Monday, April 4, 2016

Apples prolong life – Utro.Ru

It turns out that eating apples every day can reduce the risk of early death by 35%. This was reported by scientists from the University of Western Australia. These are the results of a major study, which lasted 15 years

Photos:. Global Look Photo: Global Look

The experiment involved 1456 women, whose age at the start of follow-up was 70 to 85 years. Those who ate the day about 100 g apples, less risk of dying from a range of diseases than those whose average daily diet consisted of no more than 5 grams of apples (ie those who ate less than 15 apple is medium in size in a year).

Dr Jonathan Hodgson School of Medicine at UWA explained the beneficial effect of apples on the person that they contain a lot of fiber, which lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as the risk of cancer.

also, apples are a good source of magnesium, potassium, vitamin C and flavonoids, which are concentrated in the skin. Flavonoids, in turn, helps to relax the blood vessels, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Initially, experts assumed that the link between apple consumption and a reduced risk of various health problems is indirect. It was impossible to exclude the fact that those who do not forget to eat fruit every day, generally lead a healthier lifestyle, and that’s taking care of their health in general, and not the mere eating apples, it is for these people the key to longevity.

Comparing the results with those that were there a healthy lifestyle, the study participants, specialists have found that it really was more peculiar to those who ate apples. The researchers conducted a new observation and found that part of the difference in the 35% in fact, can be attributed to lifestyle in general. But even adjusted for this effect of apples as a key factor is still large enough, the researchers said

“We have noted a fairly significant reduction in risk of death, -. Summed up Hodgson – but that does not mean that Apple, despite their health benefits, it is necessary to replace all the other fruits. We examined their impact on human because it really is often consumed product “.


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