A hypothetical ninth planet in the solar system, or the so-called Planet X, is now acquired as a hypothetical model of its internal structure, created by Swiss scientists published in the journal Astronomy & amp; . Astrophysics
Employees of the University of Bern – astronomers Esther Linder and Christoph Mordasini, analyzed a number of studies on the not yet discovered a mysterious planet and built its virtual model, according to which, Planet X radius should be approximately 3.7 times greater than the Earth, and the temperature of the hydrogen and helium atmosphere constituent is minus 220 degrees Celsius. Under the gas shell may be a layer of water ice, in turn hides a silicate mantle, and finally the hot iron core of the planet. The theoretical model indicates a gradual cooling of Planet X, due to significantly shifted in the direction of the impact of heat energy balance.
The hypothesis of the existence of “ninth planet” advanced scientists Mike Brown (left) and Konstantin Batygin
According to the results their calculations, the mass of “ninth planet” can be 10 times the Earth’s mass (to the same conclusion was reached and Brown with Batygina), with a diameter of 7.5 times the size of Earth. The temperature of a hypothetical planet reaches -226 degrees Celsius.
Astronomers believe that the “ninth planet” is more than 100 billion kilometers from the sun. At this distance, it almost does not reflect sunlight, and in the optical range to detect it is almost impossible.
However, the mass of the planet means that its core is still warm, and, accordingly, it is possible to see in the infrared range.
the calculations Bernese scientists also explain why previous reviews of the cosmos with infrared telescope did not detect this planet – an infrared telescope NASA Wise could discover a planet with a mass at least 50 times the mass of Earth
Mastill Alexander and his colleagues at Lund Observatory in Sweden hypothesize that we can talk about exoplanets that the sun captured from another star.
but others, including Brown with Batygina believe it is likely that the “ninth planet” could be formed closer to the Sun, but then was thrown out on its new orbit of Jupiter or Saturn.
Brown and Batygin hypothesized the existence of another planet after they noticed that the orbits of several trans-Neptunian objects in the Kuiper belt, in particular Sedna and 201 VP113, roughly the same orientation in space.
This, scientists believe, is best explained by the presence of another, still unknown to a large planet
In March the organization OSSOS (outer solar system Origins Survey -. «Research about uitiskhozhdeniya outer solar system “) announced the opening of a new object in the Kuiper belt, following the unusual orbit.
The object gets a temporary name uo3L91, was discovered exactly where would have to be” ninth planet “, says professor Brown.
in addition, Agnes Fienga and her colleagues at the Observatory of the Cote d’Azur have presented evidence that the existence of the “ninth planet” best explains the gravitational pull of an unknown object, which is experiencing a space probe NASA «Cassini» explores Now Saturn.
Planet attributed the terrible property of mankind. According to experts, because of this planet millions of years ago could have destroyed life on Earth.
Moreover, a scientist from the University of Louisiana Daniel Uitmir stated that “the planet IX» can threaten all life on Earth and now . According to scientists, a mysterious planet turns in its orbit around the Sun, encounters with asteroids and comets in the nearest point to the Earth and sends them to the side of our planet. This planet can trigger a “comet rain”, which is unleashed on earth could have done a lot of troubles.
Every 27 million years, Uitmira theory, “ninth planet” passes through the Kuiper Belt (Solar System section of the orbit Neptune, filled with a variety of asteroids and comets, in whose territory the number of dwarf planets, including Pluto) with comets and asteroids. Knocked her comet crashes into Earth and destroy all life.
The movement of the planets in the Kuiper belt could cause the extinction of life many years ago, suggested Whitmire. He added that she had already sent a stream of comets in our direction. According to him, the object orbits around the Sun and, when faced with comets and asteroids at the point closest to the Earth, guides them toward her.
«On this mysterious planet, which is also called a planet-killer, they say more than a dozen years, and its description is, in legend, where it is called “Nibiru” or “Iron star”. Some legends, well described by American researchers say that it is this planet at one time caused a lot of troubles in the world “, – commented on the sensational discovery of American Scientists” World 24 “ufologist Nikolai Subbotin
On the question. about when a disaster could happen, he replied that it is difficult to determine – you first need to understand the planet come to Earth. He added that, “if the planet will begin to take place within the Solar System, the Kuiper belt, it is likely that it can” knock out “of the meteoritic matter that falls to the earth, leading to global catastrophe.»
Studies paleontologists It confirmed that every 26 -. 27 million years on Earth occur a kind of disaster that results in mass extinction
Some astronomers do not exclude that the “ninth planet” was the result of the explosion the other, and then there was “stolen” by the Sun , hitting its orbit.
Brown and Batygin hypothesized the existence of another planet after they noticed that the orbits of several trans-Neptunian objects in the Kuiper belt, in particular Sedna and 201 VP113, roughly the same orientation in . space
This, scientists believe, is best explained by the presence of another, still unknown to a large planet
In March the organization OSSOS (Outer Solar System origins Survey -. «Research of origin the outer solar system “) announced the opening of a new object in the Kuiper belt, following the unusual orbit.
The object gets a temporary name uo3L91, was discovered exactly where would have to be” ninth planet “, says professor Brown.
in addition, Agnes Fienga and her colleagues at the Observatory of the Cote d’Azur have presented evidence that the existence of the “ninth planet” best explains the gravitational pull of an unknown object, which is experiencing a space probe NASA “Cassini,” exploring today Saturn.
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