Thursday, June 18, 2015

Innovative nanodrugs cancer in the hands of the Russian scientists – SoftSraze: actual and objectively

11_shutterstock_145125547 Scientists from the Russian National Research Technological University (NUST) won the Grand MISA 60 million rubles for the creation of a unique technique in the world struggle with cancer based on nanotechnology.

The medicine of the future will accurately diagnose cancer at an early stage and is highly effective to treat it.

According to the head of the scientific group (NUST) MISA, Alexander Mazhuga – a new concept in medicine has been made possible thanks to a key component in the product – magnetite nanoparticles ( Fe3O4 magnetic material), they make it possible to visualize the tumor using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and efficiently deliver drugs directly to cancer cells.

«The cell by programming it decides that it’s time to die ie mechanism runs inside. To achieve this, we need a very precise delivery of the classic chemotherapeutic agent against cancer at a certain temperature in diseased cells. Just here and we need magnetite nanoparticles. We are improving the technology of fastening drugs and vector ligand on the surface of our magnetic beads. Such a complex is injected into the body, fall exactly into the tumor (which we check just using magnetic beads and MRI), after which we include magnetic field heats the magnetite and the surface with drug flows directly to cells with cancer, wherein the temperature is such that the cell does not die from the direct effects of heat, as it was before, “- said Dr. Mazhuga.

Studies on the use of nanoparticles of magnetite conducted (NUST) MISA last 5 years, and now scientists managed to achieve a significant breakthrough in their work. First of all, experts plan to find effective methods of diagnostics with minimal dose of magnetite and a complete cleansing of the body from the drug after such a procedure. This should be a turning point in the use of magnetite, because at the moment there are some problems in the use of nanoparticles.

«Already in US hospitals use only 2 of the 5 previously used diagnostic products based on the magnetite. The reason – the toxicity in large doses that doctors have to be administered to patients. The thing is that these contrast agents accumulate in the human body, hardly excreted from the body, causing unwanted side effects, “- complains the head of the research group (NUST) MISA.

To work on a project on the territory of the future University (NUST) MISA built a new laboratory with modern equipment. Its walls will work 30 best experts in the field of chemistry, physics and biology at the University of “Biomedical nanomaterials».

In the case of success of the program, experts from (NUST) MISA is primarily will be engaged in the treatment of the most common diseases in oncology – liver cancer and prostate cancer.

Tags: doctors, health, study, research, medicine, nanotechnology, nanoparticles of magnetite, Science, oncology, Progress, cancer, Russian scientists, Russian, scientists experiment

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