The ancestors of the domestic chicken were flying dinosaurs. Such a conclusion was made by scientists from international research group after studying the genome of a number of birds inhabiting different regions of the world. The results of their work are published in a special edition of BBC Genomics.
Experts in the field of genetics from the United States and Russia have analyzed the DNA of 21 species of birds and were very surprised by the result. It turned out the most microchromosomes identical composition to the genome of the primary type of flying dinosaurs (pterodactyl) has chicken.
This data is denied previous information, that the chromosomes of birds devoid of any serious data. Just in time for the chicken chromosome up to 70% of the useful information.
Of all the species of birds, the evolution of the fastest impact on zebra finches and budgies. This manifested itself in the process responsible for the singing of the brain cells.
That birds were the most tenacious of all the descendants of ancient dinosaurs. This was possible due to the unique property of eggs – they are quite resistant to physical damage.
It is because of this form of reproduction (egg laying) survived, and one other, a relative of the dinosaurs – crocodiles.
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