Monday, December 8, 2014

Half of the people in Russia surf the Internet from mobile devices – Express-News

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08.12 | 21:22

More than half of Internet users “roam” across the expanses of the global network is not using a personal computer and via mobile devices. Such a conclusion can be reached if they are familiar with the data of the statistical service Liveinternet. For example, in October, from mobile devices to the Internet out of 29.4 million people, accounting for 49.9% of all users. In November, the figure rose to 51%.
 The Director-General of the statistical service Herman Klimenko said that the majority of Russians use mobile devices to be connected while moving from point A to point B, where there are personal computers. According to his statements, the first growth trend showed sotsialyne network “Vkontakte” and “Classmates”.
 Head of children’s social network, “Tweedy” Oleg Ulyansky noted that children surf the Internet through mobile devices. This is due to the fact that the modern child is not willing to work with “mouse”, it is easier to interact with the touch screen. A mobile device they take from their parents who buy a new phone model, the old give children.


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