Monday, December 5, 2016

Central Bank propose to establish a pay system for the protection of banks against cyber attacks – the Banker.Ru

Speaking at the plenary session of Parliament on December 2, Andrey Makarov recalled that in November 2016, for three weeks, the Russian banks have undergone a powerful cyber attack, which is “not yet”. According to Makarov, at the time, “nearly 40 million people received various notices that their deposits are threatened”; even earlier false information about the threats [security] distributed through the parents of schoolchildren and pupils of kindergartens, Makarov said.

It would be correct if the Bank of Russia undertook the creation of infrastructure to protect from cyber-attacks; in the future it could work “on the principle of nvqs”, for a fee.

“cyber Attacks on banks are a systemic threat,”— said the MP, adding that the budget Committee will apply to the Central Bank, “so we can see all the necessary measures to protect our banking system”.

At the same session of the Duma on the need to strengthen the protection of the financial system from cyber attacks, said Anatoly Aksakov. In his opinion, it would be correct if the Bank of Russia undertook the creation of infrastructure to protect from cyber-attacks; in the future it could work “on the principle of nvqs”, on a paid basis. It could take advantage of the “many organizations that don’t have enough funds to create their own such capital-intensive systems,” said Aksakov. He believes that such a system could pay for itself and ensure the safety of the financial system.

the Concern of parliamentarians called the message of the FSB of Russia about the planned starting from December 5 a large-scale cyber attacks by foreign intelligence services to the largest banks with the aim of destabilizing the Russian financial system. FSB warned of a possible mass SMS-mailings and publications in social networks provocative messages about the bankruptcies and the recall of licenses from leading Federal and regional banks.

the day Before, December 4, to temporarily disable ATM networks reported some of the Crimean banks, passed “RIA Novosti”. In particular, the operation of the devices blocked the Genebank naming as the cause warning intelligence about a possible DDoS attack to banks of the Russian Federation.

meanwhile, the Chairman of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina, Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Moiseev has repeatedly stated that the Central Bank and the Treasury is ready to help banks if they are subjected to cyber-attacks, and if necessary provide them with additional liquidity. “The Central Bank has all the tools, if you need the banks to help. Such attacks have already been,” said the deputies Elvira Nabiullina on December 2.

In June last year, the Central Bank has created a Central monitoring and response to computer attacks in the financial sphere (FinCERT), it collects information on cybercrime in the financial sector and develops banking financial institutions guidelines for reflection attacks. However, the interaction of banks with FinCERT has so far been voluntary and free of charge.


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