Wednesday, April 6, 2016

“Roskosmos” will create a base on the moon by 2035 – REGNUM

Moscow, April 6, 2016, 08:11 – REGNUM The Russian base will be on the moon by 2035, five years after the lunar mission, according to “World 24″, referring to the executive director of manned programs Roscosmos Sergey Krikalev.

According to him, the policy adopted by the corporation includes landing on the moon in the year 20,130, and build a lunar base will take place until 2035, which is likely to be of a scientific laboratory. its operating mode is discussed, based, of course will be based on the experience of space stations.

In addition, Sergei Krikalev said that the training program for the crew of the lunar expedition will not be radically different from the existing training programs for ISS crews. The difference is only in the development of a set of technical means needed to achieve the purposes of the expedition.

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