Monday, January 30, 2017

In the Park “Zaryadye” in Moscow found the locket of the XVI century with a Tudor rose – RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, 30 Jan — RIA Property. In the center of Moscow in the southern part of Zaryadye Park, archaeologists found a medallion of the XVI century, which is made of an alloy of lead and tin, and its diameter is about 5 centimeters, according to the website of the municipality.

“the Old product is decorated with the emblem of the Tudor rose, the heraldic symbol of the Royal dynasty of England”, — stated in the materials. During the reign of the Tudors, from 1485 to 1603, the logo a dual red and white roses (the symbol of reconciliation of two warring Royal dynasties of Lancaster and York) was applied to coins, hats, medallions and even playing chips.

they added that during the research it was also discovered the inscription “Dieu et mon droit” (“God and my right”). In addition, bears the date 1590. Engraved on the medallion is the phrase already 700 years and is the official motto of the British monarchy.

Perhaps this archaeological find linked to the activities of the Old English court, a building which is located on Varvarka. It existed in charge in the XVI century, the report said.

it added that earlier in the “Zaryadye” discovered a hoard of silver coins, and preserved from the great streets, wooden bridges and log homes.

the Zaryadye Park is created near the Kremlin on the site of the demolished hotel “Russia”. It will be organized four natural areas with artificial microclimate. The cost of the project financed from the budget of Moscow makes more than 13 billion rubles.


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