Monday, December 5, 2016

What the researchers found in the cave of the Holy Sepulchre – Komsomolskaya Pravda

we will Remind, on October 26, the National technical University of Athens removed the marble and for the first time in 500 years, opened the cave of the Holy Sepulchre. Under it they found a pile of stones and dust, and when removed this layer, I discovered a shelf of limestone, on which, perhaps, lay the body of Jesus Christ and another the marble slab. It was decorated elaborately carved cross.

- This find is proof that a place of worship today’s pilgrims is indeed the tomb was found in the IV century under the Emperor Constantine, said archeologist Fredrick hibert – the fact that throughout its history, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre has been repeatedly destroyed by fires, earthquakes and military action. And we didn’t have confidence that each time was restored on the same place.

About the meaning of these findings, we talked with a specialist in biblical archaeology Andrew Desnick. He is a doctor of Sciences and a leading researcher of the Institute of Oriental studies.

Andrew S., scientists find evidence that the Holy Sepulchre is the place which in the IV century found in the excavations at Calvary Byzantine Queen Helena. But the question arises, how accurately the tomb of Jesus originally set Elena herself? How she professionally acted?

- the Empress Helena, mother of Constantine, who made the first archaeological journey to the Holy Land, was not an archaeologist, she didn’t try to restore history. She was a faithful Christian and sought to find the Holy places, to find items related to the Gospel events, to bow to them. She’s largely succeeded because of the gospel events, it was separated by nearly 200 years. The living witnesses were gone. But were living people who remembered how grandfather told him the story, which, in turn, learned from his grandfather. It’s long, but not terribly long in the memory of the people something that they will persist. So it could have something to detect. In fact the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and some other places back to its journey.

October 26, experts of the National technical University of Athens removed the marble and for the first time in 500 years, opened the cave of the Holy SepulchrePhoto: EAST NEWS

- That is, there were people who could say, here in this house questioned Jesus, and in this he was executed?

- No, to the 70-th year of our era after the Jewish revolt Jerusalem was completely, literally, wiped off the face of the earth and in its place was built the Roman city Aelia Capitolina. Moreover, it was forbidden the Jews live. In other words, the city was destroyed absolutely everything. And today, when the devout pilgrims believe that the via Delorosa in Jerusalem is the street, which was Jesus Christ to the place of crucifixion, they are greatly mistaken. It’s not exactly the same street because it was completely destroyed and houses were built much later.

the Church of the Holy Sepulchre has been repeatedly destroyed by fires, earthquakes and war: EAST NEWS

the achievements of modern science allow criminologists to solve crimes that happened so many years ago. To what was expected by scientists when they opened the Sepulchre? For example, hypothetically, can be found a particle of the blood of Christ?

about the opening of the tomb: in fact, Christians believe that the tomb revealed the Resurrection of Christ 2 thousand years ago. That studied recently in Jerusalem is not the tomb of Christ, it’s a small Edicule – the chapel, which was built in the XVI century by the Franciscans on the site where there was a cave, long ago destroyed by the time. Then in the sixteenth century was laid a marble slab, because attracting huge number of pilgrims who probably wanted to accolate stone from the place where lay the Christ. And of course there was nothing I could remain. Imagine what it’s like 13 centuries of pilgrimage (if you count from the time of Queen Helena)! So we decided to equip this place to be neat, nice and will not otkovyryat. Under the slab, nothing significant found. What can you look for? You know, science is driven by simple human curiosity. Not every investigation ends in a result. This is largely a matter of chance. Like for example, history of the di scovery of the most famous archaeological finds of the twentieth century those places is the Dead sea scrolls. They were found when the shepherd boy-a Bedouin was looking for his missing goats. Approaching a cave, he threw a stone to check whether there is not hiding some kind of animal. The stone smashed the jug. The boy heard the sound of breaking of a clay vessel, he was curious, he climbed inside and found the pitcher, which was really the scrolls. This discovery by accident, scrolls no one was looking and in these caves, no one in 2 thousand years did not look. Certainly there is a lot more interesting will be found. The task of science is to climb everywhere with a curious nose, but do not expect that every place will be found amazing finds – not at all!


In the Sepulchre will be looking for the blood of Jesus Christ

In the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem started a restoration. In the course of her stone bed, on which rested the body of Jesus Christ, removed the marble slab. She covered it with box 1555 (details)

Posted video of the opening of the coffin of Jesus Christ. Scientists reveal, grobnica for the first time in the modern era for restoration


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