Since its debut show, The Grand Tour, created by the famous trio of British presenters were available to a limited number of audience from USA, UK, Germany, Austria and Japan. Russian fans of Clarkson, Hammond and may’s had the habit of digging the Internet in search of pirate records. However, now Amazon Prime Video available in Russia, and more than 200 countries around the world.
However, the pleasure will have to pay. New users, Amazon provides a 7-day free period after which you can subscribe for half of the year with a monthly fee of 2.99 euros. After the completion of the promotional period each month subscription will cost 5.99 Euro. One more thing – the TV show, The Grand Tour is broadcast in English with subtitles in Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese to choose from.
by the Way, today show, Clarkson, Hammond and may’s already a record for the number of pirated downloads. This parameter automotive program has overtaken even the TV series “Game of Thrones”. The first episode of the TV show was illegally downloaded nearly 8 million times, the second series received 6.4 million downloads, and the third episode of users have downloaded bypassing official channels 4.6 million times.
currently, the number of official subscribers to the service has 63 million people, with about 19 million joined the Amazon over the last year. The first episode of the show The Grand Tour was named the most popular manual Amazon premiere in the history of existence of the service.
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