Tuesday, April 19, 2016

All the carriers until the end of the year to establish a “Auditor” Roskomnadzor – News

Photo: REUTERS / Luke MacGregor

all Russian operators on the network end of the year will be set system” Inspector “, developed by Roskomnadzor, it will monitor the locks forbidden resources. This “News” said the deputy head of Roskomnadzor Oleg Ivanov

According to Ivanov, “Inspector” -. This software and Hardware complex ( PAK), which has already passed the test trials in 680 carriers of 2870. A test version of “The Government Inspector” will be replaced with a new and up to December 2016 will be established for all operators Russia ties.

– Old confiscate and put a new PAC – explains Ivanov. – This was a pilot, a cheap and so many operators were outraged. The new is more powerful vandaloustochivy, and, most importantly, it will be certified into two types – as a means of measuring and the equipment that can be used on the operator network .

– due to the fact that it will be certified, we will be able to present the results to the operator as the testimony of certified funds, – said Ivanov. – And can safely if necessary to go to court with the findings

According to Ivanov, the new “Inspector” is made in several shapes -. As a PAC and a software package. Roskomnadzor Free provides the option that will be more convenient to the operator.

Independent consultant in the field of telecom Dmitry Galushko recalls that, according to Art. 46 of the law “On Telecommunications” operator is obliged to establish a “engineering controls”, ie it can only be “iron”, and therefore, require the installation of software system Roskomnadzor can not.

«The Inspector General” in the automatic mode will check operators for blocking sites included in the register of banned resources Roskomnadzor. If he finds that there is access to a blocked site, it sends a notification to the territorial department of Roskomnadzor. To confirm this information, inspector manually make a request to the system, and if no lock is confirmed, it will be made screenshot, which is automatically printed with the date, time and name of the service provider. Based on these data, the inspector writes an order to eliminate violations of the protocol and issues a fine.

According to the government decree number 1101 of 2012, each operator must “produce daily discharge data and network address translation which serve to identify the sites from the Uniform domain name registry, as well as restrict access to such sites to their subscribers. ” Inspectors of the supervisory authority monitoring the unloading of the registry information, and if it does not happen, then attract provider for violation of the discharge order. Responsibility is defined by Art. 14.1 h. 3 of the Administrative Code (for legal entities a fine up to 40 thousand. Rubles) and for violation of license conditions.

In the expanded board meeting of the head of Roskomnadzor Minister Alexander Zharov said that 577 applications were submitted for the failure to comply with licensing requirements last year in court.

– But such measures are not enough. It is necessary to change the situation and to introduce severe penalties for operators. This bill is now preparing the Ministry of Communications – said Zharov

As previously wrote “Izvestia”, according to the bill of the Ministry of Communications, operators can be fined up to $ 100 thousand in the future for each is not locked.. they link or IP-address, which were introduced by Roskomnadzor blacklisted information is banned in Russia.

The head of market research firm Telecom Daily Denis Kuskov said that 20 of the largest Russian telecom operators comply with the requirements of Roskomnadzor for blocking banned sites

-. Do not perform the supervisory authority requirements are small operators who base of 100 subscribers – said pieces. – They try to save on everything, and set itself the equipment necessary to block sites for them expensive. But as they realize that they have been in Roskomnadzor hardly know it and they do not lock performed. After installing the “Inspector” system situation will change dramatically, and cases such as occurred in Dmitry Medvedev at VGIK, repeated in theory should no longer.

In the middle of February 2016 the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at a meeting of the government council for cinematography at VGIK, by connecting to a local Wi-Fi-network, from your tablet came to the site is blocked in Russia RuTracker.org . Make it could premiere at the first attempt, which he was quite indignant.

In the Yota companies, “MegaFon” and “VympleKom” stated that they will fulfill the current requirements of the law and, therefore, will be establish itself

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