Social network Vkontakte completely refreshed. Now completely redrawn all the icons, the font has been increased, as well as the width of the screen. Avatars of users of social networks have changed the shape of a square to round, and pictures became larger – between now there is no gap. In social networks, new features and changed the location of the sections and units were added. Because of this, and removed references to the founder of the largest social network Pavel Durov.
«The development of the design represented a new team involved. Therefore, there is no longer copyright Pavel Durov. Designers carefully studied and created anew and think literally every element “, – said the chief operating officer of the company” VKontakte “Andrew Rogozov
As expected by many users, the developers have focused on Material Design, as close decoration desktop version to. mean social network in on the Android and iOS apps.
Since the advent of social networks in 2006, the creators added new features have eliminated the old (as it was with the famous wall), but did not touch the basic design, changing just a few elements.
«The main principle of the new design,” VKontakte “- on all devices it looks similar and recognizable. Web site users to easily find the desired section in a mobile application, and vice versa, “- said Chief Operating Officer Andrew Rogozov social network
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The main achievement of the updated “VKontakte” probably As for involvement of the white fields on the sides. Prior to this, all the elements of the social network were placed on the center of the screen, and surrounded them incomprehensible emptiness. Particularly acute is felt owners of large-format screens
«VKontakte.” – Social network, owned by Mail.Ru Group. Located at According SimilarWeb, «VKontakte» is the first most popular website in Russia and Ukraine, the 6th – in the world. According to Alexa Internet, the second most popular site in Russia and Ukraine, the first – in Belarus, 20th – in the world
Launched on October 10, 2006, the resource is initially positioned itself as a social network of students and. graduates of Russian universities, and later began to call himself “a modern, fast and attractive way to communicate on the network.” In January 2014 the daily audience “VKontakte” was about 60 million, and in January of 2015 – 70 million people a day. As of July 15, 2015, the average daily audience of 64,525,950 visitors
Director-General (2014) -. Boris Dobrodeev son Oleg Dobrodeeva – Director General of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company
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