The most significant scientific breakthrough in 2014 was the landing of the spacecraft of the European Space Agency Rosetta comet, says the American Journal of Science.
The ship Rosetta left Earth in 2004 and came close to a comet known as 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko in August 2014.
After that, he released a special apparatus Philae, who made the world’s first soft landing on a comet, says NDTV.
Although the Philae soon lost power source, hitting the dark side of the comet, it is hoped that it will work again next year and send to Earth a series of new scientific data on conditions on the comet.
«Landing Philae was a great achievement and attracted attention of the world – said Tim Appeenzeller, news editor of the journal Science . – But the whole mission Rosetta was a breakthrough. It provided an opportunity to observe how the comet is heated, breathes and develops ».
Other achievements included in the Top 10 Discoveries magazine is:
A series of articles about how some dinosaurs evolved to become a bird.
The research showed that the blood of a young mouse can rejuvenate muscles and brains of old mice, which led to clinical trials in humans with Alzheimer’s disease.
Development Team Robots designed in the style of termites. They cooperate with each other and come together, performing tasks without human intervention.
The development of computer chips that mimic the architecture of the human brain.
The new processes for the production of cells that resemble beta cells that produce insulin cells of the pancreas. This will be a new trend in the study of diabetes.
The opening of this age Indonesian cave paintings of animals – 35000-40000 years instead of 10,000 years, as previously thought.
Advances in manipulating the memories of mice with using optogenetics, or rays of light.
Cheap satellites as small as 10 centimeters – Cubesat, which began to be used in the “real science».
Designing synthetic sticks bacteria E. With the help of two additional nucleotides – X and Y – in addition to the normal G, T, C and A, which constitute the building blocks of DNA.
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