Saturday, April 16, 2016

Astronomers have discovered a new satellite of the Milky Way – Business Petersburg

April 16, 2016, 10:29 |

Astronomers from the University of Cambridge have discovered a new satellite of the Milky way. This dwarf galaxy that emits 160 thousand. Times more light than the sun. The galaxy is located at a distance of 380 thousand. Light-years from Earth. Space

Astronomers from the UK Cambridge University have discovered a new satellite of the Milky Way – a dwarf galaxy, distant from the Earth 380 thousand. light-years. The galaxy called Crater 2 (Bowl II).

It is impossible to see without special devices. Although Crater 2 – the fourth largest among the Milky Way’s satellites. Its diameter is 7 thousand. Light-years. Crater 2 was the brightest satellite galaxies, discovered in the last 10 years. It emits 160 thousand. Times more light than the sun.

According to the scientists, g alaktiku was very difficult to detect because of the large its remoteness star apart. Next to the galaxy, astronomers believe there are also globular cluster Crater (congestion, where many stars closely associated gravity and orbiting the galactic center as a satellite) and three dwarf galaxies in the constellation Leo. Astronomers assume that they all belong to a group of objects that are “absorbed” Milky Way

Crater 2 was discovered in the analysis of survey VST ATLAS -. Data from VST (Very Large Telescope), a complex of huge optical telescopes at the observatory in Chile.


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