In Russia there is a trend of gradual declassification from many documents and data that was previously prohibited from using widely available.
Some of these data would be very useful to use in everyday life.
Here at last -So now the turn of satellite images. Officially allowed to be placed in the public domain detailed pictures taken from space on our planet.
Head of Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree “On the public use of remote sensing data from space received from foreign and Russian space commercial vehicles.” The resolution states that remote sensing from space, “derived from foreign satellites and Russian space commercial vehicles classified as a state secret and can not be used publicly in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation».
However, all is not well and joyfully as it seems in the beginning – to the decree signed by the head of the governme nt explanatory note, which explains that the lifting of restrictions applies only to those images, the resolution of which is less than one meter. But it should not be viewed as a great victory, because before that all was not allowed to use pictures of the Earth with high precision resolution.
Partial permission to use the images occurred after changing views on the issue of the Defense Ministry.
The decision is intended to ensure the widespread use of remote sensing data obtained from satellites for civil use, in the interests of the Russian economy
In the summer of 2014 Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin to discuss the Government Commission on the use of information technology to improve the quality of life and the business environment for discussion raised the question about the use of images taken from space civilian satellites. Sobyanin tabled a question which has long been interested in why many people can not be used in urban services with high precision images taken with the permission of civilian satellites, because it is no secret that in the public domain mapping service Google has long been laid out all the pictures of the earth, and there is the possibility of their increase very much.
Medvedev instructed to create a working group to prepare a detailed cartographic data subject, it was headed Sobyanin and Mikhail Abizov. The group included representatives of the Ministry of Defense, the Federal Security Service and other agencies concerned. By September 2014 the group decided to have occurred after a very intense discussion of the initiative group of all positive and negative aspects of lifting the ban use of images of the Earth.
Some members insisted on declassified all pictures taken by satellites and civil resolution of public access to this information “Remote sensing data from space received from foreign satellites and Russian space commercial vehicles classified as a state secret and can not be opened may be published in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of protection of intellectual property and exclusive rights and international law ».
But still supporters of lifting the ban in principle wi th this information daily and could not convince the majority of officials in the expediency of this step.
too many financial interests related to the products of remote sensing. It is no secret that in Russia there are private providers, whose business is based on remote sensing products and if you give access to the information, then the business will lose very much money.
Material “Izvestia».
* Sorry, the title typos
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