Южнокорейское management announced today that it plans to finance the development of its own domestic supercomputers, and even artificial intelligence. To this end, the authorities have decided to allocate money from the budget in the amount of 87.2 million dollars.
This was informed in the Ministry of scientific forecasting, noting The project is aimed at developing the information society, urged by developments things Internet. According to preliminary data, the new device went out and brought a wide application in various fields of life.
The plans of departments is to create a powerful computer that processes the information at a rate of 1 petaflops, after 5 years, and ten years later -. at 30 petaflops most first such computer in the world has reached capacity of 10 petaflops
in South Korea will allocate money to create supercomputers
According to South Korean officials, need to develop their own supercomputer dictated primarily by the fact that at the moment more than 95% market share of South Korea’s high-performance electronic computers owned by foreign commercial entities
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