Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Curiosity on Mars discovered traces of organic matter and methane – BFM.Ru

The rover recorded sporadic emissions of methane into the atmosphere

The US Mars rover Curiosity found traces of organic elements in the soil of the planet and gave sporadic emissions of methane in the Martian atmosphere, US researchers said.

On Earth, methane is a gas that is associated with the life, reminds Reuters. Researchers from Nasa JPL Laboratory in California announced that the rover’s instruments, committed in August 2012 landing on the “Red Planet” registered a tenfold increase in the level of methane in the atmosphere near automatic machine.

In addition, they discovered the presence of organic molecules in the soil sample. A professor from the University of Michigan believes that there are many possible sources of both biological and non biological origin, for example, because of the interaction of water and rock.

Last week, scientists have come to the conclusion that billions of years ago, a large lakes that filled the crater, the study currently Curiosity. The discovery is a sign that a neighboring planet could once be microbial life forms.


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