Employees RPN decided to catch the Amur tiger Ustinov, who recently back to Russia from China, and send it to a rehabilitation center. The fact is that the predator began to hunt for stray and pet dogs. Relevant complaints received from residents of the Khabarovsk Territory.
“After returning from China, took a fancy neighborhood Bolshekhekhtsirsky Tiger Reserve Ustin began to hunt for stray and pet dogs. It was decided to put his rehab. Currently, measures are being taken for catching predator” – leads the ” Interfax “ to the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Far Eastern Federal District.
How many dogs is missing from local residents, is not specified. However, the Office noted that “this situation is, of course, is alarming and requires a permit.”
Ustin returned from China in mid-December. Shortly before that a similar journey ended and his brother Kuzi. His rehab specialists are not going to put. Note that Ustin previously suspected killing 15 goats and goat farm on the Chinese and Kuzyu – in ruin in China coop.
Both “traveler” were among the five cubs weakened, which found several years ago in the Far Eastern taiga. They were given names Kuzma, Ustin, Bob, Ilona and bright. Three of them – Kuzyu, Borya and Ilona – released from the reserve personally Russian President Vladimir Putin. Animal put special collars to track their movements via satellite.
As for Ilona, then recently it ate three pigs in the Amur region. Earlier it was reported that Ilona, Bob and light settled in the Amur Region and the Jewish Autonomous Region.
The Amur tiger – one of the rarest predators planet. He is listed in the International Red Book. According to the last census, in Russia Amur tigers in Primorye and Khabarovsk Territory, approximately 450 individuals.
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