ 13 thousand. Dollars).

The amendments also introduced compulsory registration for popular bloggers – those whose audience is more than three thousand people per day. They will have to comply with the same requirements as registered media.

Major industry online marketplace “Habrahabr” was already in the registry, which gave a lot of trouble to its founder Denis Kryuchkov. According to the registration procedure, the site owner must apply through registered legal entity of public services online. “We have a registration was not, but to create it, you need a digital signature, which is done at least three days. In turn, to get the signature, you need to collect a bunch of documents “, – told the online edition of Kryuchkov Village.

Entrepreneur at Office received a reprieve. According to his calculations, additional equipment, which allows to fulfill the requirements Roskomnadzora, had to spend a million rubles.

The Director and owner of Liveinternet German Klimenko, in an interview with the Russian service “Voice of America” ​​said that from a legal perspective Roskomnadzora requirements for Gmail, Facebook and Twitter are not mandatory: “The American company Google is primarily subject to the laws of his countries. American company Roscomnadzor, as I understand it, is not a regulatory body in the same way as it is not our legislature, the State Duma. ”

The owner of a large internet business believes that “the only cooperation that is possible between foreign companies and Russian officials, determined by international agreements and carried out by Interpol, when it comes to, say, drugs or child pornography.”

«Who is an example of that was closed at the request of the Russian authorities’ Twitter-Account” Humpty Dumpty, “which was the release of dirt on officials. But we understand that it really is just good will Twitter, that the owners of the account to the court on Twitter just did not serve, though, if filed, it is likely to win. In this case, Twitter has not provided our law enforcement agencies information about the owner of the account, “Humpty Dumpty”, “- says Klimenko.

Internet entrepreneur it is sure that the gain control over the internet in Russia did not begin with the resumption of the “cold war” with the West, but much earlier: “I think that Edward Snowden brought here a few examples of recruitment Russian citizens via the Internet, using the knowledge that, for example, obtained from Google. For example, you can quite easily get in Moscow pool of IP MoD officials. And based on this pool of IP, if you have access to the data of Google, you can catch the man, finding out that he sits in the workplace and seeking, for example, “to buy overseas property.” Or address issues of treatment of relatives in Israel, and you can determine that it is not enough money at the right time to roll to him. ”

As for the recent tightening in the area of ​​the Internet, German Klimenko sure that the Russian government is simply not afraid of any deterioration of its image: “In many ways, the story accelerated events that are happening now with the Crimea, with Ukraine with sanctions. Our government apparently decided: Well, okay, if it still is bad, we will do everything at once. ”

Bulletin CIVITAS


Shut off if Google, Twitter and Facebook in the territory of the Russian Federation – Softcraze

twitter- bing-facebook-google2

In the network actively walks the news that the social network Google, Twitter and Facebook will soon be available in the Russian Federation. But is it really?

The thing is that the management of social networks has received a notice from the need to create Roskomnadzora in the department. If resources do not submit their applications in time, then in relation to them will be made an administrative penalty – off in the country. This statement was made head of Roscomnadzor Maxim Ksenzov.

In fact, this request is nothing fatal. The department has already been registered, most major resources, the procedure took place without any consequences, the same will happen with these social networks that are sure to submit their applications on time and continue their work.

Tags: Facebook, Google, Twitter, disable, RF

Short URL : http://softcraze.com/?p=10169
