Thursday, October 20, 2016

Putin asked the Russian to create an open standard of the Internet of things –

roadmap “Internet+City”

the Sub-group “Internet+City”, acting through the working group on the use of the network in the domestic economy of the Internet in the Russian presidential aide Igor Shegolev has prepared a draft road map (document on the file server, CNews).

According to two interlocutors CNews familiar with the preparation of the document, the road map will be presented Igor Shchegolev 27 Oct 2016, after which it will go for consideration to Vladimir Putin.

As explained by CNews head of the subgroup the head of the innovation center of “Rostelecom” Boris Glazkov the document is aimed, primarily, at the development of the Internet of things (IoT) and industrial Internet.

the First part of the paper will develop these technologies, the second part describes the development areas in which these technologies are applied – Housing and communal services (utilities), construction and transportation.

In the development of the roadmap has involved the development Fund of Internet initiatives (FDII). The representative of the FUND said that the Fund has not seen the final version of this document, but hope that their suggestions were taken into account.

Road map for the development of the Internet of things will be considered by Vladimir Putin in the coming days

the Bulk of the events mentioned in the road map, scheduled for 2017, but some events should occur in 2018 In the implementation of the activities listed in the document, will involve the Ministry of communications, Minekonomrazvitija the energy Ministry, the FSB, Federal service for technical and export control (FSTEC) and other agencies.

the Russian open standard Internet of things

among other things, the document envisages the beginning in Russia, the development of architecture and devices for the Internet of things, the beginning of mass production of the respective chips and embedding them in the sensors, controllers and other devices.

in Parallel, we intend to develop “domestic open source for narrowly-broadcast, radio modules and controllers, IOT devices taking into account the experience of development and implementation of the domestic operators of the Internet of things”.

it is Also expected to develop a domestic open source cryptographic algorithms for devices with low power consumption (no possibility of remote software updates) and with devices that allow remote updating. Created open codes to control devices, and encryption tools should be included in the national Registry.

Glazkov explains that we are talking about the creation of the standard IoT. Special means of cryptographic protection for IoT devices is necessary due to the fact that standard cryptography is not suitable for such low-power devices.

“FRII in its initiatives for the development of the Internet of things has taken into account the proposals of the Russian manufacturers of microelectronics on the development of chips supporting the national standard and secure IoT Protocol – adds the representative of the Fund. – Now there is organizational work on creation of Association of Internet of things, which will include including semiconductor manufacturers”.

TV will take the part of the frequencies for the Internet of things

Another part of the proposals associated with the clearing of frequencies for devices of the Internet of things and industrial Internet. For these purposes it is planned to use the range of 700 MHz. In 2012, frequencies in this range have been allocated to LTE technology between the four operators: VimpelCom, MTS, MegaFon and Tele2. But then by the decree of the President was established upon the priority use of these frequencies for digital terrestrial television, which mobile operators can not begin to use this range.

the Developers of the road map propose to solve this problem by limiting the number of multiplexes (packages of channels) – air digital TV and transfer them to the bands below 694 MHz. In addition, it is expected to conduct the shutdown of analog TV, which will also free up the frequency.

In the frequency domain is also expected to introduce changes in the normative acts of the State Commission for radio frequencies, government and the Eurasian economic Commission with the aim of simplifying the use of devices with a small radius of action and their liberalization of their import to Russia.

the Regional authorities should be involved in work on the use of technologies of IoT and industrial Internet. For this purpose, will be carried out special monitoring of efficiency of activity of heads of subjects of Federation.

Adjustment of laws for the Internet of things

it is Planned to develop educational programmes and educational standards of training specialists for the IoT and industrial Internet. The legislation will define the concept of technological data and technological infrastructure of the data specified part of the infrastructure of technological data, there are requirements for hardware and software infrastructure of process data and their operators.

the law “About safety of objects of fuel and energy complex” and “On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities” will be amended in the part of establishing requirements to implement the collection, storage and processing of process data. The analysis of the other laws on the subject of obstacles to the development of IoT and industrial Internet.

Automated monitoring for the observance of silence in the houses

In the field of housing and communal services, a road map involves the transfer of individual metering devices in the General share property and determination of requirements to the formats and standards for the transfer and reporting of data on the electricity consumption of local accounting systems in the BOOM housing, as well as standards for reporting of data in the personal Cabinet of the subscriber. The legislation will create conditions for stimulation of transition to a remote data collection on energy consumption.

it Also assumes the introduction of norms, involving the transmission of operational information about the technical condition of water management systems purpose and on the technical condition of energy companies to the Supervisory authorities. For utilities should be developed a legal framework to control the thermal networks without the participation of staff and organizations for the situational centers.

Another interesting initiative – to commit the offences in terms of protection of peace citizens it is planned to use the automated system – it will also require changes in the regulatory framework.


In the field of construction it is expected to make to the Civil code the concept of the standby plan, the state Agency responsible for oversight, ownership rights duty plans, the nature of the interaction of the duty plan with the data of information systems of city planning. In addition, it is planned to carry out a remote inspection personnel on construction sites and to establish a procedure for medical examination of the staff using telemedicine tools.

In the field of transport it is proposed to create a system of “E-waybill”, which will allow to exclude the possibility of unlawful processing of waybills carriers, and also allow Supervisory authorities to promptly check the information about carrying out medical examination of the driver.

Another proposal – development of common formats for the use of electronic devices in the information support of transport servicing the regular routes, including information boards at bus stops and in the buses, the use of satellite navigation devices and more. This should ensure greater attractiveness of public transport for the population and reduce the burden on roads due to reduced use of personal vehicles.

in addition, must be approved by the quality standards of public transport services. and set up an information system allowing real time tracking of the implementation of these standards. This will ensure a single quality level of provided transport services to the population throughout Russia and will create the preconditions for the attractiveness of public transport for the population.


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