Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Media: Russian satellite launch, which previously had to send SpaceX – RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, April 7 -. RIA Novosti Khrunichev Center in 2017 to launch the spacecraft Intelsat rocket “Proton-M”, which previously had to be put into orbit by means of carrier Falcon Heavy corporation SpaceX, He wrote on Thursday the newspaper “Izvestia”.

“Yes, we have a formal application to launch Intelsat of the spacecraft, which is our long-standing strategic partner. Khrunichev Center, of course, fulfill the order, and the satellite will fly at” Proton “in early 2017″, – the newspaper quoted the Khrunichev Center director general Andrew Kalinowski

An informed source in “Roskosmos” told the publication that the decision to change the Falcon Heavy to “Proton-M” due to the fact that SpaceX. repeatedly postpones launch

Because of the delay, according to the newspaper, SpaceX loses is not the first contract for the launch of a rocket Falcon Heavy:. in March this year, the satellite operator ViaSat Inc. has decided to withdraw its spacecraft with the help of the European rocket Ariane 5, and in March the Inmarsat service provider, learn about another postponement of the first launch of the Falcon Heavy, I booked the “Proton-M”.


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