Wednesday, January 18, 2017

A new species of moth named in honor of trump because of his resemblance – Moskovsky Komsomolets

Insect reminded scientists elected American President hair

Today at 14:51, views: 2068

a Group of researchers under the leadership of the canadian biologist and taxonomist Vazrik Nazari found that the moth collection of the Museum of entomology Bogart refers to a previously unknown mind and named this species in honor of Donald trump. As explained by the authors of the open, the scales on the head of an insect resemble which became recently famous hairstyle elected President of the United States.

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the New species was named Neopalpa donaldtrumpi. According to the researchers, the scales on their head examined specimens have a yellowish-white color and a little bit of an unusual shape. Also the attention of researchers was attracted by the unusual color of the wings of moths that distinguish the new species from other members of the family of the family of moles vyemchataya.

Curious is the fact that moths discovered species, as suggested by experts, live near the U.S.-Mexico border on both sides. One of the most scandalous statements of the elected President of the United States, many consider his proposal to build a wall, passing through this border.

the Discovery of a new species on site that were considered well understood, emphasizes the need for even greater attention to biodiversity conservation on the planet, experts say.

On their findings, the scientists said in the pages of the scientific journal ZooKeys.

New types of scientists open quite often, and often scientists decide to name them in honor of certain historical figures or famous fictional characters. For example, last week it became known at once about two such examples — experts from the University of Oviedo called discovered on the coast of Havana volozaninova mollusk that can change color, in honor of the deceased in 2016, musician David Bowie, and another group of scientists from several countries have identified a new species of Gibbon living in the tropical forests of South-West China and named it in honor of the Luke Skywalker character’s fantastic Saga “Star wars.” At the end of last year spider found in India, scientists have named Eriovixia gryffindori in honor of the magical hats allocating students of the school of wizards in a series of books by JK Rowling about Harry Potter.

In honor of the incumbent President Barack Obama, the tenure of which the post will end on January 20, last year was named a kind of flat worms and a new kind of speckled Hawaiian fish.


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