Wednesday, April 6, 2016

China has set a telescope in Antarctica to study extrasolar planets – RIA Novosti

BEIJING, April 7 – RIA Novosti, Ivan Bulatov On the Chinese research station “Zhongshan”, located in Antarctica, was installed a powerful survey telescope for studying exoplanets, according to China News Service agency on Thursday..

The agency said a source at the Nanjing Institute of astronomical optics and technology (NIAOT). Telescope started on April 6.

It is reported that the review Antarctic astronomical telescope (BSST) has fixed the stars in the constellation Tucana southern hemisphere sky. The objective of the telescope is the detection and investigation of possible habitable planets in this part of the sky hemisphere

So far, China in Antarctica has four research stations: “. Chanchen”, “Zhongshan”, “Kunlun” and “Taishan”. The latter was opened in 2014, its construction took only 45 days. The first scientific expedition was sent from China to the ice continent in 1984.

In late February, the Chinese icebreaker “Syuelun” completed his second circumnavigation of Antarctica, having overcome more than 18 thousand nautical miles (more than 33 thousand kilometers) path. Chinese scientists during the voyage explored the place where the future is possible to build China’s fifth scientific station in Antarctica. It has been reported that the fifth station can stay in the territory of less than five square kilometers in the Gulf of Terra Nova in the Ross Sea.


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