Monday, December 15, 2014

How does the new Russian observatory – BBC

“Gazety.Ru” visited the new Russian astronomical observatory built by MSU near Kislovodsk, and shares his impressions of the 2.5-meter telescope, the observatory infrastructure and the official opening ceremony.

The discovery of an astronomical observatory – a large-scale event for science in general and for any country. The discovery of a large observatory in Russia, where nothing like this has happened in the last few decades – the event was exceptional. Therefore, the launch of the Caucasian mountain observatory Moscow State University, which took place last weekend, attracted so much attention from journalists, scientists and even politicians. Scale events correspond to the status of invited persons: open a new observatory came rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy, director of the State Astronomical Institute of the PK Sternberg MSU Anatoly Cherepashchuk and president of Karachay-Cherkessia Rashid Temrezov.

The ceremony was reconciled to the smallest parts. On the eve of a strict presidential spokesman Ian KCR “build” the entire observatory, pointing out where, who and what will be done during the show and the signing of the agreement. Not accustomed to wrangling imperious lady meekly obey officers, scientists and himself Anatoly Cherepashchuk. Another would be: the next day as he had to master to conduct the ceremony and make sure that guests are satisfied.

The director did not hide his joy.

Create new observatory Moscow State University, where students could engage in the practice, and scientists SAI to conduct their own observations, it became one of the stages of development programs MSU until 2020.

The current 2014 became a special SAI. With the collapse of the Soviet Union the main observation station in the Crimea, Ukraine moved away, and if the university has kept his station in the property, in recent years, he constantly had to solve the problems associated with its status in the territory of another State. Earlier this year, this problem was solved to everyone’s surprise, and now at the end of the year – the opening of the newest observatory university class, an analog which is not at every major university abroad.

Compare the conditions of work and leisure, which appeared in the new observatory, there is something.

Earlier astronomers, arrives at the Crimean Station, had to live either in wooden huts or in a brick hut, as it is called students to prepare themselves for an electric stove, “cook dumplings in a teapot,” to take care of products and obstiryvat themselves.

In the main observatory of the SAO in the village Zelenchukskaya (KCR) housing situation is not better: coming astronomers live in one of four nine-and also take care of themselves.

In the CLC recently rebuilt comfortable shells intended for the comfortable stay of students, researchers and staff. Last summer, the observatory took the first practice of the students who completed the third year, and for them the first time was organized delicious meals in the dining room. Although there laughing remember that one student is still something he did not like and pick, though not for long.

In the CLC done for convenient accommodation of employees: in addition to the dining room there is a huge laundry room, kitchen and even a sauna in a building with suites.

However, the main observatory still science.

Pride MSU – recently gave “first light” 2.5-meter telescope weighing 40 tons, the primary mirror which was made by the French, the mount – the Chinese, the dome – the Italians . These 40 tons of spin on the oil bearing, and what could make the rector of Moscow State University, turning the edifice of his hand. Nearby there is a weather station and astroclimatic post – a small telescope, which leads to the stars control, monitor atmospheric turbulence at different heights, allowing you to control the picture quality.

The presence astroclimatic post – a special “trick” the observatory.

Monitoring turbulence will allow the mind to distribute different tasks depending on the image quality and as a result – to increase the effectiveness of observations.

2,5-meter telescope at the observatory is not the only one. In the future installation of a small class of instruments – with diameters of up to 1 m, under which the building has been built. Appear here and a radio telescope with a diameter of 12 m for work on the international program of radio interferometry. Built on the hill and let gravity until the building of the future laboratory, where it will work prilivoregistriruyuschaya station. The primary mirror of the telescope can not always retain their optical properties, about once every five years, it needs to be updated. To this end, a technical body built vacuum unit for applying a layer of silver or aluminum. Deposition process expensive, but installation can be used for the deposition of smaller mirrors “wholesale”, while placing them in a vacuum chamber.

The whole territory of the observatory precinct, the perimeter of which is constantly seen 25 surveillance cameras.

On the opening day in the morning CLC staff “have imposed marafet”: Get out of the tractor tracks the last speck of dust, and the president KCR guards in suits broom sweeping steps telescope. Somewhere in time had gone and the dog usually roam the area. Rector and President upon arrival immediately proceed to the inspection of the telescope, the President then delivered a touching speech about the special role of astronomy in his North Caucasian republic. “It can rightly be called the Karachay-Cherkess Republic astronomical, because we have the SAO and other astronomical station. The share of astronomers at 1 thousand. Population have ten times more than in Moscow “, – joked after President KCR, adding that the opening of the new observatory will raise the demand for technicians and scientists in the republic.

He played along and came to visit the director of SAO RAS Yuri Balega, remembering that the country is the foundation of an ancient observatory, whose age is 2 thousand. years.

VIP guests and journalists were shown a presentation, embodying the progress of construction Observatory over the last six years. On its front page was depicted MSU rector Viktor Sadovnichy. “Note on the extent of our attention to the observatory said that six years ago, and now I was in the same tie,” – he said.

The President announced the award of an honorary rector of employee education KCR and presented him with a symbolic key to the observatory, which, however, he soon gave it back.

The observatory was built on the mountain Shatdzhatmaz, which has long been a haven of science.

In the neighborhood since 1949 working solar station of the Pulkovo Observatory of RAS, there are a number of Keldysh Institute of Mathematics, telescopes, tracking of near-Earth spacecraft, and before the war there were experimental field Vavilov. Adjacent and sheep farms. “Now all disperse, cut sheep” – a call from the observatory located near Kosharite shortly after the official opening.


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