Saturday, October 31, 2015

To avoid a collision with the Earth a giant asteroid was dead comet –

looming giant asteroid to Earth in 2015 turned out to be a dead comet TB145. This conclusion was made by astronomers studying data obtained by NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility on the island of Hawaii as part of Mauna Kea. This was reported on the agency’s website.

Scientists were able to determine that, most likely, the asteroid is a dead comet nucleus. According to them, it is a heavenly body, make a lot of turns around the sun, it lost part of his mother, and his tail ceased to exist. To such conclusions scientists came after studying the reflectivity of the celestial body.

Total surface of the asteroid reflects, according to scientists, about six percent of the sunlight (about the same amount reflects the asphalt). This is more than a typical comet nucleus reflects, but since there is a tail of an asteroid, scientists have concluded that it is a dead comet.

At about 20:00 Moscow time on October 31, 2015 celestial body It appeared at a distance of 486,000 kilometers from the Earth’s surface (1.3 times more distance to the moon). The diameter of the celestial body reaches 600 meters (ten times larger than the Tunguska body), and a complete revolution around its axis it makes five hours.

09:11 May 8, 2015

The asteroid 2015 TB145 was opened on October 10 systems Pan-STARRS and is classified as a potentially dangerous object (because of its size and proximity to the Earth). These objects include the body, the size of which more than a hundred meters and are approaching the planet at a distance of 7.5 million kilometers.

The next time an asteroid close to Earth will be in September 2018 at a distance of 38 million kilometers from She (it is about a quarter of the distance between the planet and the Sun). In the next hundred years for the Earth, it is not dangerous.

The US currently have the most reliable and productive system to track near-Earth objects. According to the data provided by NASA, the forces of the country able to detect more than 98 percent of such facilities.


NASA revealed the 600-meter “skull”, flying to the Earth – Russian newspaper

NASA has published on its official website radar image of asteroid 2015 TB145, which is as close to Earth at 21:00 Moscow time on October 31st. In one of the outer body angles clearly resembles a skull.

See also

It is interesting that on the same day in the West celebrated Halloween – Halloween, when, according to legend, comes out of hiding every evil. It is possible that NASA employees in this regard carefully picking the “right” view of the asteroid. In addition, it gives the sinister outlines blurred image, its resolution – 7.5 meters per pixel.

In fact, is it a dead comet, which “lost” his tail as a result of repeated passage near the Sun. An asteroid the size of about 600 meters in diameter will pass by Earth at a distance of 486,000 kilometers – a 1.3 distance from our planet to the moon.

The first radar images of dead comets were obtained by the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. A cosmic body discovered October 10 powerful telescope, set in Hawaii.

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The unique images: NASA scientists showed the giant asteroid that comes closer to the earth on Halloween – Russian dialogue

October 31, 2015, 18:02 –

Science & Appliances


NASA scientists published the first picture of the approaching to land a giant asteroid. Upon receipt of the images, scientists have noticed in the middle of the dark areas of the asteroid, which, according to the astronomers, may be followed by an impact crater.

Researchers at NASA published a picture of a giant asteroid that closer our planet on Halloween. This facility opened American automatic Pan-STARRS in Hawaii.

This information was reported by the official website of NASA, – the “Russian Conversation”.

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After studying the images, the researchers said that in the center of the asteroid are dark spots.

According to the scientists, this may be a crater, resulting in a collision with another space object.

The diameter of the celestial body reaches 600 meters. Experts pointed out that the size of the cosmic body was larger than previously estimated.

At 20:00 Moscow time, a heavenly body will be at a distance of 486,000 kilometers from the Earth’s surface.

It is worth noting that the asteroid is moving toward the Earth at a speed of 35 kilometers per second.

Напомним, former NASA scientists their statements shocked the world.

NASA scientists warned the world community that the Earth is expected shortly custom cosmic phenomenon.

The American experts said that from November 15 of the current year planet earth two weeks will be a solid night.

With such an outlook, in particular, made the head of the National Directorate of aeronautics and Space Charles Bolden.

According to the scientists, this is an unusual event remind all the experience of living in Alaska. The cause of this cosmic phenomenon will overlap Venus and Jupiter.

Earlier, NASA published a panorama of the dunes of Mars created by the rover Curiosity.

With the help of one of its imaging systems – mastcam, rover 27 August removed neighborhood in Mount Sharp.

Sharp – one of the mountains Mars is in the crater Gale. The height of the mountain is approximately 5 kilometers. Presumably, the mountain was formed from the lake to dry up and re-filled with water for millions of years.

In the area of ​​Gale crater the rover Curiosity is two years. There he conducts geological and geochemical studies, studying the atmosphere and climate of the planet, looking for water or traces of her presence of organic matter.

This information will help to find out whether there is in the world a place fit for life.


Approaching Earth asteroid (photo) – Dni.Ru

NASA photo shows an impending asteroid to Earth. Celestial body would be in close proximity to the Earth 31 October about 20 pm.

The American NASA released photos looming giant asteroid to Earth. The images were obtained in the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, said the agency.

In the photographs, scientists have noticed that in the center of a cosmic body are dark spots . Experts believe that this could crater, resulting in a collision with another object.

Sam asteroid reaches a diameter of 600 meters, and makes a complete revolution around its axis in five hours. His movement speed was 35 kilometers per second. Scientists expect that the celestial body about 20 hours (Moscow time) will be at a distance of 486,000 kilometers. Thus, some of the inhabitants of the Earth will be able to even see it – it will be enough to see with binoculars.

It was reported earlier that the so-called “asteroid Hallowe’en” can crash into the moon. In this case, the natural satellite of our planet will cease to exist, and its fragments sprinkling the earth.

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Friday, October 30, 2015

Why do people give up on iPhone 6S? – Macster

Why do people give up on iPhone 6S?

We open three major disadvantages of the new smartphone from Apple, faced his “happy” owners.

Introducing the new smartphone this year, the company Apple, as usual, spoke about the innovations and positive aspects of new items. From the stage of the theater Moscone West Head and senior managers drawn in the minds of future customers as the ideal picture of the new iPhone, which some he seemed even unreal.

However, in the life of users iPhone 6S faced a number of shortcomings that “descended from heaven to earth.” And as if not please investors and shareholders sales performance trends, customers, and especially those who first decided to buy “apple” smartphone, and before that used the device on Android, began to openly express their anger.

Today we tell about the shortcomings of the three iPhone 6S, which spoiled the first impression about the new product from the greatest number of users.

16 GB of memory in the base

За the window is already ending in 2015, and Apple still continues to provide the market with the flagship 16 GB of internal memory, as well as a few years ago. While competitors initially provide its users with more opportunities, Apple did not allow even their own add more memory through the use of flash memory cards.

In such circumstances, consumers who need more memory, forced to shell out more expensive models iPhone 6S with increased storage.

Of course, in Cupertino so meager internal memory motivated by the fact that the user does not need to store a lot of data in your phone, because pictures have iCloud, and for music – Apple Music, however many users of iPhone 6S as standard I would like to get more memory.

Too short battery life of the battery

Разочарованием number two in the majority of customers has become iPhone 6S even less battery life of the battery than its predecessors. Even those users who have already used every night to keep your iPhone charging, such a short period of battery life turned out to be an unpleasant surprise.

Of course, in this case, Apple also provides the user with several different options for energy-efficient operation, in which a smartphone can hold on a little longer, but at a constant load, and these tips are ineffective.

For example, for web-surfing on the iPhone 6S is preferable to use a built-in Safari browser with the function of saving energy, but not to install Google Chrome, but it add to the battery life quite a bit of time.

In addition, when creating iPhone 6S with its ultra-slim design, the designers preferred the sophisticated design to the detriment of the size and capacity of the battery. In this case, naturally, not only decreases the battery life of the device, but the number of full discharge cycles, which are designed battery. After some time (depending on the intensity of use of the smartphone) battery Battery life will be completely negligible.

The limited management capabilities preinstalled applications

Возможно, A third disadvantage does not seem so important, compared with the first two, but for users who first changed their Android-smarfton on the iPhone, the ability to personalize and manage preset content is very important.

The point, rather, is not that Apple sets too many unnecessary applications by default in Android-powered device such programs is much greater lack of the iPhone in this case is shown that such programs can not be removed from the screen and delete.

All that to be content with the user – is the ability to hide unused shortcuts into a folder on the home screen.

In summary, it should be noted that although the iPhone and remains one of the most popular smartphone among users, and its sales are growing with each new model, Apple did not hurt a little to change the direction in which she sees the iPhone development in future. After an ultra-slim body at the expense of battery life and cut down the amount of built-in memory, forcing users to use cloud solutions, can not add the device popularity.


Huge asteroid approaching Earth – BBC News

potentially hazardous asteroids tonight will approach Earth at a distance slightly larger than the moon, watching him can carry binoculars. This was told the researcher of the Institute of Applied Mathematics. Keldysh and member of the International Scientific Optical Network Leonid Elenin.

Other notable astronomical events of recent days – a meteorite that fell into Lake Baikal on October 22 drew a bright trace in the sky. Find it impossible because of the small size. The mass of the meteorite does not exceed 1 kilogram, and in diameter, he was about 10 centimeters.

“The next time an asteroid TV145 will return to Earth November 11, 2018, but will take more than the approach of October 31 to 40 million km “, – said the scientist, referring to 500 measurements made by astronomers after the asteroid was opened on 13 October by members of the American Observatory Pan Starrz.

Elenin also noted that the date of the next, possibly more close encounters of the asteroid with the Earth has not yet been determined. But scientists hope that they can be set under the supervision of October 31st. At the moment we only know that “in the next 30 years, the asteroid hit the Earth”.

The asteroid TV145 will be today from Earth at the closest distance at 20:14 Moscow time – just 486,000 kilometers that space standards “very close.” His brilliance reach 10th magnitude, and it will be visible in binoculars or a small amateur telescopes. Tonight and all night it can be seen in the constellation Ursa Major. The size of the asteroid is estimated to be 260-650 meters. The size and proximity to the passage by the Earth TV145 classified as potentially dangerous in terms of the collision. This list includes all the heavenly bodies with a diameter greater than one hundred meters and passing at a distance of 7.5 million kilometers from the planet.

A unique flight in the vicinity of the Earth, according to the Institute of Astronomy, will be able to see the residents of the Urals, Siberia and the Central region of Russia in the night from Saturday to Sunday.

In the night sky over Moscow asteroid will resemble a bright star, if you watch it in a strong pair of binoculars or through a backyard telescope. “Muscovites will be able to observe the asteroid weather permitting – it will move across the night sky of the capital from the south-east to south-west. The asteroid will be above the horizon at an altitude of about 30 degrees. The maximum height will be about 40 degrees above the horizon south of Moscow” – explained Tass Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Secretary of the expert working group on space threats Institute of Astronomy RAS Sergei Naroenkov.

“Amateur astronomers will not see in the sky, no glow and comets ‘tails’, watching the asteroid. On the sky will be visible in the form of an asterisk white, “- said the scientist.

According to him,” the only difference from the star – the asteroid will rather quickly move across the sky. That’s what he would stand in the picture stars. Movement the asteroid will have significantly after 10-20 minutes of observation “.

According to Sergei Naroenkova, approaching asteroid” will not cause any anomaly “in the world. On the contrary, our planet is its gravitational field could threaten the trajectory of the asteroid.

In what direction the earth will throw a guest – scientists still do not know because of the lack of complete data on the “journey” of space wanderer.

TV145 asteroid, according to scientists, the volume is about eight times higher than the celestial body that at the beginning of the twentieth century hit in Siberia, caused severe destruction, and seismic wave several times circled the globe. “The diameter of the Tunguska body was about 60-80 meters, – says Naroenkov. – According to preliminary data, the asteroid’s diameter varies from 280 meters to 600 meters”.

Every day small cosmic bodies bombard the Earth. Some of them scientists can not detect, is often seen as a “falling star” measuring just 10-20 centimeters.

“The larger celestial bodies the size of a meter or more in diameter falling to Earth frequently. We can they seen as bright fireballs, which draws a night sky – told Naroenkov. – The larger the body – such as a meteorite, “Chelyabinsk”, faced with the Earth once every hundred years. The larger bodies fall more often. For example, if we estimate the drop Tungussskogo meteorite measuring 60 meters, the time interval between it and the drop in the same celestial body may be more than one hundred years “.

According Naroenkova, in this situation, earthlings can only wait for the new aliens from outer space, and scientists – to improve their knowledge for effective protection against the threat of cosmic bodies.


By the Earth on the night of October 31 will approach the asteroid – REGNUM

Moscow, October 31, 2015, 01:34 – REGNUM On the night of October 31 to the Earth at a distance slightly larger than the moon, the asteroid will approach a potentially dangerous, according to “News” with reference to the researcher of the Institute of Applied Mathematics. Keldysh and member of the International Scientific Optical Network Leonid Elenin.

According to him, to observe the asteroid with the Earth TV145 can be with binoculars – he will approach to a distance of just 486 thousand. Km. From 20:14 MSK it will be visible all night in the constellation Ursa Major.

At the time I watch the celestial body will pass near Earth November 11, 2018, but on the other away – further than the approach of October 31st. The size of the asteroid – 260-650 meters.

TV145 asteroid was discovered on October 13 this year, members of the Pan-American Observatory Starrz. Dates of these encounters with the Earth are not yet defined. Scientists believe that in the next 30 years, the asteroid hit the Earth.

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The unique convergence of the asteroid with the Earth 2015 TB145 October 31 – BBC

October 31 at 20.00 Moscow time at a distance of 490 thousand. km of the Earth will fly a large near-Earth asteroids 2015 TB145. These spans such large bodies on the distance of the moon’s orbit occur about once every ten years.

Join the observations of the asteroid will be on Saturday night at the Museum of Cosmonautics . At 17.00 there will be a lecture “dangerous asteroids near Earth.” At 19.00 in clear weather will begin observations in a large 46-inch telescope near Space Museum

In turn, the Moscow Planetarium offers not waste time on futile attempts to see the asteroid with a telescope and look at the stars, planets and comets in the Great Hall of his star.

There is no threat to the “stone guest” any planet or moon can not be held. The minimum distance between the Moon and 2015 TB145 is 280 thousand. Km.

The uniqueness of this event lies in the fact that the time span of the asteroid at a minimum distance will be visible only in Russia.

In the Western hemisphere at this time would be during daylight hours, and to the south, he will not be seen on the background of the constellation Ursa Major.

Even already in the Caucasus and Crimea, the maximum height of the asteroid evening of October 31 will be only 10 degrees in Moscow – 22, and in St. Petersburg for about 27 degrees. The best conditions will appear in the Urals, in the northern regions and in the European part of Russia – from 19 to 21 hours on October 31 when the object is seen overflying on the background of the Big Dipper in the splendor of 10 magnitudes.

The maximum shine asteroid is 10 magnitudes, such objects can be seen in the small and medium-sized telescopes (10 cm or more in diameter) in dark places. In urban areas will require a telescope larger: 20 cm in diameter.

The angular velocity is very high and is 15 arc seconds per second time, that is a 2-minute asteroid will fly the disc of the full moon!

The very orbit the near-Earth asteroid unusual: at perihelion, when the 2015 TB145 is closer to the Sun Mercury, and aphelion is removed almost to the orbit of Jupiter is inclined 40 degrees to the plane of the ecliptic, speed flyby of the Earth is 35 km / sec, which is significantly higher than normal values ​​for near-Earth asteroids.

All of this is very similar to the orbit of short-period comets. It is possible that the object – this is the core of degenerate comet, which lost most of its volatile substances, and therefore the approach to the Sun do not form a tail or coma.

But with this hypothesis it can be expected that about the time of flight of an asteroid near the Earth, we can be in a loop of the particles ejected earlier during the “comet of the past” in 2015 TB145.

In this regard, Peter Dzhennskins (NASA) and Jeremy Vaubaillon (Institute of Celestial Mechanics and Ephemeris, Paris) published its forecast, according to which can be a new meteor shower from a radiant in the constellation Eridanus. Maximum activity is expected to flow about 20 pm on October 31. But Moon is located close greatly complicate these observations. The rate of entry into the atmosphere particles 2015 TB145 be the same 35 km / s.

Another uniqueness of this flight is that this asteroid – the possible core of an extinct comet – would be the first target of the updated radio telescope observatory Goldstone (California United States).

With its fresh equipment, scientists expect to achieve a resolution of up to 2 meters per pixel!

This is the most detailed map of the comet nucleus, obtained from the surface of the Earth, rather than the automatic interplanetary station. California telescope will irradiate the near-Earth object, and the 100-meter radio telescope in Green Bank (Northeast US) and the 300-meter radio telescope Arecibo (Puerto Rico) will take the reflected signal.

There are many cases when the near-Earth Asteroids discovered satellites. In the first photometric curves 2015 TB145 already noticeable similarity “Eclipse.” Radar observations will test this hypothesis.

Author – scientific director of the Astronomical Observatory of the APF “Ka-Dar»


China has created a clone of iPhone 6s for $ 37 – RBC

Two feykovye iPhone 6s on a shop window in China. With the interface iOS, gadgets operating system Android

Photo: REUTERS 2015

Chinese manufacturers after a half months after the presentation of new products Apple built Clone “apple” smartphone of the latest generation – iPhone 6s. On YouTube video with a demonstration of China’s development has appeared on October 25.

Clone IPhone 6s will cost only $ 37, say manufacturers. The cost of Apple’s smartphone starts from $ 199 with two-year contract and at $ 649 without reference to the operator. In Russia, where sales of new iPhone models began on October 9 the cheapest smartphone 6s (with memory 16 GB) sold nearly 57 thousand. Rub.

external devices are really similar. For example, the diagonal of the screen is similar to the original clones, the device is available in three colors – silver, gold and rose gold.

However, the similarities with the original smartphone Apple, perhaps, to an end. The screen resolution of the cloned device – 960 × 540, while at present iPhone 6s – 1334 × 750. Analogue of Apple products equipped with an Spreadtrum SC773, has only 512 MB of memory (RAM) and 4 GB of main built. In comparison, the “apple” flagship has the smallest possible storage capacity of 16 GB (up to 128 GB).

Have a clone from China and another feature: it has two slots for SIM cards – something so like the people of China. Do cheap analogue iPhone 6s is a module 3G.

His smartphones iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus Apple Inc. unveiled September 9. Head of “apple” of the company’s presentation assured the public that shows “the most advanced smartphone in the world” and that “this is the best iPhone, which the corporation has ever created.” In the first weekend sales of the company sold 13 million iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. The previous record for the company’s iPhone sales in the early days was 10 million units.


Firefighters began to extinguish a fire in a warehouse in the Luhansk region – RIA Novosti

KIEV, October 30 – RIA Novosti. Firefighters began to extinguish the fire at an ammunition depot in the city of Svatovo Luhansk region, the press service of the military and the civil administration in Lugansk region in Facebook.

On Thursday evening, the city Svatovo controlled by Kiev, began to explode the ammunition in a warehouse of a military unit. Ministry of Internal Affairs and rescuers started to localize emergency. Local authorities reported one dead and four injured. According to the Ukrainian security services, one person was killed and eight wounded. In GSCHS they said that two dead and four wounded. According to media reports, SBU qualified the blasts as a terrorist act.

“In Svatovo, according to preliminary data, damaged nine five-story, six chetyrehetazhek and 20 three-storey houses. As a result of the expansion of ammunition night flashed local fires. Forces teams GSCHS, troops managed to localize and extinguish. The 08.00 (09.00 MSK) began activities to extinguish the fire at the arsenal. tank fire involves three Armed Forces of Ukraine. The sentries GSCHS provide refilling water tanks “, – said the administration.


Thursday, October 29, 2015

The state budget for science Russia reduced by 20% – REGNUM

Moscow, October 30, 2015, 00:18 – REGNUM «For the first time in Russia in the budget there is no line of science,” – said IA REGNUM a member of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education, Culture and Information Policy, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Arnold Tulokhonov. According to the senator, perplexed about this, he said at the hearings in the Federation Council after the report of Finance Minister Anton Siluanov on the budget for 2016. “With some difficulty the last page, I found that science is allocated 0.3% of GDP, – said Arnold Tulokhonov. – Never in my life this amount of money is not allocated. That’s why I said that in a country with such a budget will not see progress ».

In fact, in the article” The cost structure of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation on the sections of the functional classification “among the 13 points the science does not appear. “There are housing, education, health, cinema, sports, science and where? – It surprised the senator – There is no science in this list. After decryption of each item, there was suddenly a science for civilian use. Moreover, the very sparingly written only costs a decrease of 50 billion compared to the previous year ».

was the reaction of the Council of Federation on your words? – REGNUM correspondent asked a question of Senator.

«The people clapped, and the others pretended that nothing happened. And Minister Siluanov said that the world usually pays for science business. But in Russia, I have not seen such business. ” This idea senator continued for 380 th meeting of the Federation Council on Tuesday, adding that “science in Russia only need a state, and sad to talk about it at a meeting of the supreme legislative body of the country».

Arnold Tulokhonov commented on in the Council Federation report of the Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov, who painted a rosy picture of education in the country: 100% availability of pre-school education, built 1,000 new kindergarten buildings, adopting modern standards of school education in 2016 will be launched the project “Electronic School” by the number circles we reached Soviet levels, etc. Particular attention is paid to the Minister 5-100 Project, aimed at “maximizing the competitive position of a group of leading Russian universities in the global market of educational services and research programs.” He noted that formed a group of forty leading universities, three of which – Moscow State University, Novosibirsk State University and the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, hit the ranking of the best universities in the world according to the Times.

Senator Tulokhonov, speaking in the Federation Council, said he did not share the optimism of the Minister of Education and Science. “Why are allocated money for the exam on the Bologna process, to ensure that enter the top universities? Who needs it? Thousands of graduates of MSU, MIPT, Novosibirsk State University have gone abroad – he said. – The country is in the export of the brain lost no less than a trillion dollars. I’ve never seen a Harvard graduate, who would come to work in Russia. In the explanatory memorandum of the draft Federal Law Ministry of Education indicated that in 2012 we approved a list of textbooks in 1872, in 2014 nearly 3,000 books. Thus, in violation of the Constitution of the country is not formed general and disunited education, a number of books can not ensure implementation of a unified state policy in the field of education ».

It is also very sharply commented on the reform of Russian Academy of Sciences:” After two years of reforms under the leadership of the Minister of Education and Science was the complete destruction of academic science. ” There are no institutions of RAS, Fano is only responsible for the property, grants – in the Russian Science Foundation, the Ministry of Education is engaged in university science. “Paradoxically, today’s Russia is not the agency responsible for the development of basic research and defense science. Speech by Minister confirms it ».

What it should be the agency? What is needed today for the successful development of science and the country?

«The easiest way – to revive the SCCT. Today, for the defense of science no one answer. Rogozin than the team? Ministry of Defence? So? He can not command the Livanov. The country today needs Gosplan and SCCT – two bodies “, – concluded the senator. He stressed that without science, the country has no future, and recalled the words of the famous physicist Joliot-Curie – “a country that does not develop science, inevitably turns into a colony».

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The probe found the Rosetta comet oxygen on Churyumov-Gerasimenko – Express-News

Post Image

29.10 | 23:49

Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P) has a molecular oxygen. This conclusion was made by scientists after analyzing the data of the mass spectrometer ROSINA-DFMS, installed on board the spacecraft Rosetta. Data were collected from September 2014 to March 2015.

The ratio of molecular oxygen and water allowed the scientists to conclude that they have the same source – the substance of the nucleus of the comet, evaporating under the influence of the sun. This proves that the “original” material from which the solar system was formed, was in the structure of the molecule of oxygen.

Scientists say today’s models of formation of the solar system can not be explained by the presence of oxygen on the comet. Up to this point in the clouds of dust and gas surrounding the comet’s nucleus, they found water, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide gases. Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko was the first space object containing oxygen molecules.

Rosetta spacecraft was launched to the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko in 2004. On board was landing module Philae (Fila). Last year, the unit has reached its target. Completing the mission will take place in September 2016. Rosetta, approaching the comet to fall on its surface.

As astronomers believe the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko was formed as a result of a collision between two space objects consisting of rock and ice.


“Rambler.Novosti” Update – Express-News

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29.10 | 15:24

At the same time particular emphasis on the fact that the new version of the application is in its potential, along with articles and analytical materials, videos and reports transmitted directly from the main events. Thus, users can keep track of interesting news directly in real-time – said the press service of the group of companies Rambler & amp; Co.

According to Sergei Yakovlev, editor in chief of the portal “Rambler” the world situation will be covered not only professional editors, but also by the users of the application, which may be the rating of a particular news. It is even more interesting to the reader it may seem that the application will reflect not only the most important news of the day, but also full news feed, both in Russia and around the world. Thus, favorite news, the user can add to his bookmarks already online to track its updates.

According to experts TNS, in June 2015 the target audience of the service ‘Rambler-news “was about seven million people, which is 15% higher than for the reporting period of last year. In addition, a 40% increase in the number of sessions, while the average duration of a single session, rose by 26.5%. Accordingly, the increase in the number of page views on the “Rambler-news”, which is only for the first half increased by 45%.

An updated application is available to users of mobile devices on the iOS and Android, which suggests that Rambler & amp; Co have decided to pay attention to the audience, most of his time conducting in smartphones and tablets.


MP: Washington accept the EP resolution on Snowden without enthusiasm – RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, October 29 – RIA Novosti. The adoption of the European Parliament resolution calling to stop the persecution of Edward Snowden will not be enthusiastically received in the US, said a member of the Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, former Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the European communities Vasily Likhachev.

Earlier, the press service of the Assembly stated that the parliamentarians called on EU member states “to abandon any prosecution Snowden, to provide him with protection and thus prevent his extradition or return of a third party – a sign recognition of his status as an informant about the dangers and the international human rights defender “.

Likhachev believes that the adoption of the resolution can be considered” good news “, and not by accident previously put forward ideas to introduce Snowden for Nobel Peace Prize.

“No doubt this news will not be enthusiastically received in Washington, especially in the US intelligence services. I think that she will not find supporters who could support in the political space among the individual members of NATO. This resolution shows that still in democracy Europe can take sometimes, rarely, unfortunately, but principled position, “- said the source.

The former employee of the US intelligence Edward Snowden unveiled in 2013 data showing that the US National Security Agency (NSA) massively spied not only for EU citizens but also a number of European leaders.
