Sunday, June 14, 2015

Bloggers exposed the fake on returning from Bermuda triangle board – Sight

Network users on how to create fake web message allegedly discovered in the Caribbean ship SS Cotopaxi, disappeared in December 1926 in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle.

In May, on the Internet came the news, according to which the Cuban Coast Guard found in the coastal waters to the west of Havana, in a closed area for shipping unidentified object is not responding on the radio. With sent to intercept the intruder patrol boats reported that in the restricted area is drifting ship without a crew. Climbing aboard, the guards allegedly found diary of Captain Meyer, in the 20s of the 20th century, served in the shipping company Clinchfield Navigation Company. According to media reports, the document allowed to establish the name of the vessel, which allegedly proved freighter SS Cotopaxi, missing in 1926.

Before the Russian media this news reached in mid-June. In particular, it said the TV channel “Star” and “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” referring to the portal Segnidalcielo.

Meanwhile, bloggers have shown that the reported ghost ship turned out to be false. For example, a user “LiveJournal” Trowel said that is distributed with the news photo was edited with Photoshop , and the original image is taken from the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind».

Also that signals the official from the Cuban Coast Guard about the detection of the ship did not arrive, and the people mentioned in the report, are not real.

is called the Bermuda Triangle section of the Atlantic bounded by Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Florida, according to popular opinion in this difficult-to-navigate area (numerous shoals, cyclones and storms) disappeared under mysterious circumstances more than 100 ships and aircraft. They blame the disappearance of rare and paranormal phenomena: submarine volcanoes wandering killer waves, infrasound, forcing crews to leave the court in a panic, and aliens abducting sailors for their own purposes.


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