Saturday, April 2, 2016

NASA provided a snapshot of the galactic center – space and astronomy news

In the photo, made telescope Hubble can detect about half a million stars. As the NASA message, photo taken in the infrared range, captured as a black hole Sagittarius A, by mass 4 million times the sun.

The plot of the galaxy, as reflected in the picture corresponds to a distance of more than fifty light years , the distance from the Earth to the center of the Milky way is about 27,000 light-years. Cluster of stars, forming the center of the galaxy is not visible to the naked eye, despite the fact that, according to scientific estimates, the total number of these stars is not less than ten million.

The interstellar dust is light scattering effect, which is why we can not see the center of the Milky way without special equipment, trapping infrared radiation, which is able to pass through a space dust.

The American researchers intend to thoroughly examine these high-resolution images that allow them to get an idea of ​​how to move the stars , what it consists of, and what is their weight.

project cooperation ESA and NASA, automatic observatory Hubble was launched into orbit the spring of 1990. Through photographs taken with the telescope, scientists were able to gather a lot of new information about the composition of the universe.

” .. photo taken in the infrared range, also captured a black hole Sagittarius A, .. “
strenuously peered into the picture, but did not find, and do not saw ChDyrku though so hoped, believed written in the text.
Well, at least marked with a red cross, where she is hiding despicable :(

03-04-2016 Evaluation:. +5


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