As you can remember from the presentation from AMD regarding the announcement of processors Ryzen, than competing Intel platform were carried out, including using free Blender. The package was used on both platform with one objective: to render an image of the CPU with the AMD logo Ryzen. Ryzen AMD and Intel Core i7-6900K coped with the task in about the same time: 36 seconds. Since AMD posted a sample model in free access, and the program Blender does not require purchase, now everyone Moet run the same test on your own system and learn how the new 8-core AMD processor fa ster or slower current platform.
the Program Blender 64-bit version of 2.78 a for Windows 10, you can take here. It should be clarified that test results depend on the operating system and will be the closest to the original result, only Windows 10. Even the use of Windows 8 will greatly change the result. Also, before testing, it is recommended to reboot the system and let it “settle” after rebooting, how to close all unnecessary applications including antivirus programs. It will also provide an approximation to the figures obtained during the official testing.
Another point that you need to pay attention to AMD during the demonstration, set the number of cycles (sample size) equal to 100 (for convenience of presentation). Published the same result — render within 36 seconds is obtained when setting the sample size at 150. To obtain the identical result, you should also take into account this value before starting the test. Set? Then two mouse clicks on downloaded from site AMD file RyzenGraphic_27.blend or selecting a file through the Blender menu, “open file” and go! After a short time you will know you need Ryzen AMD or not.
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