It was the drafters of press releases issued such eye-popping “scientific” headlines like these: “British scientists have found that ….. “9 out of 10 ladybirds London sick fungal sexually transmitted diseases, or the average person eats in a dream seven spiders, or here’s another: bumblebees can catch the killers. All of these names – not the beginning of anecdotes and headers from official press releases from diverse scientific institutions in Britain.
Staff Cardiff University decided to find out how such kureznye born headers and any discoveries can we talk?
It turned out that sometimes the smallest study after treatment with those of the press releases, changed beyond recognition. They are very attracted the attention of journalists, and later – and readers. Hence the hollow sensation that sell well.
With such a phenomenon familiar and deputy editor of the journal “Science and Life” Dmitry Zykov. “Sensation – a good thing, interesting, a lot of attention paid to it. People tend to greatly exaggerate the importance of what they suddenly found out. This is a purely psychological effect: ah, as suddenly as interesting. Often sensations appear, so to speak, from the heart . People just do not understand what they are told, “- says Zykov.
In these cases, the scientists themselves say classic: journalists do not understand all distorted. In fact, a failure occurs in the whole chain. First, scientists told the main idea is not very easy to understand, the drafters of the press release it exaggerated and incorrect conclusions made on the basis of which gave false advice. And then the journalists fell for sensation and without checking other sources, strengthened and released under the catchy headline news. The reader will read, believe and even began to follow the advice.
But there is doubt that it was originally intended only for sensation, draws the attention of the chairman of the commission of Sciences to combat pseudoscience Evgeny Alexandrov. Not excluded some interest, since it is peculiar to Western scholars. “They crave attention, can attract any means,” – says Alexander. In the Russian science is impossible, and earning money on behalf of populism our scientists to anything, the expert said.
However, curiosities “serious scientific discoveries” happen in our country. For example, 10 years ago in the newspapers published a sensation that cockroaches brought into the house of their relatives with the help of tapping paws on the floor. And many, succumbing to this “duck”, began to dim or linoleum floors are carpeted. However, later denied this information.
Recently, it was reported the alleged open cold fusion, which is to devalue our Russian oil. And it is also refuted by our scientists. What the newspapers wrote.
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