Saturday, January 14, 2017

Japanese scientists have grown mini-stomachs from stem cells – L!

the Resulting structures have a size of 1-2 cm and can fall just like the walls of this intestines.

the staff of the National center for child health and development (Japan) created from pluripotent stem cells human structure resembling fragments of intestine and capable of peristaltic contractions and absorption of nutrients. Scientific article about it was published in the journal JCI Insight.

to obtain an analogue of the intestine, the researchers used human pluripotent stem cells that can give rise to virtually all cell types, tissues and organs, except for some structures that are only in embryos in the early stages of development. Adding to the nutrient media, on which grow these cells, various signaling molecules to direct the development in one way or another, the researchers received many cell types, members of this human intestine. Within two months after the start of the experiment, the cells themselves “choosing a specialty”, was moved along the substrate and formed spherical structures that were separated from the substrate.

the Diameter of these structures was 1-2 cm. Their walls could absorb nutrients from the environment in which they were, and contract peristaltically, that is waves. In the same way be reduced and the walls of this intestine, which allows you to push food ball towards the anus. “Organelles” had such a small size due to the fact that the transport of oxygen and nutrients blood vessels (they twist around the real intestine, but not in derived structures) space is limited.

Despite the small size of the “mini-intestines”, they can be effectively used to study various processes in the human intestine, including its pathological changes. The model is particularly valuable because it is based on the cells of members of our species, not animals, whose cells, though may be similar in structure to a human, still differ from them.

it is Worth noting that not so long ago similar work was performed by American scientists. They also were able to achieve the occurrence of peristalsis in their “organelles”. the Materials: Scientists grow intestine in vitro

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