Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Experts estimate the real cost of iPhone SE – IA REGNUM

Moscow, April 6, 2016, 10:36 – REGNUM Analysts international company IHS claim that the cost of a new iPhone SE items is $ 160 and $ 170 for versions 16 and 64 GB, respectively, according to Re / code.

The most expensive, $ 22, is a processor Apple A9. Modules cameras are estimated at $ 13. The new iPhone SE used by 5s display model, the cost of which is estimated at $ 41. In addition to Apple displays produce Japan Display and Sharp.

The study did not take into account the cost of advertising , logistics and other related costs. The authors note that the cost of completing iPhone SE in versions 16 and 64 GB differ by $ 10, while the difference in the retail price -. $ 100

It should be reminded that the retail price of iPhone SE with 64 GB of memory is $ 499 dollars without a contract.

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