Sunday, December 21, 2014

Scientists from the US have invented a revolutionary way to predict tornadoes – APR PRESS

Devastating tornadoes every year cause the US catastrophe losses and take dozens or even hundreds of lives. According to this teaching in the United States do not cease to carry out research aimed at early diagnosis and prediction of weather events.

At this time, the Americans discovered that the birds in advance “hear” tornado approaching the hour and leave their nesting places on average another 24 hours before the disaster, according to The researchers analyzed data from sensors that are attached to songbirds, and found that in April 2014 the bird flew 700 km to the south of the Gulf of Mexico, and already the next day the central part of the United States swept a wa ve of deadly tornadoes.


The discovery was made accidentally during vremyanablyudeniya for miniature North American songbird Vermivora chrysoptera. In late spring 2013, scientists have found special sensors on foot 20 individuals, when they arrived at nesting in the Appalachian Mountains. Instruments were designed to measure the length of daylight – on it is possible to determine the latitude at which the birds were at different times. In the spring of next year half of ringed birds back in the Appalachian Mountains of Colombia, where Vermivora chrysoptera migrate for the winter. However, shortly after returning to the region ran a powerful tornado that killed dozens of people.


After a weather phenomenon has passed, the researchers caught 5 birds with sensors in order to find out where they were during the violence of elements. It was found that all five birds before approaching tornado flew 700 kilometers to the south, toward the Gulf of Mexico. In this case, the birds just passed 5,000 kilometers, migrating from South America. When the tornado passed, the bird immediately flew back and went back to the breeding grounds. In total, they make a detour of 1500 kilometers. Such behavior of the birds the more anomalous that before you embark on this journey, the birds have just returned from seasonal migration component of no less than 5,000 kilometers.


Ornithologists formed a theory that songbirds, among others, individuals feel the approach of extreme events due to excellent low-frequency hearing. The researchers attached sensors 20 songbirds of the genus Vermivora in May 2013. After wintering in Colombia 10 birds sensor returned to the US in April 2014.


«This is a very small songbirds – they weigh about nine grams. And what they came back with geolokatorami, was a great success this season, “- said the Air Force Dr. Henry Striba the University of California. Th e team observed the birds, when she received a warning of the approach of a tornado. Scientists believe that birds could truncate the low-frequency hum that comes from a tornado. His sound has such a low frequency that the human ear is not able to notice it. Ultrasonic noise may extend for thousands of kilometers from the source.


It is well known that not only the birds are able to distinguish between such notification. Before the catastrophic 2004 tsunami Southeast Asia, many domestic cats and dogs warn their owners of impending disasters. However, environmentalists clarify that the study is not without errors, and they are connected with the geo-location devices. Location of birds were determined by the level of illumination, rather than on the basis of satellite data.

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