Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The number of cheetahs decreases sprint rate Вести.Ru

Maybe the Cheetah and the fastest mammal on Earth, but he can’t run away from serious threats. In the world there are of the order of 7100 individuals. Recently, experts have called for change in conservation status of the predator from “vulnerable” to “endangered”.

recently, scientists have published new data assessing the status of the global populations of Cheetah today. So, according to the experts, the Asian Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus venaticus) less than 50 (!) individuals in the protected area of Iran. This subspecies of Cheetah have left in the territory of India, the predator disappeared from the area over 50 years ago.

Today Asiatic cheetahs are listed as “animals that are in critical danger” in the Red List of the International Union for conservation of nature (IUCN).

the Cheetah, which include four subspecies from Africa (the Asian subspecies is considered to be the fifth), is listed in the category of “vulnerable” list of IUCN. However, thanks to new research findings, scientists and calls upon the members of IUCN to review the status of a predator.

Experts want the Cheetah is assigned a conservation status of “endangered species”. Such categories of animals, tend to receive more attention when it comes to providing conditions for the preservation of the species. Latest work essential to the Cheetah, sure zoologists.

a Significant decline in numbers can partly be explained by “the widespread threat posed by the conflict between man and wildlife.” In other words, excessive hunting of man on rare animals, habitat loss, poaching and trade of cheetahs as exotic Pets much harm to these predators. Mentioned by representatives of one of the leading organizations Panthera behind the study.

it is Noted that cheetahs require large areas for hunting and breeding, but many people use them for their own purposes. The total area of the habitat cheetahs today accounts for only nine percent of the originally occupied territories.

for Example, the number of cheetahs in Zimbabwe (it is home to one of the subspecies of the animal A. j. jubatus) has declined from 1,200 animals to an incredible 170. About 85 percent zhivotnyh disappeared in these areas only over the last 16 years. Another subspecies of A. j. hecki, also known as the Saharan Cheetah, is also included in the IUCN Red List as animals, “in critical danger”.

“Given the hidden nature of this elusive animal, scientists are very difficult to gather information about the types. This led to the fact that their problems, few people paid attention. Our results show that the huge areas required for the cheetahs in combination with a number of threats faced by animals in the wild, meaning that they are likely much more danger than previously thought,” says the study’s lead author Sarah Durant (Sarah Durant) of the Zoological society of London and wildlife conservation Society.

Cheetah may disappear forever unless urgent action is taken to preserve them – scientists are sounding the alarm. Experts believe that it is not enough just to provide the animals protected areas (especially since in such areas are inhabited by one third of the cheetahs). You need to think bigger, believe ecologists and zoologists. Keep all of the habitat of predators, not just those that are officially under protection.

the Study is described in detail in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

we will Add that earlier the staff of the International Union for conservation of nature made a shocking statement – giraffes are also on the verge of extinction. And even the close relatives of people facing the same fate. How affects the whole ecosystem in General, if you remove one element, we described the example of the disappearance of the lemurs.

Also recall about other scientists ‘ work relating to the fastest mammals. It turned out that Cheetah 100 thousand years ago migrated to Africa from North America. In addition, this magnificent beast is inspiring engineers to create a high-speed robots.


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