Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Russian billionaire deprived of Candidate of Economic Sciences – BBC

«Who has not seen – fresh anecdote” dissernet “: the billionaire VM Pereverzev, I suspect, I decided to save – and defended his thesis almost entirely written off in one year with the son of one of the supervisor. Interestingly, by the way, in this area there are offers “buy one – get one as a gift”? Nobody offered »-? write in your facebook expert” dissernet “Ivan Babitsky. Science Division “Gazety.Ru” interested in unusual thing and decided to go to the meeting of the Dissertation Council for the deprivation of the candidate of economic sciences.

«Science prostitution is not a place in higher education»

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Vladimir Pereverzev – founder and chairman of the JSC “Corporation” Alt “Council, Chairman of the Board Directors of “CB” Informprogress “, senior lecturer, Department of Economics HCA named Maimonides. According to the magazine “Finance”, Vladimir Pereverzev is in the top 500 Russian billionaires.

September 29, 2011 Pereverzev became a candidate of economic sciences, with a thesis on “Reforming the local government in the system of fiscal federalism in Russia.” And on December 15 of the same year his son Timur , Executive Advisor to OAO “Corporation” Viola “, also became a candidate of economic sciences, with a thesis on” Peculiarities of the Russian Federation budget system of the mechanism of financial stability. “

The scientific leader and father, and the son was a doctor of economic sciences, professor of the department “Finance and credit” in the People’s Friendship University Olga Pilipenko .

«history as a father with his son Pereverzev raped the same thesis in the same disserodelshi Pylypenko, wildly funny, – said the correspondent of department of science” Gazety.Ru “before a meeting of the co-founder” dissernet “Andrew Zayakin . – We have them even once confused in the official papers. Since the Council, which was initially considered a complaint against one of them, mistakenly considered the thesis of another – revealed that plagiarism was both. I am sure that both of them will be deprived of degree. Disserodelny den Madame Pylypenko we broke up, regularly deprive its customers of academic degrees. Actually, Pereverzev-père and fils-Pereverzev caught us exclusively as purchasers dissertations from citizen Pylypenko, we initially did not know who the Pereverzev. If I were in their place, I seized of Madame Pylypenko multimillion-dollar lawsuit for substandard services. I should add that of Madame Pylypenko customers we already stripped degree Anna Volkova and Natalia Koltsov , to write off their thesis at 100%.

And rightly so: the scientific prostitution is not a place in higher education.”

«It is really about the literal reproduction of the text»

Dissertation Council began an hour late – a science department, told “Gazety.Ru”, the delay was due to the that “in the audience to protect the girl child.” It is noteworthy that the very “patient” dissernet “Vladimir Pereverzev at the meeting did not show up (even though he knew his conduct) and did not bind to the dissertation councils

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at the beginning of the meeting of the academic Council Secretary stated that the text of the 1 and 2 chapters, chapter 3, paragraph 1, as well as the conclusion, bibliography and application in the thesis Pereverzev completely (even to punctuation, grammar, figures and tables) match for the title, content and design with the text 1 and 2 chapters, section 1, chapter 3, conclusions, bibliography and appendices opponent’s dissertation (149 of 195 pages, or 76.4%). And the text of paragraph 2 of Chapter 3 of the dissertation Pereverzev is identical in content and design with the text of paragraph 2 of Chapter 3 of the other thesis (22 of 195 pages, or 11.2%). Links to both work in the dissertation Pereverzev no

«Only the introduction is different from another’s thesis -. Although borrowing is, even in the introduction. It’s really about the literal, verbatim reproduction of the text, “- concluded the chairman of the commission

The meeting did not last long -. Soon it was unanimously decided to deprive Pereverzev degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences

« I wonder. that Timur Pereverzev whole dissertation written off entirely the other thesis of 2009 – commented Ivan Babitsky. – And Pereverzev father – two sources of cheating. And one of the sources – the same thesis, which is based on the work of his son. Supervisor obviously did not bother.

By the way, our statement on the deprivation degree Pereverzev Jr. will be discussed on May 18 in the same dissertation council ».

« Rogues consider complaints on themselves »

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By the way, recently, through the work of” dissernet “Dissertation Council at the Southern federal University unanimously recommended to deprive the Roman Lobzina the degree of candidate of psychological sciences. Lobzin, Chairman of the Central Auditing Commission of the party “Rodina”, December 15, 2011 he defended his thesis on “Akmeologichesky system innovation Personnel Development»

«One of our recent achievements -. We finally deprived degree fsinovtsev Burchihina and Musatov – look insanely funny video at the first attempt of deprivation, in order to understand what it was a disgrace, – says Andrey Zayakin. – In general, I note that our main problem is that the crooks are considering complaints to themselves

It is also pointless, if a pickpocket and burglar themselves be judged in. courts of general jurisdiction, as a schoolboy would himself make an assessment of the control. ”

Earlier science department “Gazety.Ru» reported , in Moscow unknown persons fired an apartment Andrei Rostovtsev, the famous scientist, the founder of “dissernet” community. About this he wrote in his Facebook .

«I think, what is the difference between these two pictures? On one of them a bullet hole in my window, which appeared a few days ago, and the second – a fully registered dissertation. Author of the first – thug with a gun shmalnuvshy

By the second -. Deputy of the Moscow City Duma, wrote to the prosecutor on the accusation “dissernet”, – the scientist wrote.

After the incident, the co-founder “dissernet” Andrew Zayakin said that demands to interrogate the Moscow City Duma deputy Alexander Smetana, who on September 28 of the Higher Attestation Commission of the building allegedly publicly expressed regret that the not I killed him .


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