Thursday, December 18, 2014

Putin has not decided about his nomination for the presidency of the Russian Federation – Russian newspaper

Perhaps the most intriguing question of today’s final press conference, Vladimir Putin was left for last: if he was going to go to the polls in 2018? Answer president sounded vaguely.

However, the Russian leader is convinced that the decision on whether to run in the next presidential election, soon to take someone else. Putin himself will be based primarily on the assessment of the overall performance of the country.

“We have to work in the interests of the citizens of the Russian Federation, and the results and the mood in society will be to make a choice. The responsibility for what is happening in the country is always on the head of state. I did not shy away from it and not going to shy away. Mistakes are always available. It is necessary to raise the level of commitment of the Central Bank and the government to work on their assigned areas. I believe that the administrative and governmental structures to cope with the challenges facing the country ” – once again stressed the head of state.

See also

Of course, the difficult times and put a lot of challenges that Putin again openly outlined. This is partly due to objective circumstances, partly – with subjective. Somewhere, the president could act in a timely manner, although the actions of the Central Bank as a whole are seen him correct. Vladimir Putin, has no doubts: relying on its foreign exchange reserves, Russia will be able to get out of that financial storm in which she came. Anyway, the economy will be able to adapt to the situation on the market.

There is one more important fact. Even if we assume that the low energy prices persist, the time of their growth will inevitably come due to the growth of the world economy. “Let’s see how the authorities will work. We go through a difficult period and emerge from it strengthened the position of his country,” – no doubt the president. He promised to provide all the resources that are necessary for the fulfillment of social obligations of the defense sector, the modernization of the army and navy.

The President is aimed at the long, hard work, during which he will be less likely to think about your rating, enough successful in recent years. “The thing to do, work to work and not think about how to save that – once the office phone or rating,” – said the head of state. This is the approach he thinks is right, a serious attitude. If, in his opinion, begin to think about saving some ratings, in the same moment he starts to fall, because instead of concrete work begins profanity.

So far, the president did not let this style of work. Vladimir Putin hopes to save and further, that he brought positive results – not for ticks on paper, but for the life of the country, so that people live better. Head of State was asked whether he feels lonely at the top of the rankings, well ahead of its nearest rivals. “I do not get bored, so that you on this subject do not worry,” – he said with a smile.


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