Astronomical Forecast for 2015 amounted to scientists from Yekaterinburg.
In January, 26 of us earthlings will meet with guest space – an asteroid. Let us say at once: collisions and falls are not expected, the asteroid is quite harmless, small (on space standards) of about 1000 meters and it will fly by Earth at a distance of 1.2 million kilometers (for comparison, the moon is 3 times more) so if you want it can be a good look through the telescope. Next, begin to prepare for the small parade of planets. Mars, Mercury, Saturn and Venus (five bright planets) line up nicely in line. M ay 14 is expected maximum convergence. Will be located as follows: above all, Jupiter, under it – Venus (next waxing Moon), then Mars, Saturn, and below and to the right – Mercury. It is worth a look, because the last parade was in 2000 and consider it well failed because the planet is too close to the sun.
Now eclipses. March 20 is expected to total solar eclipse, and on 13 September a partial solar eclipse. Lunar eclipses (total) will be April 4 and September 28.
Another beautiful and romantic astronomical phenomenon – Supermoon – is finding the Moon at the closest distance from the Earth. In 2015, we will be able to see it six times. First Supermoon can contemplate on January 20, and then on February 18, March 20, August 29. September 28 is the closest to the Earth Supermoon 2015 (at a distance of 356,896 kilometers) and 27 October.
Can say that 2015 is full of astronomical spectacle. Enjoy your viewing!
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