Thursday, June 30, 2016

Biologists have explained, when a false sexual behavior leads to the world – The Russian Times

Group evolutionary biologists from the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, discovered that female bonobos bonobos probably began to dominate males, deceiving them about his readiness to become pregnant. The results are presented in BMC Evolutionary Biology journal and briefly reported by RNS.

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (Max-Planck -Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie) for three years was observed in 13 females bonobos bonobo (Pan paniscus) , living in the wild in the Republic of Congo. These observations showed that the appearance of the genitalia of female bonobos in many cases does not give any precise information about the stage of the sexual cycle in which they are located. This phenomenon is called ovulation hidden, and previously in bonobos were not observed.

The moment of ovulation in dwarf chimpanzees was determined by measuring their urinary levels of sex hormones. In addition, the researchers evaluated the size of the external genitalia of female bonobos and celebrated the days when this was the maximum size. Theoretically, the swelling of the labia should be observed only during ovulation. However, research has shown that the sex organs female chimpanzees can be increased almost at any time. Only half the time of the swelling of the labia coincide with the real time of oocyte maturation. In some cases, the vulva remained increased sizes consecutive month. Apparently, this phenomenon is needed to reduce aggression between males bonobos, as it makes sense only if you know exactly when the female is ready to breed them, competition for females.

Sexual acts are needed when they are may give rise to progeny. In appearance, females of many animals is easy to determine whether they are ready to mate – that is, whether they have occurred ovulation. However, there are some exceptions, including the representatives of our species. Buttocks and breasts in women constantly increased, and their size is impossible to know whether the egg is matured. According to one theory, it is thanks to the hidden ovulation people began to form permanent (monogamous) couple. The man was forced to reside next to his woman, so as not to miss a moment of oocyte maturation. Accordingly, the time for mating with the other he had no

Bonobos, on the other hand, are paired with almost all representatives of its kind, which know -. And at the same time, according to a new study of the female also hide the time of ovulation. Thus, it is likely that hidden ovulation has not contributed to the emergence of understanding in relations among human ancestors, but could reduce the level of aggression within each individual tribe.


“Roskosmos” begin to develop recycled stage booster rocket –

«Roskosmos” is ready to begin creating the flight sample returned the first stage of the launch vehicle, the newspaper “Izvestia”. To this end, the Center Khrunichev restored Department of reusable launch vehicle, which is assembled a team of specialists to develop system “Energia-Buran».

«Khrunichev” designs “catch” the first stage, which will be able to return to the launch site as the plane and sit on the runway. Experience of the company SpaceX Elon Musk, puts the first stage Falcon 9 rocket on a barge in the ocean, Russian engineers are not inspired

«I am convinced that for the Russian conditions returned the first step to facing wings – is the best option.” – he said General designer of “Roscosmos” space rocket complex at Alexander Medvedev. According to him, SpaceX improper scheme as a Russian missile launch sites do not fly over the sea.

Medvedev explained that the subject returned to the first stage of the Khrunichev Center has been going on for about 20 years. “For many years we have charted the projects built layouts, making them blow in TsAGI and received positive results. The time has come from projects on paper to pass for the real thing “- he said

« I’m talking about creating a flight demonstrator.. And I agree with that Igor Komarov, the general director of “Roscosmos”. The concrete proposals we have prepared for them is talk in detail too early, “- said Medvedev

SpaceX thrice conducted successful landing of the first stage of the Falcon 9 on an offshore platform, as well as one to the launch site from which start has been made.. It is believed that the re-use of missiles element in the future will reduce the cost of commercial launches.


Rosatom decided to start sales of iodine-125 for the treatment of cancer – Sight

The state corporation “Rosatom” plans this year to begin commercial sales of micro sources with the radioactive isotope iodine-125 is required for the treatment of prostate cancer, according to the annual report of JSC “Atomenergoprom” in 2015.

«The introduction of Russian sources significantly reduces the cost of operations, as they are almost five times cheaper than imported counterparts and also have significant export potential. In 2016 is scheduled to begin commercial sales “, – quotes RIA” Novosti “reports” Atomenergoprom “.

isotope iodine-125 in the required quantities is produced in a Research Institute of Atomic Reactors (Atomic Reactors, Dimitrovgrad), microsources isotope produced at the Physics and Energy Institute named Leypunsky (FEI, Obninsk).

Prostate cancer – one of the most common cancers in men. One of the most promising and effective treatment of this disease – brachytherapy. During the medical procedure maximum radiation dose delivered to the tumor without damaging the surrounding tissue and organs.

Russia’s first operation to brachytherapy using a fully Russian micro sources with iodine-125 was held in October 2015 in the Medical Radiological Research Center named Tsyba in Obninsk.

Recall April 6, the head of department of scientific and industrial base of the nuclear weapons complex of Rosatom Sergey Vlasov reported that state-owned corporation in the framework of projects on import substitution is ready to provide 70-80% of domestic equipment Russian enterprises and companies of the fuel and energy complex .

Russia has begun an extensive program of import substitution after Western sanctions have discovered the dependence of a number of important sectors of the import. President Vladimir Putin said that the sanctions have helped to clean up the Russian market, which was occupied after Russia’s accession to the WTO (2012). At the same time, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that Russia does not attempt to total replacement of all imports.


What is looking for Russia to participate in the center of the European Synchrotron Radiation – BBC

Russia has increased its participation in the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, which was originally built and used without the participation of Russian scientists. This complex was established in 1994 jointly by 20 countries, the ESRF synchrotron is an electronic multi-channel output synchrotron radiation from bending magnets and other sources of radiation. Synchrotron – a circular particle accelerator such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), only smaller

So, the LHC ring has a length of about 30 km and the ESRF -. 844 m .

<-! place 8296043, / science ™ / 2016/06 / 10_a_8296043.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut2_link ->

However, if the accelerators like Baku, physics studied the structure of elementary particles and their interactions, the Grenoble serves primarily as a source of synchrotron radiation. Synchrotron Radiation Center, located in Grenoble (France), is today the most prominent and productive X-ray source in the world and a leader in the stability of the unit. These features attract many professionals from around the world who conduct experiments in the field, not only in physics, chemistry and materials science, but also biology, medicine, archeology and other applied sciences. work ESRF funded by 18 European countries and Israel until recently.

However, in 2014 Russia became a full member of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, and for the second consecutive year at the facility work teams Russian scientists.

As a compensation for the construction of the installation costs ESRF Council has set for the Russian one-off one-time fee in the amount of € 10.0 million (at the money Russia proposed to develop two new access points to a pencil hard X-rays ) and identified every year since 2014, the contribution of the Russian Federation to the budget -. € 5,26 million

Strengthening of Russia’s presence in one of the most modern and powerful scientific installations of the world was one of the objectives was held on the eve of the visit of Russian Minister of education and science Dmitry Livanov.

Russia’s participation in the ESRF provides not only an opportunity for Russian scientists to conduct first-class research in the heavy duty X-ray source. In the long term this will reduce costs for the design and construction of an international fourth-generation installations Issy-4 on the territory of Russia and, in theory, would guarantee to foreign partners to invest in its construction, assured the Russian authorities

<-.! Place 8,265,521, /science/2016/05/26_a_8265521.shtml,nm2015/v2/article/incut,incut3_link ->

«Our cooperation involves not only research, but also the technological interaction. Russia has ambitious plans to build a large research centers, and in this area we are actively working together. I am more than happy to participate in the Russian center of the work, this creates additional opportunities for all, – he said at the meeting Director General of ESRF Francesco Sette. – I would especially like to emphasize the role of the Kurchatov Institute and its leadership in the strengthening of our ties. With the support of the Russian authorities to cooperate actively developed, and

the last two years the share of Russian studies has increased from 2 to 5.5% and in the near future is expected to reach 6%.

The synchrotron in Grenoble – a rather expensive device. All participating countries have to work on it a certain time, with one change, or “shift”, as scientists say, a duration of 8:00 is worth about $ 6 thousand. Despite this, the experiments go non-stop around the clock for this year.

Russia, until it was, could not a member of the ESRF on their own to participate in experiments, so our scientists only were part of the research groups in other countries. “Experts note that the quality of applications from Russia is growing. This means that we have more and more high-quality researchers feel the need to work on “megasayns” level units. As a result, Russia is becoming more time to work at the synchrotron. The results are also rising, the number of publications and overall prestige of the country as a world scientific power “, – the Minister Livanov said

Since the synchrotron, in fact, a collective use center, a special commission twice a year carries out selection of applications from. all countries to conduct experiments. “Today is a world-class science here, conducted research in the field of materials science, life sciences, pharmaceuticals and other areas. And I think that the share of Russian participation in the work of the center in the 5.5-6% – this is not the limit, and it will increase, “- said the head of department of the Ministry of Education Sergei Salikhov technology

To give an impetus to the participation of Russian. scientific research, the Ministry of Education in collaboration with ESRF undertook additional competition and has selected a further 13 research teams from all over Russia to work on the accelerator, some of them already start to his research in late June

Among the selected participants -. teams from MIPT (protein crystallography), MISA (the study of magnetic materials), the Institute of crystallography (spectroscopy of superconducting hydrides), Moscow State University (prospective study of materials) and other scientific organizations

<-.! place 7995419, / science ™ / 2016/01 /08_a_7995419.shtml,nm2015/v2/article/incut,incut4_link ->

With one of the projects – the Southern federal University, received a ticket in Grenoble, – took note of “Times”. In general, the sources of powerful X-ray radiation, such as this one are often used in the most unexpected areas of science.

So, sometimes only X-rays help to explore the valuable cultural artifacts, reveal hidden layers of paint art historians, archaeologists studying ancient artifacts.

But perhaps the most promising use of these settings can be in medicine.

Laboratory “Nanoonkologiya”, opened in Rostov-on-Don, supported by the Russian Science Foundation, It is an innovative project for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. “We are developing nanoparticles for theranostics (diagnostics and therapy) in oncology,” – said “” head of the department of physics of nanosystems and Prof. spectroscopy Alexander Soldatov.

The essence of the method is as follows. On the one hand, special iron oxide nanoparticles with magnetic properties given contrast agent will serve to define the tumor by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). On the other hand, these same particles, being in the affected cells have to kill them by local hypothermia. This can be done by placing the tissue in a variable magnetic field:. Magnetic particles begin to oscillate and heat the surrounding cells

Something this process resembles reheating foods in the oven microwave oven, with the only difference is that in the field of stoves ranging from radio frequency, harmful to humans.

In order to attract the magnetic nanoparticles is in the affected cells, they are covered by special markers and then in MRI tumor becomes visible painted in different colors and can be killed by heat. Important in the method – a great feature of cancer cells: If normal cells can withstand temperatures 42 ° C, the cancer cells die at a temperature just above 40 ° C

«In this subtle game. temperature can be done so that the cancer cells begin to die, and usually even recover, “- he said the scientist

In Russia, such studies in humans are forbidden, so experimentation is put to the tissues, and mice.. The radiation is synchrotron scientists need to understand how these particles accumulate in the tissues of how to interact with them, and laboratory X-ray sources are usually not sensitive to low concentrations. “It’s like an amateur compared device and a professional device”, – said the soldier. It is expected that, if successful, it will be the method applied by the introduction of nanoparticles in the blood of cancer patients.

The work of the Russian scientists to synchrotron will be in shifts, suggesting short-term trip to Grenoble. Each of the projects selected by the Ministry of Education provides support equivalent to the time value of the accelerator – the order of 6-7 million rubles



Scientists have “upgraded” salt in the craters of Ceres – N + 1

Crater Okkator

Image: NASA / JPL-Caltech / UCLA / MPS / DLR / IDA / PSI / LPI

According to the latest data obtained by the spacecraft of Dawn, bright spots, located in the crater Okkator on Ceres surface formed from a liquid “brine” and are composed mainly of sodium carbonate, and the subsurface layer only a third of the planet is composed of ice. It is reported by the blog’s mission at NASA; dedicated to this research article published [1, 2] in Nature and Nature Geoscience .

Previously, scientists assumed that these spots composed of different crystalline hydrates of magnesium sulfate, but these data were not confirmed. Researchers have identified the chemical composition by spectrophotometry in the visible and near infrared region: stains consist primarily of sodium carbonate with small amounts of silicate and carbonate, and ammonium chloride. As one of the versions of the scientists suggest that these spots were formed during crystallization from a liquid “brine”, formed as a result of the shock heating of subsurface material.

The researchers also conducted a simulation of the formation of craters on the dwarf planet. According to these studies, the depth of craters on Ceres changes little over time, which is not typical for the planet, which is a subsurface layer of ice. Considering the high temperature in the world (about 150 Kelvin, which is about 50 degrees higher than in Europe) on Ceres were observed geological processes “smoothing” craters, certificates are not detected. Researchers believe that this may indicate that the subsurface layer only 30-40 percent water, and the remaining 60-70 account for various low-density rock salt (sodium carbonates and silicates) and clathrates.

Dawn spacecraft was launched on September 27, 2007. In August 2011, the station went into orbit around the asteroid Vesta, where she worked until August 2012. In March 2015 the unit came to the dwarf planet Ceres, which explores the hitherto; at the moment the decision on the final goal of the mission is not accepted (the device can either remain constant companion of Ceres, and the use of fuel residues to travel to the third asteroid).

Evgeniy Anokhin


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

“Roskosmos” began work on the first stage of the returned launcher – RBC

The assembly shop at the State space Khrunichev research and production center

Photo: Ramil Sitdikov / RIA Novosti

«Roskosmos» decided to start work on a sample returned by the first stage of the launch vehicle. The Khrunichev restored special department

«Roskosmos» proceeds to the creation of the flight sample returned the first stage of the launch vehicle, for which the State Research and Production Space Center (Khrunichev) Khrunichev assembled a team of specialists who worked on “Energy-Buran” system. This was told “Izvestia” Chief Designer “Roscosmos” on the space rocket complex Alexander Medvedev.

According to him, the company months ago, “restored Department of reusable launch vehicles”.

As According to the publication, Russian engineers are not inspired by the experience of Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, which puts the Falcon 9 rocket stage on a barge in the Atlantic Ocean. Khrunichev designs winged first stage, able to return to the launch site as the plane and land on a runway.

«The pattern that puts the first stage of SpaceX, does not suit us, since our space launch rockets fly not over the sea and we are not able to fit in the right place barge. Even if such an opportunity was not the fact that this is the best path: the sea is almost always interfere with crosswinds and pitching, “- said Medvedev.

The Khrunichev theme returned the first stage, he stressed, is being about 20 years already. “In 2001, I first presented a prototype of the returned level – a system of” Baikal “on the Air Show in Le Bourget. For many years, we have charted the projects built layouts, making them blowing in the TsAGI (Central Aero-Hydrodynamic Institute Zhukovsky -. RBC’s ) and obtained positive results, “- said Medvedev, adding that” it is time from projects on paper move on to the real thing “: create a flight demonstrator

« and agrees Igor Komarov, general director of “Russian Space Agency.”. The concrete proposals we have prepared for them is too early to talk in detail “, – concluded Medvedev

During April and May of SpaceX Elon Musk failed three times to put the lower stage of the launch vehicle Falcon 9 on an offshore platform.. After the first successful landing Musk said Falcon reusable first stage of the carrier rocket launches can withstand 10-20

Two weeks ago, however, a series of successful landings was interrupted:. Bottom stage of the launch vehicle Falcon 9, which launched communication satellites Eutelsat 117 West B and ABS 2A, was not able to successfully land on an offshore platform. Musk called it a touchdown, “possibly the toughest by far.”


The first amber found wings of ancient birds –

Scientists first discovered in ancient amber wings of birds. This was reported in the journal Nature Communications. The discovery proved that even in the middle of the Cretaceous feathers not much different from today.

Chinese paleontologist Xing Lida (Lida Xing) found two pieces of amber from Myanmar, within which preserved bones, feathers and leather wings. Stone kept even claw marks: most likely, the bird tried to escape from a sticky resin. Earlier on the birds of the Cretaceous period, scientists recognized only two-dimensional prints on the stone rocks.

The structure and arrangement of feathers found on the wing are the same as in modern birds. Bones in size were less than that of a hummingbird, and undeveloped. All this suggests that the wings belonged hatchling, though enantsiornisov (extinct along with the dinosaurs toothed birds). However, the feathers themselves more similar to “outfit” of adult birds likely enantsiornisy were born already prepared for adult life, bypassing the stage of the helpless chicks

In 2014, scientists have proposed a new explanation for the evolutionary success of birds.. Gave rise to the feathered dinosaurs, theropods – the only branch of the dinosaurs, the representatives of which over 50 million years continuously decreased in size. Becoming dwarfs the country’s giants, the ancestors of birds occupied new ecological niches and learned to climb trees, to plan and fly. As a result of these evolutionary innovations help birds survive the deadly for large lizards meteoric cataclysm.


The amber found well-preserved bird wings dinosaurs – N + 1

Photo of one of the wings, found in amber

Lida Xing et al. / Nature Communications, 2016

Chinese paleontologists discovered in Myanmar amber with remains of two wings of birds. This is the first such discovery relating to the age of dinosaurs, its age is estimated at 99 years millliona. Wings retained traces of the original paint, and also allow a better understanding of how the ancient feathers were attached to the base of the wing. The study is published in the Nature Communications , briefly about it informs editorial material Nature .

The samples of amber, found by scientists to contain not only the feathers, and bone fragments and skin of birds wings. As the authors note, this is the first such remains, which can be associated with skeletal fragments of feathers. In addition, the amber visible marks apparently left by the claws of the animal, when you try to get out of the viscous resin. The volume of samples of a few cubic centimeters.

The remains allow to clearly distinguish the color of feathers – they are dark brown with pale spots. In addition, feathers expressed asymmetrical. The bones of the skeleton found in the sample, have a small size, less than that of a hummingbird and not fully developed – most likely they belong to the young, or young birds. Some of them do not reach five millimeters in length.

The authors suggest that the remains belong to a subclass of bird enantsiornisovyh. It is believed that they existed from 130 to 66 million years ago and became extinct along with the dinosaurs. Their remains were found in the past, but only in the form of fossils, lost their three-dimensional structure. Unlike modern birds, the representatives of this subclass had teeth, and their wings ended in claws.

Earlier, Chinese researchers fossils of large multicellular organism have been found, the age of about 1.56 billion years old. We also reported the discovery of the oldest fossils of the nervous system – the age of the finds around 520-515 million years

Vladimir Korolev



Paleontologists have found in amber of the Cretaceous birds – Portal Naked Science

So far, the feathers of animals of the Cretaceous period – from 66 to 145 million years ago – managed to study only the most meager sources. As a rule, evidence of the time – it’s almost flat prints in sedimentary rocks or fragments of feathers, which was impossible to set any details, including the species of their extinct owner


The more valuable specimens of ancient amber were found in the famous deposits in northwestern Burma and dated the age of almost 100 million years. For the first time at the disposal of paleontologists were two perfectly preserved specimen containing and feathers and parts of the skeletal remains – the wing bones, including sharp claws to cling to trees. The first results of the study team of scientists from China and Canada, published in the journal Nature Communications .


The researchers report that feathers partially preserved even its original color: light the underside of the wing, pale spots on a dark brown background the rest of the. The structure of the feathers and wing anatomy already at that time was generally the same, some birds survived to our time. Dimensions as these birds do not reach up to hummingbirds: most likely a young representatives enantsiornisov, large and dominant in the Cretaceous bird group still retains the teeth



Enantsiornis caught in the resin / © Chung-tat Cheung


In the background is not yet fully evolved bones feathers look already “older” and, according to paleontologists do not contain traces of past molts. One of the samples even contain full flight feathers. This shows that the pen cover enantsiornisov formed much faster than it does with modern birds. Perhaps they became independent very quickly after hatching from the egg. It happened with these calves: soon after birth, they went to explore the world, but died in the ancient resin zavyaznuv



© Royal Saskatchewan Museum / R.C. McKellar


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Creation of scientific-energy module for the ISS is completed in 2019 – 3DNews

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Media: proposals for the establishment of lunar stations present in 2017 – RIA Novosti

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MOSCOW, June 27 – RIA Novosti Participants of the project operation of the International space station (ISS) will present proposals for the establishment and operation of the lunar station in the first half of 2017, said the head of the rocket press center. -kosmicheskoy Corporation “Energia” Irina Romanova newspaper “Izvestia”.

Previously, the joint plans of RSC “Energia” and NASA on the establishment of the station, which may start operating in 2020, reported the representative of the rocket and space corporation Yuri Makushenko.

According to Romanov, now the parties are discussing the potential appearance of the station, as well as requirements to its elements and interface in use.

“It is expected that the proposals for the future program of the creation and operation of international lunar visited the platform will be presented to the heads of agencies – the ISS program partners in the first half of 2017 “, – said the head of the corporation’s press-center”

As previously described Makushenko energy “plant project will include residential,. energy and node modules, as well as vehicles. The new station can be a transport hub for maintenance and repairs, communications and navigation. In addition, it will be used as part of the launch of automatic missions to asteroids and Mars.

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Moscow resident learned to fill a tractor moonshine – RIA Novosti

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MOSCOW, June 25 – RIA Novosti This method is suitable only for one model of technology

a resident of the village of Solnechnogorsk district of Moscow region have learned to fill a tractor alcohol, television reported..” 360 “. The farmer decided to put the experiment, without waiting for a positive result, but the tractor wound up and went.

“First, diesel fuel twice as much moonshine. Secondly, we have in the village no one drinks because keeping personal management and drunkenness – incompatible things have to fill in only the tractor will modify a bit to work well with vodka -.. and go “, – said the farmer

However, on an industrial scale to use the discovery will not work.. It turns out that the secret of the technique from alcohol is got only one tractor, which was produced at the Lipetsk plant almost half a century ago,

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Monday, June 27, 2016

Kulibins: The Russian tanks and tractor working on the moonshine – to Pravda.Ru

A farmer from the Moscow region uses to fuel his tractor brew. This modification tractors LTZ was known during the war.

A few months ago a farmer Dmitry Zamyatin an experiment: instead of the usual diesel tractor tucked local moonshine. The result exceeded all expectations. The tractor went, moonshine production grew, and drink in the village completely stopped, according to the channel 360.

“First, diesel fuel twice as much moonshine. Secondly, we have in the village no one is drinking, because that the personal conduct of agriculture and drinking – incompatible things have to fill in only the tractor will modify a bit to work well with vodka -.. and forward, “said the inventor of the

Start moonshine in industrial scale will not work.. Empirically enterprising farmer long ago established: the secret is not in the fire water, and in the art. The only tractor that is got from alcohol, was made almost half a century ago at the Lipetsk plant, according to the story.

It is reported that in the Soviet Union ran the brew tanks during the war. What Lipetsk tractor LTZ, which is produced on the same plant 50 years ago, is able to run on moonshine, it is not surprising. The plant, which at the time was “nicely” or “mailbox”, during the war was repaired about five hundred tanks and sent back to the front.

Read the latest news in Pravda. Ru today


Media: ISS partners agreed to design a lunar space station – TASS

MOSCOW, June 28th. / TASS /. Partners in the International Space Station (ISS) have formed a scenario of creating an international lunar visited infrastructure (the platform) that may be the first step on the way of development of deep space. This “Izvestia” According to the Rocket and Space Corporation “Energia”.

“started the discussion of the potential shape of the platform and the requirements for its elements and interface, – said Irina Romanova, head of the press center of” Energy “-. it is expected that the proposals for the future program of the creation and operation of international lunar visited the platform will be presented to the heads of agencies – partners ISS program in the first half of 2017 “.

Discussion of opportunities for cooperation in space exploration beyond low-Earth orbit of the ISS program partners began in 2011 as part of the expert working group. In the autumn of 2014 by the heads of agencies – ISS signed a “study plan ISS opportunities for deep-space research” partners for the implementation of which a working group was formed

“The group is considering possible scenarios for the future of the international program, which would allow. to work out the key elements and start the mission to study outer space in accordance with the national interests of the partners, which include the study of near-moon space, moon, and Mars and asteroids – said Romanov -. Group concluded the feasibility of establishing an international lunar visited platform that would the first step towards the development of outer space “

The program of development of the Moon -. the strategic goal of the Russian manned space flight. In 2030-ies scheduled landing astronauts on the lunar surface, followed by the base of a lunar base. Designing a lunar base are engaged in the RSC “Energia” and TsNIIMASH

Earlier, director of the manned program, “Roskosmos” Sergei Krikalev expressed the opinion that on the Moon base, it makes sense to do permanently inhabited, and orbit the moon base -. Only temporarily visited, as there are much higher levels of radiation than the International Space Station.


ISS partners agreed to design a lunar space station – News

Photo: REUTERS / Jim Young

Partners for the International Space Station have formed a scenario of creating an international lunar visited infrastructure (platforms ), which could be a first step towards the development of deep space. This “Izvestiya” reported in the Rocket and Space Corporation “Energia” (RKK “Energy” umbrella organization “Roscosmos” manned space flight on).

– started to discuss the potential appearance of the platform and the requirements for its elements and interface, – said Irina Romanova, head of the “Energy” press center. – It is expected that the proposals for the future program of the creation and operation of international lunar visited the platform will be presented to the heads of agencies – the ISS program partners in the first half of 2017

. Discussion of opportunities for cooperation in space exploration beyond low-Earth orbit partners in the ISS program began in 2011 as part of the expert working group under the ISS program (IEWG – ISS experts working group). In the fall of 2014, taking into account design study group IEWG heads of the agencies – the ISS partners signed a “study plan ISS opportunities for deep space exploration” for the implementation of which a working group was formed IECST

<. p class = "p2"> – IECST Group examines possible scenarios for the future of the international program, which would allow to work out the key elements and start the mission to study outer space in accordance with the national interests of the partners, which include the study of near-moon space , Moon and Mars and asteroids, – said Irina Romanova. – Panel concluded that the feasibility of establishing an international lunar visited the platform that would be the first step towards the development of deep space.

The program of the Moon – the strategic goal of the Russian manned space flight. In 2030-ies scheduled landing astronauts on the lunar surface, followed by the base of a lunar base. Designing a lunar base are engaged in the RSC “Energia” and TsNIIMASH.

Previously director of the manned program, “Roskosmos” Sergei Krikalev He said “Izvestia”, which base on the moon, it makes sense to do permanently inhabited, and orbit the moon base – visited only temporarily, since there is a much stronger level of radiation than the ISS

<. p class = "p2"> Supervisor space policy Institute, Ivan Moiseyev considers that the simultaneous establishment of a lunar space station and a lunar base – it malosovmestimymi problem


– When we decided to build a lunar base, it is necessary to focus on it and the effort – says Moses. – The fact that the lunar orbital station is not very convenient as a transit hub – the Moon rotates slowly, and due to this station at the landing place on the base will be given every few weeks. Then the high levels of radiation often cause change crews lunar station. You can abandon the lunar station and deliver to the moon people and goods in the same way as did the Americans in the framework of the project “Apollo”: the ship goes to the correct orbit of the moon and from the undocks lander, which is then returned.

TsNIIMASH experts are of the opinion that just on the Moon will be easier to organize the protection against radiation – for example, under the surface can be equipped with radiation asylum

In Russia create a lightweight version of the rocket “Proton-M” – GISMETEO.Novosti

According to the general designer of the carrier rocket “Proton” Alexander Medvedev, in “Roskosmos” is currently being developed a lightweight version of the missile. The second stage of “Proton-M” rocket will be removed, also need some more work, but in general, as Medvedev said, we are not talking about creating a new rocket, but only a modification of the existing. Designed rocket will output up to 5 tons of load on the geosynchronous transfer orbit, as well as the fall in price by 25%, which will affect the cost of reducing the load output.


© Roscosmos

Russia and Kazakhstan are working on a project “Baiterek”, the new implementation of the format which has already been agreed. The project goal is to create at the Baikonur space rocket complex. In this case a modified missile can become a part of the project. It is understood that at the Baikonur launch complex will be erected for the launch of new carrier rockets of the middle class, the first stage of which will be equipped with an engine RD-171. Medvedev said that the grade of the second stage of the rocket is still under discussion, but it is already known that the engines will be selected from existing and upper stage, is likely to be modified by the DM.

«Proton» ?? This rocket heavy class, it was developed in the Khrunichev Center, “Proton-M” with the upper stage “Breeze-M” is able to place in orbit loads weighing more than 6 tonnes.


Twitter launches stickers, hashtags – TVNZ

One of the most popular in the world of social networks Twitter launches new feature #Stickers, which will add creativity in photography microblogging users of the service.

In the near future will have access to a library of stickers with hundreds of icons and emoticons that millions users of social networks will be able to have the right to images in your posts. And on the same picture can be used several stickers, change of size, rotated and placed anywhere on the image

The new feature will work on the principle of the hashtag:. Just click on the sticker, and you can see how it users used all over the world, and all the pictures marked with the following image.

As noted in the support Center, #Stickers become another tool for working with images on Twitter.
