Friday, December 30, 2016

Biologists: Bacteria in the human gut affect mood Росбалт.RU

Bacteria in the gut affect the person’s mood, said Spanish scientists. The fact that the concentration of serotonin, or the so-called happiness hormone in the human body depends on the activity of bacteria in the gut.

the Researchers found that the receptors TLR2 in the cells of the intestines not only are a sensor of the presence of microbes in the human intestine, but also to manage the transportation of serotonin. Therefore, there is a relationship between the activity of intestinal bacteria and mood.

Serotonin — very important for the human brain. In addition to emotion it controls sleep, response to pain, as well as operation of vessels. It is noteworthy that this hormone affects the development of a number of mental diseases.

Consequently, biologists have suggested that illnesses can be combated by adjusting the microflora. Now, scientists are further research in this direction, reports Vlad Time.


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