Tuesday, April 5, 2016

WhatsApp encrypt all messages billion of its users – RBC

Photo: REUTERS 2016

Messenger WhatsApp to enable encryption for all of its users . Now all calls and correspondence will not be available for eavesdropping or hacking by third parties

Messenger WhatsApp, owned by Facebook the American corporation, from 5 April introduced a “terminal” encryption for all of its users, the number of which today more than 1 billion people . This founding service Jan Koum and Brian Acton wrote in a company blog.

«Security data of users and their communication in messenger has always been a priority for WhatsApp, but today we are pleased to announce that we have completed the technological development which makes WhatsApp leader in protecting your private correspondence: full “terminal” encryption “, – stated in the

This is a data protection method, when the original voice, text, photo, and video files. any other information transmitted through the communication channel can only be read by the sender and the recipient, and thus can not be intercepted by third parties – whether it’s cyber criminals, hackers, authorities or employees of WhatsApp. This type of encryption is available now for all WhatsApp users who will update to the latest version of Messenger. It also spread to group chats.

The encrypted correspondence and WhatsApp founders considered “the future of personal communications.” Encryption – one of the most important tools used by governments, companies and individuals, to ensure the safety and security of data in the new digital era, wrote Acton and Koum

In recent years, a fierce debate about the services from. encryption elements and how they work is to “make friends” with law enforcement, explain WhatsApp founders of the blog. They are reminiscent of the recent confrontation between Apple’s with the FBI in the course of which government agency required the corporation to “crack» iPhone resident of San Bernardino Seid Farouk, who killed 14 people in December 2015.

In February 2016 Apple CEO Tim Cook said that the US authorities want to get a tool to bypass the security on any mobile Apple device that would jeopardize the privacy of the data all of the devices users in the world. Founder of WhatsApp Jan Koum was among the leaders of the technology companies that support Apple in the conflict of the FBI.

«While we recognize the importance of the work of law enforcement agencies to ensure the safety of people, trying to weaken the encryption makes private information more vulnerable. “The desire to protect private communication between people is one of our core values ​​in WhatsApp, and my personally – wrote Qom. – For me it’s personal, because I grew up in the Soviet Union during the communist rule, and the fact that people could not speak freely – one of the reasons that my parents went to the United States »

WhatsApp. uses the technology of “terminal” encryption in 2014, but until now updates it worked only on Android devices and only for personal interviews, the newspaper notes Vc.ru. Such a method of encryption is already working in the “secret chats” messenger Telegram, created by the founder of “VKontakte” Pavel Durov. This Sewell chief legal counsel of Apple Bruce called Telegram during the congressional hearings in early March this year, “one of the most hazardous applications,” since it is actively used by terrorists.

Telegram popularity among the supporters LIH (banned in Russia terrorist organization) is also caused by the claims of the Russian authorities. In early November last year, the first deputy head of the State Duma Committee for Constitutional Alexander Agayev even asked the FSB to ban Telegram. Service Creator Pavel Durov, in turn, suggested that, in principle, prohibit the use of words. “I propose to ban the word. There is information that help them communicate with the terrorists “, – he wrote. Despite the confrontation, messenger Durov all began “remove” the terrorists: Telegram has blocked more than 660 channels of this group.


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