The cosmodrome “East” – a Russian spaceport under construction in the Far East, in the Amur region in the city of Tsiolkovsky area (formerly Uglegorsk village) near the disbanded cosmodrome “free” in accordance with the decree of the Russian President Vladimir Putin on November 6, 2007 RF government decree of 14 January 2009.
“Oriental” is designed to provide training and launch of space research aids, socio-economic and commercial, transport, cargo ships and orbital station modules (platforms), the implementation of programs of manned space flight and promising space for the study programs and exploration of celestial bodies, as well as international cooperation in this field.
Creating it was dictated by the need to expand opportunities for Russia launches spacecraft for various purposes. When choosing the location of the cosmodrome into account many factors, including its relative proximity to the equator and the coast. The Amur Region is the best place to display the satellites in sun-synchronous orbits, where the conduct of observation, they have a constant level and the angle of the Earth’s surface illuminated by the sun, which is very convenient for geodesy and cartography, as well as for many other economic and military purposes.
Order of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 1, 2009 the sole executor of contract works on creating the cosmodrome “East” has been defined by the Federal Agency for Special Construction (Spetsstroy Russia). In March of 2016 with Spetsstroy was taken as the only performer of the works.
The total area of the reserved area for the construction of the spaceport is about 1035 square kilometers. “East”, equipped with the latest technology, will occupy an area of about 700 square kilometers (the Baikonur space center area of 6717 square kilometers, and the Plesetsk launch site – 1762 square kilometers)
Enter the objects of the cosmodrome “East” in the operation has been. It is divided into three stages. In the first phase (2012-2015) planned to create space rocket complex “Soyuz-2″, objects of social, engineering and transport infrastructure, including the housing of the city (12 thousand people). The second phase (2016-2020) provides for the establishment of ground infrastructure of space rocket complex heavy class of “Angara” to launch spacecraft into orbit and high-manned vessels of the new generation, as well as the expansion of the residential complex (20 thousand people) and the establishment of the airport complex. In the third phase (2021-2030 years and below) is planned to create ground infrastructure to launch the second stage of the launch vehicle of super-heavy class, including lunar missions, as well as the expansion of the residential complex (30 thousand people).
The first launch of the carrier rocket from the Baikonur has been scheduled for 2015, the first launch of a manned spacecraft – for 2018. According to the plan the construction work had to be completed before 30 November 2015. full-scale construction of infrastructure and technological facilities of the cosmodrome –
In September 2011, the preparatory construction work, and in mid-2012 were launched. Given the scale of the project, at the beginning of the construction of the “Eastern” proceeded in parallel with the release of the design documentation on it.
At the launch site were laid such design decisions that will allow the buildings and structures, facilities engineering infrastructure, roads and railways serve a long time, given the high load operation and in difficult climatic conditions.
Construction of the project was accompanied by a mass of scandals, criminal cases, removal from office of heads.
Workers cosmodrome repeatedly complained about the non-payment of wages and hunger strikes. Photos from the construction site showed extremely slow progress of construction, despite regular reports Spetsstroy the completion of certain works.
In 2013, the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees the Russian government space industry, said that the federal government did not receive full information about delays, and the perpetrators brought to justice. At the beginning of September 2014 visited the construction site Russian President Vladimir Putin said that behind schedule – from one month to two. Coordination of work on the construction of the cosmodrome “East” was transferred from the Russian Space Agency directly to the government. Commission headed by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.
In April 2015 the head of the Russian Space Agency said the lag in the construction of the launch complex of the carrier rocket “Soyuz-2″ at the cosmodrome “East” is 120 days.
The construction was completed in May the first stage of the transport infrastructure of the cosmodrome “East”. Builders paved 100 kilometers of railway tracks from the Trans-Siberian Railway to the “East”, was completed the reconstruction of the station “icy” Trans-Baikal Railway, built a new station Uglegorsk with piggyback station.
June 17 a set of measuring instruments, data acquisition and processing (KSISO) spaceport “East”, which includes a command-and-measurement and mobile measurement points, first received telemetry from the Russian segment of the International Space Station, and on July 3 – telemetry with running a space truck Baikonur “Progress M-28M”. In October, President Vladimir Putin familiarized himself with the work, stated the backlog of the period and allowed to move the first launch from the spaceport since December 2015 2016.
At the end of December, the staff of the cosmodrome “East” received the first order on service housing under construction in the town around it. December 30, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on assignment in the city area of the cosmodrome “East” in the Amur region Tsiolkovsky names. Proposal to grant under construction in the area of the spaceport of the village on the site of the village of Uglegorsk city status and to assign him a new name was initiated by the Russian government.
In the middle of January 2016 were completed the main construction work on the launch site, providing the first launch sites. They focused on two areas -. Technical and launch complexes
The technical complex is designed to prepare before the start – including fueling. It includes a structure 121. The complex covers an area of 170 thousand square meters.
The technical complex consists of two assembly and test systems (one for launch vehicles, one for the spacecraft and upper stages), warehouse launcher blocks and connecting them transborder galleries (for the transport of components of Space Technology) as well as the filling-neutralization plant.
The launch complex, covering an area of 45 thousand square meters, is located at a distance of 4.4 kilometers from the technical complex. Between them, laid a special track on which the booster is delivered. “Launching pad” is recessed into the ground a building height of 30 meters, which is equipped with special equipment, providing training and launch of the carrier rocket.
To work on preparation for launch at the launch complex is designed mobile service tower (IBO), which provides access to the personnel, supply of equipment and accessories for all systems of the launcher when it is in a vertical position on the launch cosmodrome system .
A kind of “brain” of the launch complex is command center for processing all the information collected about the status and readiness of the launch vehicle and spacecraft systems. Unlike many other space centers, command post on the “East” is not recessed into the ground, but is a two-storey bunker, located in the immediate vicinity of the launch facility.
March 25, 2016 at the cosmodrome “East” ran out comprehensive tests of the launch complex with the carrier rocket “Soyuz-2.1a”.
At the beginning of April 2016 the Federal Space Agency said that the first ever launch from Vostochny cosmodrome is scheduled for April 27th. The first of the Amur Region will launch the rocket-carrier “Soyuz-2.1a”, which will orbit spacecraft “Aist-2D”, the MSU scientific satellite “Lomonosov”, as well as nano-satellite SamSat-218.
Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said that after the first run for a year at the launch site will be carried out various tests. A full East will work in 2023, when the second stage of the launch site will be completed.
Construction of the second cosmodrome Vostochny queue, including the launch pad for the environmentally friendly carrier rockets “Angara” will begin in 2017.
The definition of a general contractor in all the works of the second phase of construction will be carried out exclusively on the basis of competition.
will be released on 8-10 starts per year in the term “Oriental”. According to adjust the plan, the first manned launch of the rocket with the crew of the International Space Station should be held after 2023.
The material is based on information RIA Novosti and open source
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