Sunday, July 12, 2015

Scientists predicted the onset of an ice age by 2030 – “The Saratov-room”

Today, Saratov cool. The whole day will be 20 degrees, and in the evening the temperature drops to 17. We know what it is. Professor Valentina Zharkova Welsh town of Llandudno has presented the results of their research. She noted that solar cycles may resonate and amplify the activity of the light, and vice versa to be in antiphase, ie to remove the activity of the sun to a minimum.


In the last just like there was when the frozen water in the river Thames. That was in 1645 and lasted until 1715. The researchers gave the name for this phenomenon – the Maunder Minimum.

– The 26th solar cycle, there are two waves that mirror each other. Each of them is in its peak, but in opposite hemispheres of the sun. Their interaction will be devastating. Neutralize each other, they will drive the solar activity to zero. We believe that this will lead to a new Maunder minimum, – says study author.

She also notes that from 2030 to 2040 comes the 26th solar cycle and that it will bring wild frosts.

By the way, says Valentina Zharkova, its estimates are 97% accurate.

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