Friday, April 1, 2016

Social “VKontakte” network conducted a large-scale redesign – BBC

The Social Network “VKontakte” held the first major design change. As expected by many users, the developers have focused on Material Design, as close decoration desktop version to social networks mean to your Android and iOS apps.

Since the advent of social networks in 2006, the creators added new features have eliminated the old ( as it was with the famous wall), but did not touch the basic design, changing just a few elements.

«The main principle of the new design,” VKontakte “- on all devices it looks similar and recognizable. Users of the website is easy to find the desired section in a mobile application, and vice versa », -. said COO sotsseti Andrew Rogozov

The new design is launched in test mode limited audience. You can try clicking on the “Join the testing».

The main achievement of the updated “VKontakte” probably As for involvement of the white fields on the sides. Prior to this, all the elements of the social network were placed on the center of the screen, and surrounded them incomprehensible emptiness. Particularly acute is felt owners of large-format screens.

One time visitors “VKontakte” have been popular the different “themes” that can be used with the help of extensions for browsers. Mainly among “the” go popular musicians, actors or favorite game. In most cases, it looked terribly hurt and use the functions of social networks

The main habitat of many “VKontakte” users -. “News” – has undergone significant changes. Lists news moved to separate block together with the search for and comments.

some “spark” function marked turn the “most interesting” news. It exists in a social network for a long time and works on the principle of sampling the most relevant information for the user, but, unlike Facebook, shows all the posts appear.

The most fundamental transformation undergone the “Messages” section. Now users can see the active chat and a list of all conversations. As applications, the status of the interlocutor “online” labeled with a green dot.

All the notices that have been part of the “News” section, moved to a separate point in the header. Now you can subscribe to notifications about new posts groups and communities:. “Bell” will inform about innovations, as well as birthdays and applications to add as friend

Pictures have acquired feysbuchny view: Put the right side of the image, and pictures become larger. Fotoprosmotrschik well adapted to wide-screen.

Rumors about the redesign of the social network were walking on the network more than a year. In the summer of 2014 “VKontakte” invited developers to participate in the competition for the new design: more than 500 people participated in the competition. Among the hundreds of works was selected top five, the winners were awarded with MacBook Pro notebooks in the maximum configuration, four others received consolation prizes in the form of iPad Air.

Despite the fact that competition has been sufficiently ambitious in social networks have not announced specific dates and did not specify whether the use of the work of participants in the event of changes in the appearance of the site

The course on “flat” design for a long time caught the developers -. section VK developers before major changes likely like a version of the site for the application and have already used the free space around the edges of diversion

While the “VKontakte” offers a test version is not on a regular basis -. to stay in the new design, it is necessary to agree with the updated The default skin. In addition, the social network has decided to give an opportunity to revert to the old version of the site.

In the case of “VC” redesign is unlikely to cause outrage among fans of social networks, as preparation for the large-scale changes was conducted over a year and the site is clearly needed to fit to versions for applications. The disappearance of the white fields and the final transition to the name of the social network VK should go only on advantage.


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