NEW YORK, 24 April. / Corr. TASS Aleksey Kachalin /. Swiss aeronaut Bertrand Piccard on the plane on solar batteries Solar Impulse 2 (Si2) landed safely Saturday in the town of Mountain View in California. On a flight from Hawaii to the heart of Silicon Valley it took almost three days.
aeronaut fulfilled his promise to hold Si2 over the famous bridge “Golden Gate” in San Francisco (CA). “I crossed the bridge over the space I am now officially in America.”, – Said the Swiss
His companion on the world tour Andre Borshberg got to California on a regular airplane.. He also took a helicopter to greet Picard in the air, flying at Si2. The meeting took place just over the San Francisco Bay.
Conversation with Ban Ki-moon
Last Friday, Picard spoke via video link from the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. Last aeronaut named the inspirer and creator of authentic history. Swiss returned the compliment, describing as a historic signing on Friday of 175 states, including Russia, the Paris climate agreement, designed to help humanity avoid irreversible effects of global warming. “The signing of the Paris Agreement in New York – it’s more than the protection of the environment, this is the beginning of the revolution in the field of” clean “technologies”, – aeronaut said
Together with Borshbergom plans to make a stop in California for three. days, and then go to New York, then – in Europe or North Africa, and finally – in Abu Dhabi, where the March 9, 2015 began the journey
Emergency stop in Japan
<. p> Leaving the road from Abu Dhabi, the plane did then stop in Oman, India, Myanmar and China. Due to bad weather conditions on June 1 he had an emergency landing in the Japanese city of Nagoya. Solar Impulse 2 There was almost a month in anticipation of favorable weather conditions. June 29th the plane flew from Japan to Hawaii, which arrived July 3. “The aircraft has suffered due to battery damage due to overheating, – the organizers of the flight -. This has led to an unexpected break.” To replace the batteries took a long time, and the continuation of travel has been postponed until 2016.
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