Friday, October 10, 2014

In Indonesia, found ancient rock paintings – News Agency Times kz

In Indonesia, found ancient rock paintings

Scientists have discovered is believed to be the oldest examples of cave painting, made by man. The pictures are on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.

The researchers told the magazine Nature, that the opening of the cave paintings in Indonesia changes representation of how humanity has learned to draw.

Scientists from Australia and Indonesia established the age of the growths resembling stalactites limestone formed in the figures depicting human hands.

Among the petroglyphs in caves Sulawesi archaeologists recovered drawings of wild ungulates and stencil drawings of hands, made by blowing paint around palm pressed against the rock. According to the calculations of researchers, the oldest of the drawings found there was made about 40,000 years ago.

Becoming a man
Officer Australian Griffith University Mahim Obert, to determine the age of Indonesian figures reported that one of them may be the most ancient of all previously found.

“A hand was at least 39,000 years ago. This is the oldest image made from a template. Beside him is drawing pigs, which made at least 35,400 years ago. This is one of the most ancient examples of realistic painting, and, perhaps, the most ancient, “- said он.

In Indonesia, found ancient rock paintings

Among the petroglyphs in caves Sulawesi archaeologists recovered drawings of wild ungulates and stencil drawings of hands.

In the caves also have drawings made 27,000 years ago, which suggests that people who lived there painted over at least 13,000 years.

Arts and the ability to think in terms of abstract concepts are the factors that distinguish us from animals. Thanks to them, we learned to use fire, invented the wheel, and much more, which is why people rose above the rest of the world.

The emergence of art is one of those milestones that indicate the formation of man in the modern sense.

Age assessment of visiting patterns on Sulawesi make a new look at the evolution of человека.

In Indonesia, found ancient rock paintings

Source: Russian Service BBC



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