Sunday, December 28, 2014

Love animals to touch screens on the example of iPad – iPadis – an iPad

Those who have animals at home, probably more than once wondered sincere interest pets to the touch screen tablets. As it turned out, use of the touch screen for a long time and very successfully practicing scientists in the study of behavior and characteristics of our smaller brethren.

Continuing our theme of Sunday’s unusual use of tablets iPad , as well as offering to buy wooden furniture made of pine many will be interested to know that not only people, but animals love to play and even earn goodies, performing simple tasks on the tablet iPad. In particular, writes of, University of Vienna, in the Department of Cognitive Biology, home to four coal cute bug: Esme, Molly Quin n and Emily, who love to play with touch-screen tablets, and two of them, Esme and Queen, even learned using the screen to make a meal, depending on the task, touching his nose to the left or right blue circle.

And, for example, in the US state of Iowa, in the premises of the Fund apes in Des Moines, live adult male pygmy chimpanzee (the bonobo) named Kanzi, which perfectly communicates with others using the touch screen, operating over 400 leksigrammami (icons representing certain words).

The most interesting case is described in the journal Animal Behaviour psychologist Jennifer Vonk, which For several years, uses an iPad for the study of thinking bears. The latest research Vonk, participants were three Himalayan bear from mobile zoo in Wilmer, Alabama, coped with the task, using a specially protected iPad (given the physical abilities such unusual users), showing excellent numeracy and indispensability of the tablet in the arsenal of scientists .


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