The Russian Facebook users complained about the virus in the social network. The owners of accounts prepared under the guise of personal messages from their friends links to pages that mimic the video on YouTube. When you click on a profile it is cracked. Burglary faced editor “”, about similar problems he told friends that are registered in Facebook.
Picking up the virus, the system automatically distributes the malicious link on the user’s friends and subscribers. The rollers, which are links that have pornographic content. In the chat window pornokadry are not displayed, and understand that the link leads to pornorolik impossible. If you go to her profile will be photos of naked women.
When you click on a link is offered to watch the video, but you need to install a browser extension, which probably infects a user account for the further spread of malware .
also, users had links to dangerous sports betting videos. When passing a similar mechanism operates on them.
A similar virus has captured the social network in December, 2014. Then Facebook Administration recommended that users remove YouTurn extension for Google Chrome. To do this, go to your browser options, then choose the “Advanced Settings” in the bottom of the page to reset. Then you need to go to the menu “Extensions” and remove the extension.
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